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Corendea, Cosmin, Legal Protection of the Sinking Islands Refugees, (Lake Mary: Vandeplas Publishing, 2016). 6835  
Ben O’Bright and Dr. Hany Besada (2020). Legislative Paper Tiger: Can Zambia Use Good Policy by Itself to Solve its Resource Curse?. UNU INRA. 181 108
Ben O’Bright and Dr. Hany Besada (2020). Legislative Paper Tiger – Challenges and Solutions to Natural Resource Governance in Zambia. UNU INRA. 204 121
Popovski, Vesselin and Turner, Nicholas, "Legitimacy as complement and corrective to legality" in Legality and legitimacy in global affairs ed. Falk, Richard A., Juergensmeyer, Mark and Popovski, Vesselin (New York: Oxford University Press, 2012), 439-451. 572  
Slocum-Bradley, Nikki (2006). Legitimisation and Expressions of Identity and Attitude: A Discursve Approach. UNU Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies. 164  
Guenther, Edeltraud, Becker-Thierry, Sabine, Nebel, Bastian and Kirschke, Sabrina, (2021). Leistungsmessung an der Universität der Vereinten Nationen: Eine Perspektive aus dem nicht-wirtschaftlichen Bereich. Controlling, 33(6), 36-43 398 83
Molano Cruz, Giovanni (2009). Le plan d'action de la Barbade - régionalisme, interrégionalisme et multilatéralisme dans un cas concret: la coopération contre le traffic illicite de drogues. UNU Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies. 204 94
Mohd Radi, Mohd F., Hashim, Jamal H., Jaafar, Mohd H., Hod, Rozita, Ahmad, Norfazilah, Nawi, Azmawati M., Baloch, Gul M., Ismail, Rohaida and Ayub, Nur I. F., (2018). Leptospirosis Outbreak After the 2014 Major Flooding Event in Kelantan, Malaysia: A Spatial-Temporal Analysis.  The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 98(5), 1281-1295 348  
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2012). Le réel défi est de parvenir à articuler les niveaux de gouvernance existants. Global Local Forum, 442-442 502  
Birkmann, Joern, (2008). Lernen aus "natur"katastrophen : die "letzte" meile zur ersten machen. Geographie und Schule, 171 11-19 522  
De Lombaerde, Philippe (2003). Le Soutien de l’Intégration Régionale: La Feuille de Route des Indicateurs et Outils. UNU Institute on Regional Integration Studies. 163  
Addison, Tony and Tarp, Finn (2015). Lessons for Japanese foreign aid from research on aid’s impact. UNU-WIDER. 511  
Vaughn, Leona (2023). Lessons from Canada’s Approach to Extending Financial Access to Survivors of Modern Slavery. United Nations University. 168 283
Saraswati, Putri W., (2022). Lessons from COVAX could help vaccine equity. 360info, n/a-n/a 126  
Lawrence, Roderick J., Capon, Anthony G. and Siri, José G., (2017). Lessons from Hippocrates for contemporary urban health challenges. Cities & Health, 1(1), 72-82 515  
Deleglise, Dimpho, "Lessons from Mediating Lesotho's Political Disputes" in Southern African Security Review 2020 ed. Khadiagala, Gilbert and Deleglise, Dimpho (Mozambique: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and University of the Witwatersrand, 2020), 133-162. 85  
Chong, Hui Wee and Jomo, K. S. (2010). Lessons from Post-colonial Malaysian Economic Development. UNU-WIDER. 472  
Eckstein, Alice, Maha Khan and Vaughn, Leona (2024). Lessons from the Survivor Inclusion Initiative. United Nations University. 96 76
Vaughn, Leona and Pescinski, Janina (2022). Lessons from the Survivor Inclusion Initiative (SII) in the UK, US, and Canada. United Nations University. 409 987
Popov, Vladimir (2009). Lessons from the Transition Economies : Putting the Success Stories of the Postcommunist World into a Broader Perspective. UNU-WIDER. 426  
Smyth, Thomas N., Meng, Amanda, Moreno, Andrés, Best, Michael L. and Zegura, Ellen W., "Lessons in Social Election Monitoring" 8th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development, ICTD 2016, Ann Arbor, 2016/06/03-06. 706   0
Dunbar, William, Subramanian, Suneetha M., Matsumoto, Ikuko, Natori, Yoji, Dublin, Devon, Bergamini, Nadia, Mijatovic, Dunja, Álvarez, Alejandro González, Yiu, Evonne, Ichikawa, Kaoru, Morimoto, Yukihiro, Halewood, Michael, Maundu, Patrick, Salvemini, Diana, Tschentscher, Tamara and Mock, Gregory, "Lessons Learned from Application of the “Indicators of Resilience in Socio-ecological Production Landscapes and Seascapes (SEPLS)” Under the Satoyama Initiative" in Managing Socio-ecological Production Landscapes and Seascapes for Sustainable Communities in Asia ed. Saito, Osamu, Subramanian, Suneetha M., Hashimoto, Shizuka and Takeuchi, Kazuhiko (Singapore: Springer Nature, 2020), 93-116. 560 313
Glantz, Michael H. (2000). Lessons Learned from the 1997–98 El Niño: Once Burned, Twice Shy?. Reducing the Impact of Environmental Emergencies through Early Warning and Preparedness: The Case of the 1997–98 El Niño. United Nations University. 237 299
Burnell, Peter J. (2011). Lessons of Experience in International Democracy Support : Implications for Supporting Democratic Change in North Africa. UNU-WIDER. 342  
Marglin, Stephen A. (1988). Lessons of the Golden Age of Capitalism. UNU-WIDER. 155  
Koyama, Sayako, Let's Make a Harvest Feast!, ed. UNU-IAS OUIK (Kanazawa: UNU-IAS OUIK, 2020). 391 718
Chandran, Rahul (2015). Let’s start at the very beginning: Governing the UN Development System in the age of sustainable development. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research. 364 105
Garmendia, Eneko, Ojea, Elena, Pascual, Unai and Phelps, Jacob (2013). Leveraging Global Climate Finance for Sustainable Forests : Opportunities and Conditions for Successful Foreign Aid to the Forestry Sector. UNU-WIDER. 360  
Dr. Julius Gatune (2021). Leveraging Mineral Value Chains for Broad-Based and Sustainable Development – Policy Options for Ghana. UNU INRA. 183 90
Dr. Julius Gatune (2020). Leveraging Mineral Value Chains for Broad-Based and Sustainable Development – Policy Options for Ghana. UNU INRA. 184 138
De Lombaerde, Philippe, "Liberación comercial, concentración industrial y política de competencia en Colombia" in Regulación Económica: Tendencias y Desafíos. (Bogota: Universidad del Rosario-Temis, 2004). 199  
De Lombaerde, Philippe (2004). Liberación comercial, concentración industrial y política de competencia en Colombia. UNU Institute on Regional Integration Studies. 166 50
Pan, Wen, Hosli, Madeleine and Lantmeeters, Michaël (2019). Liberal Intergovernmentalism and the Establishment of the European Stability Mechanism. UNU-CRIS Working Papers. UNU Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies. 237  
Cornia, Giovanni Andrea (1999). Liberalization, Globalization and Income Distribution. UNU-WIDER. 522  
Haaparanta, Pertti and Kähkönen, Juha (1986). Liberalization of Capital Movements and Trade : Real Appreciation, Employment and Welfare. UNU-WIDER. 243  
Aginam, Obijiofor, "Liberalization of fair trade or globalization of human (in)security? protecting public goods in the emerging economic integration of the americas" in Re-mapping the americas:trends in region- making ed. Knight, W. Andy, Castro-Rea, Julián and Ghany, Hamid (Farnham: Ashgate, 2014), 263-272. 629  
Seppala, Pekka, Chirwa, Ephraim W. and Ikiara, Gerrishon K. (1998). Liberalized and Neglected? : Food Marketing Policies in Eastern Africa. UNU-WIDER. 480  
Kar, Saibal and Kar, Mausumi (2015). Liberalized Trade Policy and Inequality : Evidence from Post-Multi-Fibre Arrangement India and Some Theoretical Issues. UNU-WIDER. 376  
Bacon, Laura M. (2013). Liberia’s Gender-Sensitive Police Reform : Starting from Scratch? Improving Representation and Responsiveness. UNU-WIDER. 397  
Reitano, Tuesday and Shaw, Mark (2017). Libya: The Politics of Power, Protection, Identity and Illicit Trade. Crime-Conflict Nexus Series. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research. 1036 1524
Jordaan, Sarah M., Combs, Cory and Guenther, Edeltraud, (2021). Life cycle assessment of electricity generation: A systematic review of spatiotemporal methods. Advances in Applied Energy, 3 1-15 532  
Reddy, V. Ratna and Kurian, Mathew, "Life-Cycle Cost Analysis of Infrastructure Projects" in Governing the Nexus: Water, Soil and Waste Resources Considering Global Change ed. Kurian, Mathew and Ardakanian, Reza (Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015), 105-127. 625   0
Reddy, V. Ratna, Kurian, Mathew and Ardakanian, Reza, Life-cycle Cost Approach for Management of Environmental Resources: A Primer, (The Netherlands: Springer, 2015). 2129  
Sologon, Denisa Maria and O'Donoghue, Cathal (2009). Lifetime earnings differentials? Earnings mobility in the EU: 1994-2001. Maastricht University. 503 69
Lightning Wires: Telegraphs and China's Technological Modernization 1860-1890, ed. Baark, Erik (Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press, 1997). 732  
Kimutai, Joyce, Faka, Dieudonne N., Ayabagabo, Prosper, Barnes, Clair, Zachariah, Mariam, Pinto, Izidine, Koren, Gerbrand, Vahlberg, Maja, Singh, Roop, Heinrich, Dorothy, Raju, Emmanuel, Thalheimer, Lisa, Sivanu, Sajanika and Otto, Friederike (2023). Limited data prevent assessment of role of climate change in deadly floods affecting highly vulnerable communities around Lake Kivu. Grantham Institute, Imperial College London. 228  
Musizvingoza, Ronald and Lopes, Claudia A., (2022). Limited gender data deepens inequalities. 360info, n/a-n/a 182 66
Basu, Kaushik (1989). Limited Liability and the Existence of Share Tenancy. UNU-WIDER. 235  
Harrington, Luke J., Wolski, Piotr, Pinto, Izidine, Ramarosandratana, Anzelà M., Barimalala, Rondrotiana, Vautard, Robert, Philip, Sjoukje, Kew, Sarah, Singh, Roop, Heinrich, Dorothy, Arrighi, Julie, Raju, Emmanuel, Thalheimer, Lisa, Razanakoto, Thierry, van Aalst, Maarten K., Li, Sihan, Bonnet, Remy, Yang, Wenchang, Otto, Friederike and van Oldenborgh, Geert, (2022). Limited role of climate change in extreme low rainfall associated with southern Madagascar food insecurity, 2019-21. Environmental Research: Climate, n/a-n/a 247 75
Monnereau, Iris and Abraham, Simpson, (2013). Limits to autonomous adaptation in response to coastal erosion in Kosrae, Micronesia. International Journal of Global Warming, 5(4), 416-432 458 383