Making the Transition: EU-China Cooperation on Renewable Energy and Carbon Capture and Storage

De Jong, Sijbren (2012). Making the Transition: EU-China Cooperation on Renewable Energy and Carbon Capture and Storage. EU-GRASP. United Nations University.

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  • Sub-type Policy brief
    Author De Jong, Sijbren
    Title Making the Transition: EU-China Cooperation on Renewable Energy and Carbon Capture and Storage
    Series Title EU-GRASP
    Volume/Issue No. 10
    Publication Date 2012-03-01
    Place of Publication Bruges
    Publisher United Nations University
    Pages 11
    Language eng
    Abstract Traditionally, Europe is considered to rank among the top performers in renewable energy. However, its lead in this area is increasingly challenged, notably by newcomer China. Keen to sustain its economic growth and ensure the availability of sufficient energy  sources  to  that  effect,  China’s  progress  in  the  field  of  renewable  energy  is  as  much about security of supply, as it is about counteracting the effects of environmental degradation and climate change.1 In its efforts to safeguard its economic growth, China is increasingly competing with the EU over scarce fossil fuel sources, such as natural gas from Central Asia.2 The focus of EU-China energy cooperation is therefore as much structured in terms of managing the latter’s energy demand to limit its impact on climate change and the environment, as it is about relieving pressure on the Union’s own security of supply.  Particularly since the second half of the 2000s, much has changed in China after the adoption of the Renewable Energy Law (REL or ‘the Law’) and the establishment of the EU-China Partnership on Climate Change at the 2005 EU-China summit. The Chinese renewable energy market has grown tremendously since and significant efforts have been put into cooperation on Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technologies. Despite of  the  renewable  sector’s  growth,  several  obstacles  remain  in  the  way  of  its  further  development, including problems feeding renewable energy into the grid; restrictive regulations concerning foreign ownership; a lack of enforcement of regulations and follow-up on bilateral cooperation; and the absence of a regulatory system that favours carbon captured electricity.
    Copyright Holder United Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies
    Copyright Year 2012
    Copyright type All rights reserved
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