Estevez, Elsa and Janowski, Tomasz, "A comprehensive methodology for establishing and sustaining government chief information officer function" 8th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV2014), Guimarães, 2014/10/27-30.
1116 |
Ojo, Adegboyega, Janowski, Tomasz and Shareef, Mohamed, "Aligning electronic government and public administration reform programs: process, tool and case study" 9th European Conference on e-Government, London, 2009.
913 |
Chauhan, Radha, Estevez, Elsa and Janowski, Tomasz, "A model for policy interventions in support of electronic governance" 2nd International Conference on Theory of Practice of Electronic Governance, Cairo, 2008.
1121 |
Casalini, María, Janowski, Tomasz and Estevez, Elsa, "A process model for collaborative problem solving in the virtual communities of practice" 7th IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, Helsinki, 2006.
1028 |
Janowski, Tomasz, Estevez, Elsa and Ojo, Adegboyega, "A project framework for e-government" International Conference on e-Government (EGOV05), Copenhagen, 2005/08/22-26.
989 |
Shareef, Mohamed, Ojo, Adegboyega and Janowski, Tomasz, "A readiness assessment framework for e-government planning: design and application" 2nd International Conference on Theory of Practice of Electronic Governance, Cairo, 2008.
1105 |
Ojo, Adegboyega and Janowski, Tomasz, "A whole-of-government approach to information technology strategy management" 11th Annual Conference on Digital Government Research (DG.O 2010), Puebla, 2010/05/17-20.
1037 |
Estevez, Elsa and Janowski, Tomasz, "Building a dependable messaging infrastructure for electronic government" 2nd International Workshop "Dependability and Security in e-Government" (DeSeGov 2007), Vienna, 2007.
942 |
Ojo, Adegboyega, Janowski, Tomasz and Estevez, Elsa, "Building theoretical foundations for electronic governance benchmarking" 10th IFIP Annual EGOV Conference, Delft, 2011/08-09/28-02.
1024 |
Janowski, Tomasz, Estevez, Elsa and Ojo, Adegboyega, "Conceptualizing electronic governance education" 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Maui, 2012/01/04-07.
911 |
Janowski, Tomasz, Estevez, Elsa and Gray, Vanessa, "Conclusions and way forward" in Final WSIS target review: achievements, challenges and way forward (Geneva: International Telecommunication Union, 2014), 377-409.
706 |
929 |
Janssen, Marijn, Brous, Paul, Estevez, Elsa, Soares Barbosa, Luís and Janowski, Tomasz, (2020). Data governance: Organizing data for trustworthy Artificial Intelligence. Government Information Quarterly, 37(3), n/a-n/a
724 |
Ojo, Adegboyega, Janowski, Tomasz and Estevez, Elsa, "Determining progress towards e-government: what are the core indicators?" 5th European Conference on e-Government (ECEG2005), Antwerp, 2005.
1260 |
1534 |
Auffret, Jean-Pierre, Estevez, Elsa, Marcovecchio, Ignacio and Janowski, Tomasz, "Developing a GCIO system: enabling good government through e-leadership" 11th Annual Conference on Digital Government Research (DG.O 2010), Puebla, 2010/05/17-20.
1019 |
Basanya, Rilwan, Janowski, Tomasz, Ojo, Adegboyega and Reed, Mike (2008). Developing and Harnessing Software Technology in the South : The Roles of China, India, Brazil, and South Africa. UNU-WIDER.
513 |
Gonçalves Veiga, Linda, Janowski, Tomasz and Barbosa, Luís, "Digital Government and Administrative Burden Reduction" 9th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV2016), Montevideo, 2016/03/01-03.
1249 |
Bertot, John, Estevez, Elsa and Janowski, Tomasz, "Digital Public Service Innovation: Framework Proposal" 9th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV2016), Montevideo, 2016/03/01-03.
501 |
Ojo, Adegboyega, Janowski, Tomasz and Estevez, Elsa, "Domain models and enterprise application framework for developing electronic public services" 6th International EGOV Conference, Regensburg, 2007.
866 |
Estevez, Elsa and Janowski, Tomasz, (2013). Electronic governance for sustainable development: conceptual framework and state of research. Government Information Quarterly, 30(2013), 94-109
951 |
Estevez, Elsa and Janowski, Tomasz, "Electronic governance for sustainable development: how EGOV solutions contribute to SD goals?" 14th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research, Quebec, 2013/06/17-20.
925 |
Shareef, Mohamed, Ojo, Adegboyega and Janowski, Tomasz, "Electronic governance in the Maldives: status, issues and plans" 6th International Conference on e-Government, Cape Town, 2010/09-10/30-01.
755 |
Ojo, Adegboyega, Janowski, Tomasz and Awotwi, Johanna, (2013). Enabling development through governance and mobile technology. Government Information Quarterly, 30(2013), 32-45
664 |
Estevez, Elsa, Janowski, Tomasz and Ojo, Adegboyega, "Establishing government information officer systems: readiness assessment" 12th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research, College Park, 2011/06/12-15.
774 |
Shareef, Mohamed, Ojo, Adegboyega and Janowski, Tomasz, "Exploring the digital divide in Maldives" 9th IFIP Human Choice and Computers International Conference (HCC9 2010), Brisbane, 2010/09/20-23.
745 |
Janowski, Tomasz, "From electronic governance to policydriven electronic governance – evolution of technology use in government" in Communication and Technology ed. Cantoni, Lorenzo and Danowski, James (The Hague: De Gruyter, 2015), 425-438.
794 |
Estevez, Elsa and Janowski, Tomasz, "Government-Enterprise ecosystem gateway (G-EEG) for seamless e-government" 40th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2007), Waikoloa, 2007.
805 |
Janowski, Tomasz, Pardo, Theresa and Davies, Jim, (2012). Government information networks: mapping electronic governance cases through public administration concepts. Government Information Quarterly, 29(1), 311-321
763 |
Estevez, Elsa, Fillottrani, Pablo, Janowski, Tomasz and Ojo, Adegboyega, "Government information sharing: a framework for policy formulation" in e-Governance and cross-boundary collaboration: innovations and advancing tools ed. Chen, Yu-Che and Chu, Pin-Yu (Hershey: IGI Global, 2012), 23-55.
745 |
Oteniya, Olumide, Janowski, Tomasz and Ojo, Adegboyega, "Government-wide workflow infrastructure to enable virtual government organizations" 7th IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, Helsinki, 2006.
672 |
Janowski, Tomasz, Baguma, Rehema, De', Rahul and Nielsen, Morten ed. ICEGOV2017 Special Collection: e-Government Innovations in India 2017/03/07-09 New Delhi. New York: ACM Press, 2017.
1149 |
Gharawi, Mohammed, Estevez, Elsa and Janowski, Tomasz, "Identifying government chief information officer education and training needs: the case of Saudi Arabia" 15th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research, Aguascalientes, 2014/06/18-21.
816 |
Estevez, Elsa, Ojo, Adegboyega and Janowski, Tomasz, "Idioms for collaborative government networks: conceptualization and application to seamless services" 11th IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, Saint-Etienne, 2010/10/11-13.
781 |
Ojo, Adegboyega, Janowski, Tomasz and Estevez, Elsa, (2012). Improving government enterprise architecture practice: maturity factor analysis. Journal of Enterprise Architecture, 1(1), 10-10
691 |
Ojo, Adegboyega, Janowski, Tomasz and Estevez, Elsa, "Improving government enterprise architecture practice: maturity factor analysis" 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Maui, 2012/01/04-07.
896 |
Estevez, Elsa, Fillottrani, Pablo and Janowski, Tomasz, "Information sharing in government: conceptual model for policy formulation" 10th European Conference on e-Government, Limerick, 2010/06/17-18.
881 |
Ojo, Adegboyega and Janowski, Tomasz, "Integrating electronic government and public administration reform strategies: method and experience" in Global strategy and practice of e-governance: examples from around the world ed. Piaggesi, Danilo, Sund, Kristian and Castelnovo, Walter (Hershey: IGI Global, 2011), 102-123.
597 |
Janssen, Marijn, Estevez, Elsa and Janowski, Tomasz, (2014). Interoperability in big, open, and linked data-organizational maturity, capabilities, and data portfolios. IEEE Computer, 70(10), 44-49
702 |
Estevez, Elsa and Janowski, Tomasz, "Landscaping government chief information officer education" 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Maui, 2013/01/07-10.
816 |
Dzhusupova, Zamira, Shareef, Mohamed, Ojo, Adegboyega and Janowski, Tomasz, "Methodology for e-government readiness assessment: models, instruments and implementation" Proceedings of the International Conference on Society and Information Technologies (ICSIT2010), Orlando, 2010/04/06-09.
814 |
Awotwi, Johanna, Ojo, Adegboyega and Janowski, Tomasz, "Mobile governance for development: strategies for migrant head porters in Ghana" 5th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV2011), Tallinn, 2011/09/26-28.
745 |
243 |
Henning, Florian and Janowski, Tomasz (2014). Mobile governance for small island developing states: strategy knowledge base. UNU-IIST.
Estevez, Elsa, Henning, Florian and Janowski, Tomasz (2014). Mobile governance for small island developing states: toolkit. UNU-IIST.
Henning, Florian, Janowski, Tomasz and Zoughbi, Saleem (2014). Mobile governance for Vanuatu: strategy and implementation plan. UNU-IIST.
Dzhusupova, Zamira, Ojo, Adegboyega and Janowski, Tomasz, "Organizing and managing knowledge for e-government: issues, practices and challenges" International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing, Funchal, 2009.
660 |
Estevez, Elsa, Janowski, Tomasz and Ojo, Adegboyega, "Planning for e-government: a service-oriented agency survey" IADIS International Conference: e-Society 2005, Qawra, 2005.
721 |
Janowski, Tomasz and Pardo, Theresa ed. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV2008) 2008/12/01-04 Cairo. Cairo: ACM Press, 2008.
784 |
Janowski, Tomasz and Davies, Jim ed. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV2009) 2009/11/10-13 Bogotá. Bogotá: ACM Press, 2009.
738 |
Janowski, Tomasz and Pardo, Theresa ed. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV2007) 2007/12/10-13 Macau SAR. Macau SAR: ACM Press, 2007.
713 |
Scholl, Hans J., Glassey, Olivier, Janssen, Marijn, Klievink, Bram, Lindgren, Ida, Parycek, Peter, Tambouris, Efthimios, Wimmer, Maria A., Janowski, Tomasz and Soares, Delfina S. ed. Proceedings of the 8th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, EGOV 2016 2016/09/05-08 Guimarães. New York: Springer, 2016.
765 |
Tambouris, Efthimios, Panagiotopoulos, Panos, Sæbø, Øysten, Wimmer, Maria A., Pardo, Theresa A., Charalabidis, Yannis, Soares, Delfina S. and Janowski, Tomasz ed. Proceedings of the 8th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, ePart 2016 2016/09/05-08 Guimarães. New York: Springer, 2016.
768 |