Organising information, regulating communication / Organiser l’information, regular la communication

UNU-GCM and CIDOB ed. Organising information, regulating communication / Organiser l’information, regular la communication 2012/12/12 Rabat. Barcelona: CIDOB/UNU-GCM, 2012.

Document type:
Conference Proceeding

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  • Sub-type Workshop proceedings
    Author UNU-GCM
    Title of Event Organising information, regulating communication / Organiser l’information, regular la communication
    Date of Event 2012/12/12
    Place of Event Rabat
    Organizer CIDOB
    Publication Date 2012
    Place of Publication Barcelona
    Publisher CIDOB/UNU-GCM
    Pages 138
    Language eng
    Abstract North and South of the Mediterranean, judges and journalists share the pursuit of three common principles: truth, freedom and independence. The multiplicity of meanings of these terms and the ethics which underlie both professions were guiding the EU-Maghreb exchange between Mediterranean professionals of the judiciary and communication sectors which – organized by CIDOB and UNU-IIAOC – took place on June 21st and 22nd 2012 in Rabat. This publication collects the debates and discourses which emerged from this event combining viewpoints from media practitioners and the judiciary from both sides of the Mediterranean. In the different contributions we follow the quest for identity, the rules of detachment and the importance of free and diversified information for the public debate which is essential to democratic societies. This publication aims to continue the inter-professional dialogue beyond the conference and to give a voice to these two professional groups standing on two different sides of legal ethics, freedom of information and control of power.
    UNU Topics of Focus Migration
    Copyright Holder CIDOB / UNU-GCM
    Copyright Year 2012
    Copyright type Creative commons
    ISBN 9788492511396
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    Created: Mon, 17 Feb 2014, 15:56:41 JST by Conor McTernan on behalf of UNU GCM