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Damill, Mario and Frenkel, Roberto (2012). Macroeconomic Policies, Growth, Employment, and Inequality in Latin America. UNU-WIDER. 508  
De Jong, Sijbren (2012). Making the Transition: EU-China Cooperation on Renewable Energy and Carbon Capture and Storage. EU-GRASP. United Nations University. 1444 463
Tambo, Erick Rostand Gankam, Hossini, Vilma, Nouira, Chahira, Rosenfeld, Jessica and Szarzynski, Joerg ed. Management of environmental risks and natural disasters: how can eLearning help? n/a Bonn. Bonn: n/a, 2012. 1203  
Hoddinott, John and Margolies, Amy (2012). Mapping the Impacts of Food Aid : Current Knowledge and Future Directions. UNU-WIDER. 499  
Howard, Emma, Newman, Carol and Tarp, Finn (2012). Measuring Industry Agglomeration and Identifying the Driving Forces. UNU-WIDER. 528  
Fioramonti, Lorenzo, (2012). Micro-Assistance to Democracy: Two Revolutions in Promoting Consolidation of Democracy in Developing Countries. Strategic Review of Southern Africa, 34(2), 151-160 565   0
Quibria, M. G. (2012). Microcredit and Poverty Alleviation : Can Microcredit Close the Deal?. UNU-WIDER. 477  
Tiwari, Amaresh, Mohnen, Pierre, Palm, Franz and Schim van der Loeff, Sybrand (2012). Microeconometric evidence of financing frictions and innovative activity. UNU-MERIT. 923 253
Frouws, Bram and Grimmius, Ton (2012). Migratie en Ontwikkeling: Beleidsevaluatie van het Nederlandse Migratie- en Ontwikkelingsbeleid sinds 2008. 512  
Siegel, Melissa and Waidler, Jennifer (2012). Migration and multi-dimensional poverty in Moldovan communities. UNU-MERIT. 861 200
Kuschminder, Katherine, McGregor, Elaine, Siegel, Melissa and van der Vorst, Vivianne (2012). Migration for development in the Western Balkans (MIDWEB): final evaluation. n/a. 869  
Kingah, Stephen and Bongkiyung, Pamela D., (2012). Moving beyond the last corrupt leaders in African politics: African Union-European Union cooperation. Cameroon Journal on Democracy and Human Rights, 6(1), 4-47 669  
Yousefzadeh, Sepideh, Mideros Mora, Andres and de Neubourg, Chris, "Multidimensional deprivation among children in Iran" in Global child poverty and well-being. Measurement, concepts, policy and action ed. Minujin, A. and S. Nandy (Bristol: Policy Press at the University of Bristol, 2012), 325-356. 555 224
Van Langenhove, Luk and Maes, Leonie (2012). Multilateralism today: what role for the European Union in the field of peace and security?. EU-GRASP Policy Brief. EU-GRASP. 1238  
Van Langenhove, Luk and Maes, Léonie (2012). Mutlilateralism Today: What Role for the European Union in the Field of Peace and Security?. EU-GRASP. United Nations University. 671 275
Biermann, Frank, Abbott, Kenneth, Andresen, Steinar, Bäckstrand, Karin, Bernstein, Steven, Betsill, Michele M., Bulkeley, Harriet, Cashore, Benjamin, Clapp, Jennifer, Folke, Carl, Gupta, Aarti, Gupta, Joyeeta, Haas, Peter M. and Jordan, Andrew, (2012). Navigating the Anthropocene: improving earth system governance. Science, 335(6074), 1306-1307 713  
Rooks, Gerrit, Szirmai, Adam and Sserwanga, Arthur, (2012). Network Structure and Innovative Performance. The Case of Ugandan Entrepreneurs. Journal of African Economies, (4), n/a-n/a 718  
Gries, Thomas, Jungblut, Stefan and Naudé, Wim (2012). New firm creation and failure: A matching approach. UNU-MERIT. 643 118
Siegel, Melissa and Fransen, Sonja (2012). New Technologies in remittances sending: Opportunities for mobile remittances in Africa. UNU-MERIT. 990 295
Azomahou, Théophile T., Diene, Bity and Diene, Mbaye (2012). Nonlinearities in productivity growth: A semi-parametric panel analysis. UNU-MERIT. 860 252
Norms of protection: responsibility to protect, protection of civilians and their interaction, ed. Francis, Angus, Popovski, Vesselin and Sampford, Charles (2012). 563  
Norms of Protection: Responsibility to Protect, Protection of Civilians and Their Interaction, ed. Francis, Angus, Popovski, Vesselin and Sampford, Charles (Tokyo: UNU Press, 2012). 567 2678
Ramos-Castillo, Ameyali, "Nourishing diversity in water governance: the case of San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico" in Water, cultural diversity, and global environmental change: emerging trends, sustainable futures? (Paris: UNESCO and Springer Netherlands, 2012), 171-184. 763   0
Vierros, Marjo, McDonald, Anne and Arico, Salvatore, "Oceans and sustainability: the governance of marine areas beyond national jurisdiction" in Green economy and good governance for sustainable development: opportunities, promises and concerns (Tokyo: United Nations University Press, 2012), 221-244. 668  
Subramanian, Sreenivasan (2012). On a Distance Function-Based Inequality Measure in the Spirit of the Bonferroni and Gini Indices. UNU-WIDER. 500  
Khetriwal, Deepali S., Widmer, Rolf, Kuehr, Ruediger and Huisman, Jaco, (2012). One WEEE, many species: lessons from the European experience. Waste Management and Research, 29(9), 954-962 1264   0
Quattri, Maria and Fosu, Augustin Kwasi (2012). On the Impact of External Debt and Aid on Public Expenditure Allocation in Sub-Saharan Africa after the Launch of the HIPC Initiative. UNU-WIDER. 490  
Jayaraj, D. and Subramanian, Sreenivasan (2012). On the ‘Inclusiveness’ of India’s Consumption Expenditure Growth. UNU-WIDER. 471  
Hagedoorn, John and Ridder, Ann-Kristin (2012). Open innovation, contracts, and intellectual property rights: an exploratory empirical study. UNU-MERIT. 1326 726
Camilleri, Anthony F., Ferrari, Luca, Haywood, Jeff, Maina, Marcelo, Pérez-Mateo, Maria, Soldado, Rosana Montes, Nouira, Chahira, Sangrà, Albert and Tannhäuser, Anne-Christin, Open learning recognition:taking open educational resources a step further, (Brussels: EFQUEL- European Foundation for Quality in e-Learning (BE), 2012). 6427  
Lambright, Gina M. S. (2012). Opposition Politics and Urban Service Delivery in Kampala, Uganda. UNU-WIDER. 524  
Azomahou, Théophile T., Diene, Bity, Diene, Mbaye and Soete, Luc (2012). Optimal health investment with separable and non-separable preferences. UNU-MERIT. 825 337
David, Paul A. and van Zon, Adriaan (2012). Optimal multi-phase transition paths toward a stabilized global climate: Integrated dynamic requirements analysis for the 'tech fix'. UNU-MERIT. 824 189
Arndt, Channing, Distante, Roberta, Ibraimo, Maimuna, Huong, Pham Lan, Østerdal, Lars Peter and Hussain, M. Azhar (2012). Ordinal Welfare Comparisons with Multiple Discrete Indicators : A First Order Dominance Approach and Application to Child Poverty. UNU-WIDER. 597  
UNU-GCM and CIDOB ed. Organising information, regulating communication / Organiser l’information, regular la communication 2012/12/12 Rabat. Barcelona: CIDOB/UNU-GCM, 2012. 970 269
Hishinuma, Takeshi, (2012). Orphan works: vitalization, modification, and creation of an international norm. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice, 7(6), 475-477 541  
OUIK Newsletter.. Kanazawa: United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies Operating Unit Ishikawa/Kanazawa; 2012 522 85
OUIK Newsletter.. Kanazawa: United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies Operating Unit Ishikawa/Kanazawa; 2012 514 65
OUIK Newsletter.. Kanazawa: United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies Operating Unit Ishikawa/Kanazawa; 2012 525 73
OUIK Newsletter.. Kanazawa: United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies Operating Unit Ishikawa/Kanazawa; 2012 552 89
Atamanov, Aziz and Van den Berg, Marrit, (2012). Participation and returns in rural nonfarm activities: evidence from the Kyrgyz Republic. Agricultural Economics, 43(4), 459-471 584   0
Nadiruzzaman, Md and Wrathall, David (2012). Participatory Exclusion: Elite capture of participatory approaches in the aftermath of Cyclone Sidr. UNU-EHS Working Paper. UNU-EHS. 6618 308
Tomini, Sonila and Groot, Wim (2012). Paying informally for public health care in Albania: scarce resources or governance failure?. UNU-MERIT. 548 274
Dyrnes, Inger Karin Moen (2012). Perspectives on human development theory in democracy promotion: A comparison of democracy promotion programmes in Egypt through the lenses of classical and revised modernisation theory. UNU-MERIT. 557 120
Suwa, Aki and Jupesta, Joni, (2012). Policy innovation for technology diffusion: a case-study of Japanese renewable energy public support programs. Sustainability Science, 7(2), 185-197 671   0
Contreras, Dante and Ffrench-Davis, Ricardo (2012). Policy Regimes, Inequality, Poverty and Growth : The Chilean Experience, 1973-2010. UNU-WIDER. 498  
Mookherjee, Dilip and Bardhan, Pranab K. (2012). Political Clientelism and Capture : Theory and Evidence from West Bengal, India. UNU-WIDER. 436  
Cadena-Gaitan, Carlos (2012). Political determinants of sustainable transport in Latin American cities. UNU-MERIT. 531 281
UNU-GCM and CIDOB ed. Políticas de conocimiento y dinámicas interculturales: acciones, innovaciones, transformaciones / Knowledge Politics and Intercultural Dynamics: Actions, Innovations, Transformations 2012/09/14 Barcelona. Barcelona: CIDOB/UNU-GCM, 2012. 979 1281
Jäntti, Markus, Kanbur, Ravi, Nyyssölä, Milla and Pirttilä, Jukka (2012). Poverty and Welfare Measurement on the Basis of Prospect Theory. UNU-WIDER. 558