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Blasiak, Robert and Kipp, Robert, (2012). リオ+20擁護論:歴史的観点から振り返る., n/a-n/a 687  
Khalid, Ahmad Mohd and Okitasari, Mahesti (2023). Accelerating Climate Action in Africa: Insights from the 2022 Voluntary National Reviews. UNU-IAS Policy Brief series. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability. 561 291
Accessing the Loss and Damage Climate Fund.. Washington, DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science; 2022 712  
Hemstock, Sarah L., Buliruarua, Leigh-Ann, Chan, Emily YY., Chan, Gloria, Combes, Helene J.D., Davey, Peter, Farrell, Paul, Griffiths, Sian, Hansen, Henning, Hatch, Tim, Holloway, Ailsa, Manuella-Morris, Teuleala, Martin,Tess, Renaud, Fabrice G., Ronan, Kevin, Ryan, Benjamin, Szarzynski, Joerg, Shaw, Duncan, Yasukawa, Soichiro, Yeung, Tiffany, (2016). Accredited qualifications for capacity development in disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation. Australasian Journal of Disaster and Trauma Studies, 20(1), 15-34 6778 840
Lakeman, Silvana and Oakes, Robert, (2022). A Climate of Cooperation or Competition? UNHCR, IOM and Disaster Displacement. Journal of International Organizations Studies (JIOS), 2(10), 109-130 730  
Werners, Saskia E., Wise, Russell M., Butler, James R. A., Totin, Edmond and Vincent, Katharine, (2021). Adaptation pathways: a review of approaches and a learning framework. Environmental Science & Policy, 116 266-275 4810  
Sparkes, Edward, Totin, Edmond, Werners, Saskia E., Wise, Russell M., Butler, James R. A. and Vincent, Katharine, (2023). Adaptation pathways to inform policy and practice in the context of development. Environmental Science & Policy, 140(Special issue: Adaptation pathways to inform policy and practice in the context of development), 279-285 189  
Ezeaku, Peter Ikemefuna (2014). Adapting to Agricultural Intensity and Climate Impacts on Crop Yields. UNU-INRA Policy Brief. United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa. 659 117
Arndt, Channing, Strzepek, Kenneth, Tarp, Finn, Thurlow, James, Fant, Charles and Len Wright (2010). Adapting to Climate Change: An Integrated Biophysical and Economic Assessment for Mozambique. UNU-WIDER. 278 78
Mombauer, Dennis, Link, Ann-Christine and van der Geest, Kees, (2023). Addressing climate-related human mobility through NDCs and NAPs: State of play, good practices, and the ways forward.. Frontiers in Climate, 5 1-14 342 100
van der Geest, Kees, Zissener, Michael and Warner, Koko, (2014). Addressing loss and damage with microinsurance. South Asia Disasters, 109 3-4 6758 122
Ayeb-Karlsson, Sonja, Smith, Christopher and Kniveton, Dominic, (2018). A discursive review of the textual use of ‘trapped’ in environmental migration studies: The conceptual birth and troubled teenage years of trapped populations. AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment, 9(82), 1-17 6785  
Liu, Wenjie and Okitasari, Mahesti, (2023). Advancing Carbon Neutrality: From Green-Oriented to Climate-Driven Public Finance. WIMAYA: Interdisciplinary Journal of International Affairs, 4(2), 66-80 94 14
Oakes, Robert, van der Geest, Kees, Schraven, Benjamin, Adaawen, Stephen, Ayeb-Karlsson, Sonja, De Sherbinin, Alex, Etzold, Benjamin, Groth, Juliane, Hermanns, Kathleen, Lakeman, Silvana, Nawrotzki, Raphael, Rademacher-Schulz, Christina, Romankiewicz, Clemens, Serraglio, Diogo, Sterly, Harald, Thalheimer, Lisa, Wiederkehr, Charlotte and Williams, David, (2023). A future agenda for research on climate change and human mobility. International Migration, 61(5), 116-125 358 83
De Souza, Marlos, Yo, Nishimura, Burke, Jacob, Cudennec, Christophe, Schmitter, Petra, Haileslassie, Amare, Smith, Mark, Hülsmann, Stephan, Caucci, Serena, Zhang, Lulu and Stewart, Bruce, "Agriculture and food security" in The United Nations World Water Development Report 2020: WATER AND CLIMATE CHANGE ed. Connor, Richard (Paris: UNESCO, 2020), 78-95. 876  
Hickel, Jason (2022). A New Political Economy for a Healthy Planet. Reimagining the Human-Environment Relationship. UN University and UN Environment Programme. 531 4202
Oakes, Robert, van der Geest, Kees and Corendea, Cosmin, "Any Port in a Storm? Climate, Mobility, and Choice in Pacific Small Island Developing States" in Climate Refugees: Global, Local and Critical Approaches ed. Kent, Avidan and Behrman, Simon (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022), 249-260. 577  
Ayeb-Karlsson, Sonja, van der Geest, Kees, Ahmed, Istiakh, Huq, Saleemul and Warner, Koko, (2016). A people‐centred perspective on climate change, environmental stress, and livelihood resilience in Bangladesh. Sustainability Science, 11(4), 679-694 7691 241 0
Setiawati, Martiwi Diah, Nandika, Muhammad Rizki, Hernawan, Udhi Eko, Rachman, Herlambang Aulia, Chatterjee, Uday, Adi, Novy Susetyo, Alifatri, La Ode, Eguchi, Tsuyoshi, Supriyadi, Indarto Happy, Hanifa, Nuraini Rahma, Prayudha, Bayu, Djamil, Yudha Setiawan, Oktaviani, Aulia, Wouthuyzen, Sam, Sulha, Siti, Renyaan, Jeverson and Muslim, Aidy M., (2024). Application of coastal hazard index to advance nature based protection for coastal communities in the small islands. Discover Applied Sciences, 6 n/a-n/a 69 19
McMichael, Celia, Dasgupta, Shouro, Ayeb-Karlsson, Sonja and Kelman, Ilan, (2020). A Review of Estimating Population Exposure to Sea-Level Rise and the Relevance for Migration. Environmental Research Letters, 1-32 6189 230
Kelman, Ilan, Ayeb-Karlsson, Sonja, Rose-Clarke, Kelly, Prost, Audrey, Ronneberg, Espen, Wheeler, Niccola and Watts, Nicholas, (2021). A review of mental health and wellbeing under climate change in small island developing states (SIDS). Environmental Research Letters, 16 1-14 3149 482
UNESCO and UNU-IAS, Asia-Pacific regional synthesis: climate change, displacement and the right to education, (Bangkok: UNESCO, UNESCO Bangkok Office, and UNU-IAS, 2023). 680 423
Abdul-Lateef Balogun, Marks, Danny, Sharma, Richa, Shekhar, Himanshu, Balmes, Chiden, Maheng, Dikman, Arshad, Adnan and Salehi, Pourya, (2019). Assessing the Potentials of Digitalization as a Tool for Climate Change Adaptation and Sustainable Development in Urban Centres. Sustainable Cities and Society, 58 1-12 7167  
Ndhlovu, Nobuhle, Saito, Osamu, Djalante, Riyanti and Yagi, Nobuyuki, (2017). Assessing the Sensitivity of Small-Scale Fishery Groups to Climate Change in Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe. Sustainability, 9(12), 1-18 2846 1
Kefi, Mohamed, Mishra, Binaya K., Kumar, Pankaj, Masago, Yoshifumi and Fukushi, Kensuke, (2018). Assessment of Tangible Direct Flood Damage Using a Spatial Analysis Approach under the Effects of Climate Change: Case Study in an Urban Watershed in Hanoi, Vietnam. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 7(1), 1-18 833 969 0
Danumah, John, H., Odai, Samuel, N., Saley, Mahaman, B., Szarzynski, Joerg, Adjei, Kwaku and Kouame, Fernand, K., "A Stochastic Weather Generator Model for Hydroclimatic Prevision in Urban Floods Risk Assessment in Abidjan District (Cote d’Ivoire)" in Innovation in Climate Change Adaptation ed. Filho, Walter, L. (Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016), 211-223. 1037  
Djalante, Riyanti, (2018). A systematic literature review of research trends and authorships on natural hazards, disasters, risk reduction and climate change in Indonesia. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 18 1785-1810 907 5100
Sato, Fred Emmanuel and Park, Jonghwi, (2024). A systematic review of climate change literacy assessment methods. The Journal of Environmental Education, n/a-n/a 98  
van der Geest, Kees and Zeb, Anam, (2015). A toolbox for assessing loss and damage. South Asia Disasters, 126 5-6 6666 233
van der Geest, Kees and Zeb, Anam, (2014). A toolbox for assessing loss and damage. Asia Pacific Forum on loss and damage newsletter, 5 9-10 6719 211
Hillmann, Julia, Bergmann, Anne and Guenther, Edeltraud, (2022). Benefits of Building Organizational Resilience: The Case of Climate Change. Highlights of Sustainability, 1(4), 233-252 195  
Passarelli, David, Denton, Fatima and Day, Adam (2021). Beyond Opportunism: The UN Development System’s Response to the Triple Planetary Crisis. United Nations University. 1610 8
Herath, Srikantha, Soriano, Mario and Diwa, Johanna (2015). Bias-corrected Daily Precipitation Estimates in the Ifugao Rice Terraces under Climate Change Scenarios. Rice Terrace Farming Systems Working Paper Series. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability. 798 712
Gupta, Himangana (2024). Bridging Science and Policy for Integrated Action on Climate and Biodiversity. UNU-IAS Policy Brief series. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability. 129 65
Huang, Ying-Syuan (Elaine), Vaughter, Philip and Park, Jonghwi (2023). Bridging the Governance Gap: Protecting the Education Rights of Climate Displaced Persons in South and Southeast Asia. UNU-IAS Policy Brief series. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability. 556 282
Djamil, Y. S., Maharani, A., Solihuddin, T., Setiawati, Martiwi Diah, Muslim, A. M., Eguchi, T., Chatterjee, U. and Alifatri, L. O. ed. Can CGCMs under CMIP5/6 simulate present-day sea level rise in western Maritime Continent? 2023/10/26-27 Bandung, Indonesia. Bristol: IOP Publishing Ltd, 2024. 101  
Abeling, Thomas. Can we learn to be resilient? Institutional constraints for social learning in heatwave risk management in London, UK. 6524 627
Warner, Koko, Becker, Sobiah, Zissener, Michael and Schaefer, Laura, "Case study: Livelihood Protection Policy: Extreme Weather Microinsurance in the Caribbean" in Results UK 2016: Weathering a risky climate. The role of insurance in reducing vulnerability to extreme weather (London: Results UK, 2016), 43-43. 1070  
Morita, Kanako and Matsumoto, Kenichi, (2023). Challenges and lessons learned for REDD+ finance and its governance. Carbon Balance and Management, 18(8), 1-18 121  
Setiawati, Martiwi Diah, Ismayanti, Gusti Ayu, Hafizt, Muhammad, Avianto, Praditya and Antwi, Effah Kwabena, (2024). Changes in Benthic Habitat Under Climate Pressure in Western Papua, Indonesia: Remote Sensing-Based Approach. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 1-14 79  
Oakes, Robert, Banerjee, Soumyadeep and Warner, Koko, "Chapter 9: Human mobility and adaptation to environmental change" in World Migration Report 2020 ed. McAuliffe, Marie and Khadria, Binod (Geneva: International Organization for Migration, 2019), 252-269. 995  
Boyd, Emily, Thomas, Adelle, van der Geest, Kees, Vanhala, Lisa, Prabhakar, S. V. R. K., Barnett, Jon and Pandit, Raju, "Chapter 5: Loss and Damage" in Adaptation Gap Report 2023: Underfinanced. Underprepared. Inadequate investment and planning on climate adaptation leaves world exposed ed. Neufeldt, Henry, Christiansen, Lars, Dale, Thomas and Hemmingsen, Lasse (Nairobi: United Nations Environment Programme, 2023), 61-75. 104 26
Sett, Dominic, Waldschmidt, Florian, Rojas-Ferreira, Alvaro, Sagala, Saut, Arce Mojica, Teresa d.J., Koirala, Preeti, Sanady, Patrick, Widjaja, Christina N., Kreft, Soenke, Souvignet, Maxime and Sandholz, Simone (2022). Climate and disaster risk analytics tool for adaptive social protection. United Nations University – Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS), Munich Climate Insurance Initiative (MCII) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. 1639 908
Takim, Felix O. (2017). Climate Change Adaptation Options: Importance of Drought Tolerant Maize Seeds. UNU-INRA Policy Brief. United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa. 949 264
Egbendewe, Aklesso Y.G., Lokonon, Boris K., Naga, Coulibaly and Atewamba, Calvin (2017). Climate Change, Agricultural Trade and Food Security in ECOWAS. UNU-INRA Policy Brief. United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa. 1054 352
Gupta, Himangana and Singh, Neeraj Kumar, (2023). Climate Change and Biodiversity Synergies: A Scientometric Analysis in the Context of UNFCCC and CBD. Anthropocene Science, 2 5-18 88  
Dun, Olivia and Gemenne, François, (2008). Climate change and displacement. Forced Migration Review, (31), 10-11 996 232
Warner, Koko and Spiegel, Andreas, "Climate change and emerging markets : the role of the insurance industry in climate risk management" in Geneva Association, the insurance industry and climate change : contribution to the global debate ed. Liedtke, Patrick M. (Geneva: Geneva Association, 2009), 83-96. 947  
Okamoto, Sanae, Nagabhatla, Nidhi, Kariuki, Weru and Oakes, Robert (2023). Climate change and mental health series: Co-creating a resilient future Policy Brief 1: Multiple and disaggregated impacts. United Nations University - Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology. 113 33
Okamoto, Sanae, Nagabhatla, Nidhi, Kariuki, Weru and Oakes, Robert (2023). Climate change and mental health series: Co-creating a resilient future Policy Brief 3: Opportunities, solutions and future generations. United Nations University - Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology. 124 36