Developing an evidence assessment framework and appraising the academic literature on migrant health in Malaysia: a scoping review
Smalen, Allard W.D., Chan, Zhie X., Lopes, Claudia A., Vanore, Michaella, Loganathan, Tharani and Pocock, Nicola S., (2021). Developing an evidence assessment framework and appraising the academic literature on migrant health in Malaysia: a scoping review. BMJ Open, 1-34
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Sub-type Journal article Author Smalen, Allard W.D.
Chan, Zhie X.
Lopes, Claudia A.
Vanore, Michaella
Loganathan, Tharani
Pocock, Nicola S.Title Developing an evidence assessment framework and appraising the academic literature on migrant health in Malaysia: a scoping review Appearing in BMJ Open Publication Date 2021-01-18 Place of Publication London Publisher BMJ Publishing Group Ltd. Start page 1 End page 34 Language eng Abstract A large number of international migrants in Malaysia face challenges in obtaining good health, the extent of which is still relatively unknown. This study aims to map the existing academic literature on migrant health in Malaysia and to provide an overview of the topical coverage, quality and level of evidence of these scientific studies. UNBIS Thesaurus LITERATURE
EVIDENCEKeyword Developing
ReviewCopyright Holder The Authors Copyright Year 2021 Copyright type Creative commons DOI 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-041379 -
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