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Santiago-Rodriguez, Fernando and Dutrenit, Gabriela (2010). Determinants of PRO-industry interactions in pharmaceutical R&D: the case of Mexico. UNU-MERIT. 574 285
Huang, Can and Jacob, Jojo (2012). Determinants of quadic patenting: Market access, imitative threat, competition and strength of intellectual property rights. UNU-MERIT. 952 466
Huang, Can and Jacob, Jojo, Determinants of Quadic Patenting: Market Access, Imitative Threat, Competition and Strength of Intellectual Property Rights. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 308   0
Zwartjes, Marieke, Van Langenhove, Luk, Kingah, Stephen and Maes, Leonie, (2012). Determinants of regional leadership: is the European Union a leading regional actor in peace and security. Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 12(3), 393-405 714   0
Kingah, Stephen and Van Langenhove, Luk (2012). Determinants of Regional Organisation’s Global Role in Peace and Security. EU-GRASP Working Papers. United Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies. 672  
Atamanov, Aziz and Van den Berg, Marrit (2010). Determinants of remittances in Central Asia: evidence based on the household budget survey in the Kyrgyz Republic. Maastricht University. 637 543
Cardona, Omar D., van Aalst, Maarten K., Birkmann, Joern, Fordham, Maureen, McGregor, Glenn, Perez, Rosa, Pulwarty, Roger S., Schipper, Emma Lisa F. and Sinh, Bach Tan (2012). Determinants of risk: exposure and vulnerability. Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation: A Special Report of Working Groups I and II of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Cambridge University Press. 6545 2368
De Loo, Ivo and Ziesemer, Thomas (1998). Determinants of Sectoral Average Wage Growth Rates in a Specific Factors Model with International Capital Movements: The Case of Cobb-Douglas Production Functions?. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT. 818 194
Carment, David, Prest, Stewart and Samy, Yiagadeesen (2008). Determinants of State Fragility and Implications for Aid Allocation : An Assessment Based on the Country Indicators for Foreign Policy Project. UNU-WIDER. 447  
Ramani, Shyama V., Frühauf, Timothée, Dutta, Arijita and Meijers, Huub (2012). Determinants of the prevalence of diarrhoea in adolescents attending school: A case study of an Indian village school. UNU-MERIT. 878 268
Atamanov, Aziz and Van den Berg, Marrit (2012). Determinants of the rural nonfarm economy in Tajikistan. UNU-MERIT Working Paper Series. UNU-MERIT. 571 385
Geuna, Aldo (1996). Determinants of university participation in EU R&D cooperative projects. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT. 658 145
Ahmad, Sohail and Puppim de Oliveira, José A., (2016). Determinants of urban mobility in India: Lessons for promoting sustainable and inclusive urban transportation in developing countries. Transport Policy, 50 106-114 586   0
Renaud, Fabrice G., Leeds-Harrison, Peter B., Brown, Colin D. and Van Beinum, Wendy, (2004). Determination of time-dependent partition coefficients for several pesticides using diffusion theory. Chemosphere, 57(10), 1525-1535 976   0
Ojo, Adegboyega, Janowski, Tomasz and Estevez, Elsa, "Determining progress towards e-government: what are the core indicators?" 5th European Conference on e-Government (ECEG2005), Antwerp, 2005. 1240 1524
Messner, Dirk, Mair, Stefan and Meyer, Lutz, Deutschland und die Welt 2030: Was sich verändert und wie wir handeln müssen, (Berlin: Econ Verlag, 2018). 6153  
Haveman, Jon D. and Shatz, Howard J. (2003). Developed Country Trade Barriers and the Least Developed Countries : The Economic Results of Freeing Trade. UNU-WIDER. 513  
Larsen, Ole, Oliver, Julien and Casiles Lanuza, Erickson (2014). Developing a disaster risk insurance framework for vulnerable communities in Pakistan: Pakistan disaster risk profile. UNU-EHS Report. UNU- EHS. 6576 3018
Shahin, Jamal (2002). Developing a European Polity: the case for governance on the Internet at the European Level. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT. 624 114
Auffret, Jean-Pierre, Estevez, Elsa, Marcovecchio, Ignacio and Janowski, Tomasz, "Developing a GCIO system: enabling good government through e-leadership" 11th Annual Conference on Digital Government Research (DG.O 2010), Puebla, 2010/05/17-20. 1004  
Tomaszewski, Brian M., Moore, Elizabeth A., Parnell, Kyle, Leader, Alexandra M., Armington, William R., Aponte, Omar, Brooks, Leslie, Herold, Brienna K., Meyers, Benjamin S., Ruggero, Tayler, Sutherby, Zachary, Wolters, Madeline, Wu, Sandy, Szarzynski, Joerg, Greve, Klaus and Parody, Robert, (2020). Developing a geographic information capacity (GIC) profile for disaster risk management under United Nations framework commitments. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 47(101638), 1-15 480 389
David McCoy, Anuj Kapilashrami, Ramya Kumar, Emma Rhule and Rajat Khosla, (2024). Developing an agenda for the decolonization of global health. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, n/a-n/a 110  
Basanya, Rilwan, Janowski, Tomasz, Ojo, Adegboyega and Reed, Mike (2008). Developing and Harnessing Software Technology in the South : The Roles of China, India, Brazil, and South Africa. UNU-WIDER. 507  
Smalen, Allard W.D., Chan, Zhie X., Lopes, Claudia A., Vanore, Michaella, Loganathan, Tharani and Pocock, Nicola S., (2021). Developing an evidence assessment framework and appraising the academic literature on migrant health in Malaysia: a scoping review. BMJ Open, 1-34 176 87
Pescinski, Janina and Vaughn, Leona (2024). Developing a Public Private Partnership Approach to Increase Financial Inclusion for Modern Slavery Survivors in Mexico. United Nations University. 123 148
Farzaneh, Hooman, Suwa, Aki, Doll, Christopher N.H. and Puppim de Oliveira, José A., (2014). Developing a tool to analyze climate co-benefits of the urban energy system. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 20 97-105 914  
Dickin, Sarah, Schuster-Wallace, Corinne J. and Elliott, Susan J., (2013). Developing a Vulnerability Mapping Methodology: Applying the Water-Associated Disease Index to Dengue in Malaysia. PLOS One, 8(5), 1-11 599 242
Jarzebski, Marcin Pawel, Su, Jie, Abrahamyan, Armine, Lee, Jason, Kawasaki, Jintana, Chen, Bixia, Andriatsitohaina, R. Ntsiva N., Ocen, Ismael, Sioen, Giles Bruno, Lambino, Ria, Saito, Osamu, Elmqvist, Thomas and Gasparatos, Alexandros, (2023). Developing biodiversity-based solutions for sustainable food systems through transdisciplinary Sustainable Development Goals Labs (SDG-Labs). Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7 1-16 280 66
Hoekman, Bernard (2002). Developing Countries and the Political Economy of the Trading System. UNU-WIDER. 499  
Developing Countries and the WTO: Policy Approaches, ed. Sampson, Gary P. and Chambers, Bradnee W. (Tokyo: UNU Press, 2008). 541 956
Santiago-Rodriguez, Fernando, "Developing Countries Facing the Trial of Internationalising Clinical Trials, with Some Evidence from Mexico" in Multinationals and emerging economies: The quest for innovation ed. Wilfred Dolfsma, Geert Duysters and Ionara Costa (). 203  
Kapur, Sandeep (2002). Developing Countries in the New Economy : The Role of Demand-side Initiatives. UNU-WIDER. 549  
Ali, Saleem, H., (2023). Developing Djibouti as a Sustainable Maritime Hub. Forbes, n/a-n/a 19  
Ali, Saleem,H., (2023). Developing Djibouti as a Sustainable Maritime Hub. Forbes, n/a-n/a 16  
Cockayne, James, Developing Freedom: The Sustainable Development Case for Ending Modern Slavery, Forced Labour, Human Trafficking, (New York: United Nations University, 2021). 1286 1386
Adenle, Ademola A., Aworh, Ogugua C., Akromah, Richard and Parayil, Govindan, (2012). Developing GM super cassava for improved health and food security: future challenges in Africa. Agriculture & Food Security, 1(11), 174-187 734 77 0
Sarantis, Demetrios and Soares, Delfina, "Developing Health Sector Website Assessment Instrument: Outcomes from Portuguese Hospitals" 6th International Conference on eDemocracy & eGovernment (ICEDEG 2019), Quito, 2019/04/24-26. 618  
Arundel, Anthony and Bordoy, Catalina (2008). Developing internationally comparable indicators for the commercialization of publicly-funded research. UNU-MERIT. 981 309
Teague, Paul (2009). Developing Ireland : Committing to Economic Openness and Building Domestic Institutional Capabilities. UNU-WIDER. 433  
Freeman, Chris and Soete, Luc (2007). Developing science, technology and innovation indicators: what we can learn from the past. UNU-MERIT. 784  
Backhouse, Judy and Al-Hadhrami, Laila, "Developing Smart City Ambassadors in Oman" in Building on Smart Cities Skills and Competences: Human factors affecting smart cities development ed. Fitsilis, Panos (Cham: Springer, 2022), 201-216. 221  
Al-Mahrooqi, Shaima (2019). Developing the Most Significant and Suitable Smart City Indicators for Smart City Pilot in Knowledge Oasis Muscat (KOM), Sultanate of Oman. United Nations University (UNU-EGOV). 301 515
Malone, David and Medhora, Rohinton P. (2013). Development. United Nations University Working Paper Series. United Nations University. 835 476
Stevens, Bavo, (2017). Development Aid Alone Won’t Reduce Migration. Our World, n/a-n/a 538  
Uvin, Peter (1996). Development, Aid and Conflict : Reflections from the Case of Rwanda. UNU-WIDER. 681  
van der Hoeven, Rolph (2012). Development Aid and Employment. UNU-WIDER. 506  
Moghadam, Valentine M. (1992). Development and Patriarchy : the Middle East and North Africa in Economic and Demographic Transition. UNU-WIDER. 733  
Nour, Samia Satti O. M. (2013). Development and social justice: Education, training and health in Sudan. UNU-MERIT. 486 226
Wannewitz, Sabrina, Hagenlocher, Michael and Garschagen, Matthias, (2016). Development and Validation of a Sub-national Multi-hazard Risk Index for the Philippines. GI_Forum 2016, 1 133-140 1412  
Asare-Kyei, Daniel, Renaud, Fabrice G., Walz, Yvonne and Rhyner, Jakob, (2017). Development and validation of risk profiles of West African rural communities facing multiple natural hazards. PLoS ONE, 12(3), n/a-n/a 1146 288 0