COVID-19時代の地域に根差したESDを考える -アジア太平洋地域のRCEの現況分析プロジェクトをもとに-
Noguchi, F., (2021). COVID-19時代の地域に根差したESDを考える -アジア太平洋地域のRCEの現況分析プロジェクトをもとに-. Japanese Journal of Environmental Education, 31(1), 85-91
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Sub-type Journal article Author Noguchi, F. Title COVID-19時代の地域に根差したESDを考える -アジア太平洋地域のRCEの現況分析プロジェクトをもとに- Appearing in Japanese Journal of Environmental Education Volume 31 Issue No. 1 Publication Date 2021-08-24 Place of Publication Online Publisher the Japanese Society for Environmental Education Start page 85 End page 91 Language jpn Abstract In the search for achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), two approaches are integral: local community-based and multi-stakeholder participation and partnership. Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), which is addressed in Target 4.7, is at the heart of these approaches to attract diverse stakeholders for the efforts at the local community level. The stakeholders share their diverse experiences and knowledge to create a new knowledge for sustainability. Therein, tension and conflict that they may experience can lead to a critical learning process for individual and social transformation. This article reports the preliminary results obtained from the project, which examines the effectiveness and relevance of local community-based and multi-stakeholder approaches to the efforts for sustainable community development during the COVID-19 pandemic. The project focuses on the experiences of member organizations of the Regional Centre of Expertise on ESD (RCEs) in the Asia-Pacific region, which was established by the United Nations University, Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS). The article proposes further direction of research based on the key findings at this stage, including digitalization and youth participation, which are to be further analyzed for the advocacy and relevant international and national policies on SDGs and ESD for 2030 from the perspectives of local communities. Keyword COVID-19
local community
SDGsCopyright Holder the Japanese Society for Environmental Education Copyright Year 2021 Copyright type All rights reserved DOI -
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