Review on basic income (BI): Its theories and empirical cases

Yang, Jiaqi, Mohan, Geetha, Pipil, Supriya and Fukushi, Kensuke, (2021). Review on basic income (BI): Its theories and empirical cases. Journal of Social and Economic Development, 1-37

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  • Sub-type Journal article
    Author Yang, Jiaqi
    Mohan, Geetha
    Pipil, Supriya
    Fukushi, Kensuke
    Title Review on basic income (BI): Its theories and empirical cases
    Appearing in Journal of Social and Economic Development
    Publication Date 2021-03-24
    Place of Publication Online
    Publisher Springer Nature
    Start page 1
    End page 37
    Language eng
    Abstract A basis of fundamental knowledge of diferent basic income approaches (BI) is essential to be elaborated for enhancing the prevalent debates on BI as an important solution on social transformation. Aiming to contribute to the current knowledge gaps and future research agendas on BI, this paper elaborates on BI theories and BI empirical cases, linkage, and gaps between these two parts. Our fndings indicate that BI defnitions remain imprecise, and the BI empirical cases are implemented in diverse ways. We also identifed that many conceptual impacts of BI were not achieved in the reviewed BI empirical cases. We further argue that the policy environment for implementing BI has not been entirely created at present, and a key issue is that the ambiguity between the BI theories and BI empirical cases causes difculties to generate widely agreed principles guiding the implementation of BI. This paper suggests that future studies on BI should focus more on revising existing BI defnitions which need to be simplifed, detailed, and unifed, generating universal principles guiding the implementation of BI, and developing indicators measuring BI’s consequences.
    Keyword Basic income
    Human Society
    Copyright Holder The Author(s)
    Copyright Year 2021
    Copyright type Creative commons
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