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Norbäck, Dan, Hashim, Jamal H., Hashim, Zailina, Sooria, Vinoshini, Ismail, Syazwan A. and Wieslander, Gunilla, (2017). Ocular symptoms and tear film break up time (BUT) among junior high school students in Penang, Malaysia-Associations with fungal DNA in school dust. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 1-7 535 658 0
Lopes, Nuno and Lameiras, Mariana, "Opportunities, risks and challenges of using social media to foster smart governance for smart cities" 2nd International Multidisciplinary Conference on Computer and Energy Science (SpliTech 2017), Split, 2017/07/12-14. 493 955
OUIK Newsletter.. Kanazawa: United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability Operating Unit Ishikawa/Kanazawa; 2017 491 101
OUIK Newsletter.. Kanazawa: United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability Operating Unit Ishikawa/Kanazawa; 2017 617 200
OUIK Newsletter.. Kanazawa: United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability Operating Unit Ishikawa/Kanazawa; 2017 640 150
OUIK Newsletter.. Kanazawa: United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability Operating Unit Ishikawa/Kanazawa; 2017 417 161
Robert Sandford, Our Vanishing Glaciers: The Snows of Yesteryear and the Future Climate of the Mountain West, (Calgary: Rocky Mountain Books, 2017). 308  
Aboua, Angui Christian (2017). Overcoming the Challenges of Fish Farming in Africa. UNU-INRA Policy Briefs. United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa. 1012 363
Pouw, Nicky, Dietz, Ton, Belemvire, Adame, de Groot, Dieneke, Millar, David, Obeng, Francis Kwabena, Rijneveld, Wouter, van der Geest, Kees, Zjos Vlaminck and Zaal, Fred, (2017). Participatory Assessment of Development Interventions: Lessons Learned From a New Evaluation Methodology in Ghana and Burkina Faso. American Journal of Evaluation, 38(1), 47-59 882   0
Hassan, Muhammad M., Qureshi, Adnan N., Moreno, Andrés and Tukiainen, Markku, "Participatory Refinement of Participatory Outcomes: Students Iterating over the Design of an Interactive Mobile Learning Application" Fifth International Conference on Learning and Teaching in Computing and Engineering, Hong Kong, 2017/04/20-23. 560  
Obermayr, Christian and Sandholz, Simone, (2017). Participatory Resettlements in Surakarta, Indonesia – Changing Livelihoods for the Better or the Worse?. TRIALOG Journal for Planning and Building in a Global Context, 3-4/2016(126-127), 43-50 756  
Day, Adam, (2017). 14 peacekeeper were killed in the Congo - UN response may make things worse. The Hill, n/a-n/a 672  
The Australian Strategic Policy Institute (2017). People smugglers globally, 2017. Australian Strategic Policy Institute. 380  
The Australian Strategic Policy Institute (2017). People smugglers globally, 2017. Australian Strategic Policy Institute. 441  
Reitano, Tuesday and Shaw, Mark, (2017). People smuggling in Libya: You can’t bomb away a problem of economics. African Arguments, n/a-n/a 500  
Odeyingbo, Olusegun, Nnorom, Innocent and Deubzer, Otmar (2017). Person in the Port Project: Assessing Import of Used Electrical and Electronic Equipment into Nigeria. UNU-ViE SCYCLE and BCCC Africa. 1815 15225
Adeel, Zafar, "Placing Canada’s Water Policies in an International Context" in Water Policy and Governance in Canada (Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017), 99-120. 620  
Veiga, Francisco José, Veiga, Linda Gonçalves and Morozumi, Atsuyoshi, (2017). Political budget cycles and media freedom. Electoral Studies, 45 88-99 749   0
Lameiras, Mariana and Sousa, Helena, "Portugal: políticas de transparencia y reforma de los medios públicos" in Austeridad y clientelismo: Política audiovisual en España en el contexto mediterráneo y de la crisis financiera ed. Fernández Alonso, Isabel (Barcelona: Editorial Gedisa, 2017), 51-68. 701  
Zanga Ongbwa, Paul D. (2017). Pratiques de la finance verte et performance des groupes bancaires en Afrique : une analyse régionale. UNU-INRA Working Paper. United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa. 713 1296
Barmania, Sima and Aljunid, Syed M., (2017). Premarital HIV testing in Malaysia: a qualitative exploratory study on the views of major stakeholders involved in HIV prevention. BMC International Health and Human Rights, 17(12), 1-10 476 204 0
Cockayne, James and Roth, Amanda (2017). Preventing the Rise of Crooked States: How can development and stabilization policies prevent the criminalization of governance?. United Nations University. 834 800
Cockayne, James, Bosetti, Louise and Hussain, Nazia (2017). Preventing Urban Conflict: A Thematic Paper for the United Nations-World Bank Study on Conflict Prevention. Conflict Prevention Series. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research. 1443 2068
Karanja, Joseph M., Matsui, Kenichi and Saito, Osamu, (2017). Problems of public participation in the Ramsar CEPA programme at the Tana Delta, Kenya. Wetlands Ecology and Management, 1-11 496  
Baguma, Rehema, De', Rahul and Janowski, Tomasz ed. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV2017) 2017/03/07-09 New Delhi. New York: ACM Press, 2017. 740  
Huisman, Jaco, Habib, Hina, Baldé, Kees, van Straalen, Vincent, Chancerel, Perrine, Chanson, Claude, Söderman, Maria L. and Kushnir, Duncan (2017). Product Stocks and Flows. ProSUM Consortium. 416  
Huisman, Jaco, Leroy, Pascal, Tertre, François, Söderman, Maria L., Chancerel, Perrine, Cassard, Daniel, Løvik, Amund N., Wäger, Patrick, Kushnir, Duncan, Rotter, Susanne, Mählitz, Paul, Herreras-Martínez, Lucía, Emmerich, Johanna, Hallberg, Anders, Habib, Hina, Wagner, Michelle and Downes, Sarah (2017). Prospecting Secondary raw materials in the Urban mine and Mining wastes: Final Report. ProSUM Consortium. 811 552
Madueke, C.I. and Mkpado M. (2017). Prospects and Constraints of Investment in Environmentally-Friendly Infrastructure in Western Nigeria. UNU-INRA Working Paper. United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa. 694 530
Huisman, Jaco, Habib, Hina, Brechu, Michelle G., Downes, Sarah, Leroy, Pascal, Herreras-Martínez, Lucía, Løvik, Amund N., Wäger, Patrick, Cassard, Daniel, Tertre, François, Mählitz, Paul, Rotter, Susanne, Chancerel, Perrine and Söderman, Maria L. (2017). ProSUM Harmonisation paper for external feedback and consultation. ProSUM Consortium. 401  
Ruckstuhl, Austin (2017). Protecting LGBTI Refugees: The Role of Cities. United Nations University. 460  
Spink, Lauren and Day, Adam, (2017). Protecting Protection: How Antonio Guterres Should Use Funding Cuts to Reform Peacekeeping. Global Policy Operations Review, n/a-n/a 732  
Siri, José G. and Capon, Anthony G., "Public Health: Urban health: History, Definitions and Approaches." in Defining the Urban: Interdisciplinary and Professional Perspectives ed. Iossifova, Deljana, Doll, Christopher and Gasparatos, Alexandros (London and New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis, 2017), 175-186. 576  
Perera, Duminda, Sayamam, Takahiro, Magome, Jun, Hasegawa, Akira and Iwami, Yoichi, (2017). RCP8.5-Based Future Flood Hazard Analysis for the Lower Mekong River Basin. Hydrology, 4(4), 1-17 408  
Peprah, James A., Afoakwah, Clifford and Koomson, Isaac (2017). Reducing Crop Yield Volatility among Smallholder Farmers. UNU-INRA Policy Briefs. United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa. 931 507
Reducing the carbon footprint of academic conferences: lessons learnt from the INOGOV Spring School in Heerlen.. Norwich: Innovations in Climate Governance (INOGOV); 2017 433  
Karimov, Akmal, Smakhtin, Vladimir, Karimov, Aziz, Khodjiev, Khalim, Yakubov, Sadyk, Platonov, Alexander and Avliyakulov, Mirzaolim, (2017). Reducing the energy intensity of lift irrigation schemes of Northern Tajikistan – potential options. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 81(2), 2967-2975 384 199
Ajah, Julius (2017). Reducing the Impact of Grazing Livestock on Crop Production. UNU-INRA Policy Brief. United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa. 727 298
Nair, Parvati, (2017). Refugee or migrant? Sometimes the line is blurred. The Conversation, n/a-n/a 426  
Sarantis, Demetrios, "Removing Barriers in eGovernment: Back Office Assessment" IADIS International Conference Applied Computing 2017, Vilamoura, 2017/10/18-20. 420  
(2017). Report of the IPBES-JBF Sub-regional Dialogue Workshop on Indigenous and Local Knowledge (ILK) for South-East and North-East Asia Sub-region (14-17 Oct. 2016 in Chiang Mai). Institute for Global Environmental Strategies. 545 846
Løvik, Amund N., Wäger, Patrick, Chanson, Claude, Huisman, Jaco, Söderman, Maria L., Brechu, Michelle G., Haarman, Arthur, Habib, Hina, Mählitz, Paul, Rösslein, Matthias and Ueberschaar, Maximilian (2017). Report on consolidation of data into CRM database. ProSUM Consortium. 367  
Lopes, Nuno, Soares, Delfina S., Nielsen, Morten M. and Tavares, António, "Research Gaps on Public Service Delivery" 10th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV2017), New Delhi, 2017/03/07-09. 1262   0
Aboua, Angui Christian (2017). Resource Efficiency and Economic Efficiency of Fish Farms in the South East of Côte d’Ivoire. UNU-INRA Working Paper. United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa. 727 384
Walz, Yvonne, Haas, Susanne, Greenough, Karen, Forkuor, Gerald, Mück, Matthias, Taubenböck, Hannes, von Sassen, Stella and Renaud, Fabrice G. (2017). Risk Assessment in West Africa: A Handbook for Practitioners. WASCAL Competence Center. 6473 2016
Solecki, William, Hildegaard, Link and Garschagen, Matthias, (2017). Risk Management and Adaptation Transitions in New York City. Journal of Extreme Events, 03(03), N/A-N/A 227  
Solecki, William, Hildegaard, Link and Garschagen, Matthias, (2017). Risk Management and Adaptation Transitions in New York City. Journal of Extreme Events, 03(03), 1-28 509  
Nishi, Maiko, Pelling, Mark, Yamamuro, Masumi, Solecki, William and Kraines, Steven B., (2017). Risk Management Regime and Its Scope for Transition in Tokyo. Journal of Extreme Events, 3(3), 1650011-1-1650011-29 287 75
Chakraborty, Abhik and Chakraborty, Shamik, "Rivers as Socioecological Landscapes" in Rivers and Society: Landscapes, Governance and Livelihoods ed. Cooper, Malcolm, Chakraborty, Abhik and Chakraborty, Shamik (London: Routledge, 2017), 9-26. 507  
Thinyane, Hannah, "Role of ICTs in Safeguarding Migrant Workers" 17th European Conference on Digital Government (ECDG 2017), Lisbon, 2017/06/12-13. 930 774
Hettiarachchi, Hiroshan and Ardakanian, Reza ed. Safe Use of Wastewater in Agriculture: A Workshop on Policy and Implementation for Iran 2016/12/5−7 Tehran. Dresden: United Nations University Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources (UNU-FLORES), 2017. 669 1025