UNU-IAS (2022). 国連大学サステイナビリティ高等研究所 年次報告書2021. United Nations University.
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気候変動対策と教育.. Online: Global Environment Outreach Centre; 2021
701 |
77 |
地域レベルにおける気候変動対策.. Online: Global Environment Outreach Centre; 2021
693 |
82 |
Katramiz, Tarek and Okitasari, Mahesti (2021). Accelerating 2030 Agenda Integration: Aligning National Development Plans with the Sustainable Development Goals. UNU-IAS Policy Brief series. United Nations University.
1143 |
885 |
To, K., Noguchi, F., Ninomiya-Lim, S., Iida, T., Nagahama, K., Sakurai, R., Won, J., Yang, H., Iwasa, R., Tamura, K., Asaoka, Y. and Hagiwara, G., (2021). 公開シンポジウム 国際交流委員会報告:環境教育とCOVID-19:影響と対応 オンライン・ラウンドテーブル・セッション. Japanese Journal of Environmental Education, 30(3), 11-17
470 |
337 |
Okitasari, Mahesti, Kandpal, Richa and Korwatanasakul, Upalat (2021). COVID-19 and Progress on Subnational Localisation of the SDGs. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability and United Cities and Local Governments Asia-Pacific.
1645 |
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Noguchi, F., (2021). COVID-19時代の地域に根差したESDを考える -アジア太平洋地域のRCEの現況分析プロジェクトをもとに-. Japanese Journal of Environmental Education, 31(1), 85-91
254 |
57 |
Payus, Carolyn, Refdin, M.A., Zahari, N.Z., Rimba, A.B., Geetha, M., Saroj, C., Gasparatos, A., Fukushi, K. and Payus, A. O., (2020). Durian husk wastes as low-cost adsorbent for physical pollutants removal: Groundwater supply. Materials Today, 42(1), 80-87
853 |
101 |
Noguchi, Fumiko, (2020). Education for Sustainable Development for 2030: Why it matters to us all. Perspectives on Earth and Space Science Educational Research, 1(5), 1-4
321 |
86 |
Koottatep, Thammarat, Ferré, Amédé, Chapagain, Saroj, Fakkaew, Krailuck and Strande, Linda, "Faecal sludge sample collection and handling" in Methods for Faecal Sludge Analysis ed. Velkushanova, Konstantina, Strande, Linda, Ronteltap, Mariska, Koottatep, Thammarat, Brdjanovic, Damir and Buckley, Chris (Online: IWA Publishing, 2021), 55-84.
474 |
Rumaling, M.I., Chee, F.P., Chang, H.W.J., Payus, C.M., Kong, S.K., Dayou, J. and Sentian, J., (2021). Forecasting particulate matter concentration using nonlinear autoregression with exogenous input model. Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management, 8(1), 27-44
337 |
223 |
Okitasari, Mahesti, Mishra, Ranjeeta, Masuda, Hiromi and Suzuki, Masachika (2021). Improving Community Acceptance of Sustainable Low-income Housing: Lessons from Mumbai & Surabaya. UNU-IAS Policy Brief series. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability.
875 |
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Okitasari, Mahesti, Prabowo, Mochammad Hendro and Santono, Hamong, (2021). Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships: A Tangible Instrument to Support the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda at the Local Level. Social Development Issues, 42(3), 61-86
714 |
502 |
Gunasiri Wadumestrige Dona, Chethika, Mohan, Geetha and Fukushi, Kensuke, (2021). Promoting Urban Agriculture and Its Opportunities and Challenges—A Global Review. Sustainability, 13(17), 1-22
286 |
1226 |
Vaughter, Philip and Noguchi, Fumiko (2020). RCE Project Trends during the Global Action Programme on ESD (2015-2019). United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability.
450 |
106 |
Nishi, Maiko, Natori, Yoji and Dublin, Devon R. (2021). Resilience in Landscapes & Seascapes: Building Back Better from COVID-19. UNU-IAS Policy Brief series. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability.
876 |
541 |
Yang, Jiaqi, Mohan, Geetha, Pipil, Supriya and Fukushi, Kensuke, (2021). Review on basic income (BI): Its theories and empirical cases. Journal of Social and Economic Development, 1-37
270 |
123 |
United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (2021). Roadmap for the RCE Community 2021–2030. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability.
316 |
103 |
Masuda, Hiromi, Okitasari, Mahesti, Morita, Kanako, Katramiz, Tarek, Shimizu, Hitomi, Kawakubo, Shun and Kataoka, Yatsuka, (2021). SDGs mainstreaming at the local level: Case studies from Japan. Sustainability Science, 16 1539-1562
668 |
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Meijer, Johan, van Oosten, Cora, Subramanian, Suneetha M., Yiu, Evonne and Kok, Marcel (2021). Seizing the landscape opportunity to catalyse transformative biodiversity governance. PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, in collaboration with Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation and UNU-IAS.
1132 |
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Kandpal, Richa and Saizen, Izuru, (2021). Self-help group participation towards sustainable solid waste management in peri-urban villages: evidence from Mumbai Metropolitan Region, India. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 1-24
312 |
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Payus, Carolyn, Payus, Alvin Oliver and Yan, Moh Pak, (2021). Steroid hormones assay on estrogen and progesterone group occurences fate and pathway distributions in river and coastal environment. Journal of Sustainability Science and Management, 16(3), 103-115
376 |
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Ida, Mizuki (2021). Summary of Case Studies: EU Policies on ICT Utilisation & Trends in Green Recovery. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability.
506 |
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Nagata, Akira and Yiu, Evonne, (2021). Ten Years of GIAHS Development in Japan. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 12(4), 567-577
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Dunbar, William, Pastor-Ivars, Juan and Yiu, Evonne, "The Satoyama Initiative for urban-rural connectivity at the landscape scale" in The Routledge Handbook of Sustainable Cities and Landscapes in the Pacific Rim (London: Routledge, 2022), 239-255.
247 |
Pastor-Ivars, Juan, "The veil, the clearing and the flow: New commons of Japanese traditional gardens in Kanazawa city" in Urban Nature -Enriching Belonging, Wellbeing and Bioculture- (London and New York: Routledge, 2020), 26-50.
262 |
Itayi, Chirenje Leonard, Mohan, Geetha and Saito, Osamu, (2021). Understanding the conceptual frameworks and methods of the food–energy–water nexus at the household level for development-oriented policy support: a systematic review. Environmental Research Letters, 16(3), 1-34
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Baffoe, Gideon, Zhou, Xin, Moinuddin, Mustafa, Somanje, Albert Novas, Kuriyama, Akihisa, Mohan, Geetha, Saito, Osamu and Takeuchi, Kazuhiko, (2021). Urban–rural linkages: Effective solutions for achieving sustainable development in Ghana from an SDG interlinkage perspective. Sustainability Science, 16 1341-1362
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