Promoting Neglected and Underutilized Plant Species for improved Food Security

Balcha, Arena E. (2018). Promoting Neglected and Underutilized Plant Species for improved Food Security. UNU-INRA Policy Brief. UNU-INRA.

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  • Sub-type Policy brief
    Author Balcha, Arena E.
    Editor Ayuk, Elias T.
    Quartey, Vicentia Y.
    Title Promoting Neglected and Underutilized Plant Species for improved Food Security
    Series Title UNU-INRA Policy Brief
    Volume/Issue No. No. 19
    Publication Date 2018-09-21
    Place of Publication Accra
    Publisher UNU-INRA
    Pages 4
    Language eng
    Abstract For centuries, plants have been used as a source of food, medicine and material culture. The focus of modern research and technology developments on crop plants, however, has narrowed the number of utilizable crop plants. This study reports the cultural food significance of neglected and underutilized crop plants in southwest Oromia, Ethiopia.
    Keyword Neglected and Underutilized Plant species (NUPs)
    Cultural Food Significance Index (CFSI)
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    Copyright Holder UNU-INRA
    Copyright Year 2018
    Copyright type Fair use permitted
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    Created: Fri, 21 Sep 2018, 22:52:01 JST by Vicentia Quartey on behalf of UNU INRA