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Qadir, M., Drechsel, P., Salcedo, FP, Robles, LP., Ben-Gal, A. and Grattan, SR., "Chemical risks and risk management measures of relevance to crop production with special consideration of salinity" in Water Quality in Agriculture: Risks and Risk Mitigation (Rome: FAO and IWMI, 2023), 41-46. 62  
Minhas, P.S. and Qadir, M., "Effects of Irrigation with Saline, Saline-sodic and Alkali Waters on Soils" in Irrigation Sustainability with Saline and Alkali Waters: Extent, Impacts and Management Guidelines (Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2024), 69-110. 56  
Minhas, Paramjit S. and Qadir, M., "Genesis, Distribution and Hydrochemical Features of Saline Groundwater" in Irrigation Sustainability with Saline and Alkali Waters: Extent, Impacts and Management Guidelines (Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2024), 15-67. 46  
Minhas, Paramjit S. and Qadir, M., "Managing Saline Irrigation in Horticultural Crops" in Irrigation Sustainability with Saline and Alkali Waters: Extent, Impacts and Management Guidelines (Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2024), 215-248. 45  
Minhas, Paramjit S. and Qadir, M., "Managing Saline-Sodic and Alkali Waters for Crop Production" in Irrigation Sustainability with Saline and Alkali Waters: Extent, Impacts and Management Guidelines (Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2024), 161-190. 51  
Minhas, Paramjit S. and Qadir, M., "Managing Saline Water for Irrigating Agricultural Crops" in Irrigation Sustainability with Saline and Alkali Waters: Extent, Impacts and Management Guidelines (Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2024), 111-160. 42  
Minhas, Paramjit S. and Qadir, M., "Promoting Irrigation Sustainability with Saline Water: The Way Forward" in Irrigation Sustainability with Saline and Alkali Waters: Extent, Impacts and Management Guidelines (Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2024), 295-304. 39  
Qadir, M., "Water-Food Equation in Central and South Asia" in The Water, Energy, and Food Security Nexus in Asia and the Pacific (Berlin: Springer Cham, 2024), 61-77. 52  
Minhas, Paramjit S. and Qadir, M., "Water Quality Guidelines for Irrigation" in Irrigation Sustainability with Saline and Alkali Waters: Extent, Impacts and Management Guidelines (Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2024), 277-294. 46  
Minhas, Paramjit S. and Qadir, M., "Water Resources Used in Agriculture: Historical and Global Perspectives" in Irrigation Sustainability with Saline and Alkali Waters (Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2024), 1-13. 52