Risk Assessment in West Africa: A Handbook for Practitioners
Walz, Yvonne, Haas, Susanne, Greenough, Karen, Forkuor, Gerald, Mück, Matthias, Taubenböck, Hannes, von Sassen, Stella and Renaud, Fabrice G. (2017). Risk Assessment in West Africa: A Handbook for Practitioners. WASCAL Competence Center.
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Attached Files (Some files may be inaccessible until you login with your UNU Collections credentials) Name Description MIMEType Size Downloads Handbook_Part1.pdf Part I: Guidelines application/pdf 47.12MB Handbook_Part2.pdf Part II: Scientific and Technical Background application/pdf 38.94MB Handbook_Report_template.pdf Risk Assessment Report Template application/pdf 23.62MB -
Sub-type Technical report Author Walz, Yvonne
Haas, Susanne
Greenough, Karen
Forkuor, Gerald
Mück, Matthias
Taubenböck, Hannes
von Sassen, Stella
Renaud, Fabrice G.Title Risk Assessment in West Africa: A Handbook for Practitioners Publication Date 2017-08 Place of Publication Ouagadougou Publisher WASCAL Competence Center Pages 1-61 Language eng Abstract West Africa has been described as a climate change hotspot with severe impacts due to climate-related natural hazards such as floods and droughts. For this region, it has been projected that the intensity of very wet events – leading to higher flood risks towards the late 21st century, will increase. In addition, more frequent extreme events are expected and the interaction of climate change with non-climatic stressors, such as diseases, economic turbulence, or lack of resources will aggravate the vulnerability of people and their agricultural systems in semi-arid West Africa. This handbook for practitioners has been developed in the context of the West African Science Service Centre for Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL) project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in Germany. The overall aim of this handbook is to promote and coordinate activities in the field of risk assessment within the West African region. The WASCAL Competence Center (CoC), representing the science service center of the WASCAL institution in Ouagadougou, takes the ownership of this handbook and integrates hazard, vulnerability and risk assessment in its institutional portfolio of its science-based services for the West African region. The scientific and technical background can be found in Part II. UNBIS Thesaurus RISK
CLIMATE CHANGEKeyword Vulnerability
HandbookCopyright Holder UNU-EHS Copyright Year 2017 Copyright type Creative commons -
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