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Vorobyov, Alexander Yu (1993). Production Aspects of Russian Transition. UNU-WIDER. 679  
Weehuizen, Rifka, Sanditov, Bulat and Cowan, Robin, Productivity effects of innovation, stress and social relations. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, (3), 245  
Weehuizen, Rifka, Sanditov, Bulat and Cowan, Robin (2008). Productivity effects of innovation, stress and social relations. UNU-MERIT. 890 507
Howard, Emma, Newman, Carol, Rand, John and Tarp, Finn (2014). Productivity-Enhancing Manufacturing Clusters : Evidence from Vietnam. UNU-WIDER. 471  
Jacob, Jojo and Meister, Christoph, Productivity Gains, Technology Spillovers, and Trade: Indonesian Manufacturing, 1980-1996. Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, (1), 278  
Wakelin, Katherine (1997). Productivity Growth and R&D Expenditure in UK Manufacturing firms. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT. 846 872
Wang, Lili and Szirmai, Adam, Productivity Growth and Structural Change in Chinese Manufacturing, 1980–2002. Industrial and Corporate Change, (4), 204  
Kjellstorm, Tord, (2014). Productivity losses ignored in economic analysis of climate change. Our World, n/a-n/a 419  
Mueller, Lothar, Ball, Bruce C., Smolentseva, Elena, Sychev, Victor G., Shepherd, T. Graham, Qadir, Manzoor, Helming, Katharina, Behrendt, Axel and Eulenstein, Frank, "Productivity Potentials of the Global Land Resource for Cropping and Grazing" in Novel Measurement and Assessment Tools for Monitoring and Management of Land and Water Resources in Agricultural Landscapes of Central Asia ed. Mueller, Lothar, Saparov, Abdulla and Lischeid, Gunnar (Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2014), 115-142. 951  
Sanders, Mark (2002). Product lifecycles and skill-biased technical change. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT. 410 77
Polder, Michael, van Leeuwen, George, Mohnen, Pierre and Raymond, Wladimir (2010). Product, process and organizational innovation: drivers, complementarity and productivity effects. UNU-MERIT. 1347 1206
Robert Ayres (1999). Products as service carriers: Should we kill the messenger – or send it back?. Zero Emissions Forum. United Nations University. 212 42
Huisman, Jaco, Habib, Hina, Baldé, Kees, van Straalen, Vincent, Chancerel, Perrine, Chanson, Claude, Söderman, Maria L. and Kushnir, Duncan (2017). Product Stocks and Flows. ProSUM Consortium. 416  
Meca, Alan, Cruz, Bethany, Lucero, Jacqueline, Ward, Colleen, Schwartz, Seth J., Stuart, Jaimee, Szabó, Ágnes, Hinojosa, Zenetta and Laird, Angela R., (2023). Profiles of acculturative strategies and cultural stressors among Hispanic/Latinx college-attending emerging adults.. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology, n/a-n/a 81  
Kuschminder, Katherine, Andersson, Lisa and Siegel, Melissa, "Profiling Ethiopian migration: A comparison of characteristics of Ethiopian migrants to Africa, the Middle East and the North" in Crossing African borders: Migration and mobility ed. Cristina Udelsmann Rodrigues (). 254  
Birkmann, Joern, Garschagen, Matthias, Tuan, Vo Van and Binh, Nguyen T., "Profiling present and future vulnerability to water-related hazards in the Mekong Delta" in The Mekong Delta system. Interdisciplinary analyses of a river delta ed. Renaud, Fabrice G. and Kuenzer, Claudia (Dordrecht: Springer Environmental Science Engineering, 2012), 83-132. 1025  
Marglin, Stephen A. and Bhaduri, Amit (1988). Profit Squeeze and Keynesian Theory. UNU-WIDER. 222  
Estevez, Elsa and Janowski, Tomasz, "Programmable messaging for electronic government: building a foundation" in Lecture notes in computer science (Berlin: Springer, 2007), 219-236. 605  
Hosseinzadehtalaei, Parisa, Termonia, Piet, Tabari, Hossein and Sherpa, Sonam F., (2024). Projected changes in compound hot-dry events depend on the dry indicator considered. Communications earth and environment, 5 220 (2024)-n/a 70 21
Blöndal, Nina and White, Howard (2007). Projecting Progress toward the Millennium Development Goals. UNU-WIDER. 355  
Muñiz Castillo, Mirtha R. (2010). Project logic, organisational practices and human autonomy; Four foreign-aided projects in Nicaragua and El Salvador. n/a. 559 121
Gibson, Mandy, Rolls, Charles, Robson, Mark, Ward, Raelene, Stuart, Jaimee and Lambden, Debbie, (2024). Project Yarn Circle: Development and Pilot Evaluation of a Cultural Connection Suicide Prevention Program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Young People. Australian Psychologist, 59(6), 508-522 27 10
Marchesi, Silvia and Sabani, Laura (2006). Prolonged Use and Conditionality Failure : Investigating IMF Responsibility. UNU-WIDER. 419  
Azomahou, Théophile T., Boucekkine, Raouf and Nguyen-Van, Phu (2008). Promoting clean technologies: The energy market structure crucially matters. UNU-MERIT. 789 176
Edevbaro, Daniel (1997). Promoting Education within the Context of a Neo-Patrimonial State : The Case of Nigeria. UNU-WIDER. 624  
Aricò, Salvatore, Chambers, Bradnee W., Herman, Barry, Zakri, Abdul Hamid, Usui, Mikoto, Shah, Mahendra, Platiau, Ana F.B., Koester, Veit, Kim, Joy, Johnston, Sam and Carter, Rebecca (2005). Promoting Enfranchisement: Toward Inclusion and Influence in Sustainable Development Governance. United Nations University. 664 374
Naudé, Wim (2010). Promoting Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries: Policy Challenges. United Nations University. 2137 1594
Promoting Green Economy: Implications for Natural Resources Development, Food Security and Poverty Reduction in Africa, ed. Ayuk, Elias T., Oku, Effiom, Asubonteng, Kwabena O. and Nutakor, Praise (Accra: United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa, 2016). 2549 1087
Fioramonti, Lorenzo, "Promoting Human Rights and Democracy: A New Paradigm for the European Union" in The European Union and the Arab Spring: Promoting Democracy in the Middle East (Lanham: Lexington Books, 2012), 17-32. 717  
Corendea, Cosmin, Bello, Valeria and Bryar, Timothy (2015). Promoting human security and minimizing conflict associated with forced migration in the Pacific region. Pacific Policy Brief. Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, UNU-GCM, UNU-EHS. 962  
Minhas, Paramjit S. and Qadir, M., "Promoting Irrigation Sustainability with Saline Water: The Way Forward" in Irrigation Sustainability with Saline and Alkali Waters: Extent, Impacts and Management Guidelines (Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2024), 295-304. 39  
Balcha, Arena E. (2018). Promoting Neglected and Underutilized Plant Species for improved Food Security. UNU-INRA Policy Brief. UNU-INRA. 491 196
Hercog, Metka and Siegel, Melissa (2011). Promoting return and circular migration of the highly skilled. UNU-MERIT. 785 357
Rackelmann, Fabian, Sparkes, Edward, Sabino Siemons, Anne-Sophie, Hashweh, Dalia, Pineda Fernandez, Diana M., Werners, Saskia E., Orr, Barron J., Andreeva, Olga and Walz, Yvonne (2024). Promoting synergies between land degradation neutrality and climate change adaptation: A supplement to the National Adaptation Plan technical guidelines. United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). 40 17
Gunasiri Wadumestrige Dona, Chethika, Mohan, Geetha and Fukushi, Kensuke, (2021). Promoting Urban Agriculture and Its Opportunities and Challenges—A Global Review. Sustainability, 13(17), 1-22 286 1226
Hettiarachchi, Hiroshan and Kshourad, Chandrashekar, "Promoting Waste-to-Energy: Nexus Thinking, Policy Instruments, and Implications for the Environment" in Current Developments in Biotechnology & Bioengineering: Waste Treatment Processes for Energy Generation ed. Kumar, Sunil, Kumar, Rakesh and Pandey, Ashok (Amsterdam: Susan Dennis, 2019), 163-184. 593  
Puppim de Oliveira, José A., Doll, Christopher N.H., Kurniawan, Tonni A., Geng, Yong, Kapshe, Manmohan and Huisingh, Donald, (2013). Promoting win–win situations in climate change mitigation, local environmental quality and development in Asian cities through co-benefits. Journal of Cleaner Production, 58 1-6 690   0
Otobe, Naoko (2014). Promoting Women’s Economic Empowerment Through Productive Employment and Social Protection. UNU-WIDER. 434  
Islamov, Bakhtior and Johnson, Simon (1991). Property Rights and Economic Reform in Uzbekistan. UNU-WIDER. 180  
Sonne, Lina (2010). Pro-Poor, Entrepreneur-Based Innovation and it’s Role in Rural Development. UNU-MERIT. 621 148
Kakwani, Nanak and Son, Hyun H. (2006). Pro-Poor Growth : The Asian Experience. UNU-WIDER. 443  
Müller, Ulrike (2012). Pro-poor Service Delivery and Social Identity. UNU-WIDER. 414  
Williamson, John (2002). Proposals for Curbing the Boom-Bust Cycle in the Supply of Capital to Emerging Markets. UNU-WIDER. 383  
Huisman, Jaco, Leroy, Pascal, Tertre, François, Söderman, Maria L., Chancerel, Perrine, Cassard, Daniel, Løvik, Amund N., Wäger, Patrick, Kushnir, Duncan, Rotter, Susanne, Mählitz, Paul, Herreras-Martínez, Lucía, Emmerich, Johanna, Hallberg, Anders, Habib, Hina, Wagner, Michelle and Downes, Sarah (2017). Prospecting Secondary raw materials in the Urban mine and Mining wastes: Final Report. ProSUM Consortium. 811 552
Rehbach, Jakob and Hinsberger, Inés (2008). Prospective risk management: a review of German legislation targeting integral flood management. UNU-EHS Working Paper. UNU- EHS. 6460 1739
Madueke, C.I. and Mkpado M. (2017). Prospects and Constraints of Investment in Environmentally-Friendly Infrastructure in Western Nigeria. UNU-INRA Working Paper. United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa. 694 530
Rose, Amy, Stoner, Robert J. and Pérez-Arriaga, Ignacio (2014). Prospects for Grid-Connected Solar Photovoltaic in Kenya : A Systems Approach. UNU-WIDER. 358  
Bigsten, Arne and Shimeles, Abebe (2004). Prospects for 'Pro-Poor' Growth in Africa. UNU-WIDER. 392  
Adeya, Catherine Nyaki and Cogburn, Derrick L. (2001). Prospects for the Digital Economy in South Africa : Technology, Policy, People, and Strategies. UNU-WIDER. 335  
(2013). ProSPER.Net: Developing a New Generation of Leaders 2008-2013. United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies. 471