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Blasiak, Robert, (2011). 倫理と環境:コスタリカの教訓., n/a-n/a 741  
Takahashi, Shimako and Ichikawa, Kaoru, (2011). 自然資源の持続的利用に向けた国際連合大学のとりくみ. 農業と経済:特集 〈山業〉の可能性--山資源を地域経済に活かす, 77(4), 16-25 764  
Doranova, Asel, Costa, Ionara and Duysters, Geert (2011). Absorptive capacity in technological learning in clean development mechanism projects. UNU-MERIT. 1020 403
Kingah, Stephen, Access to medicines and vaccines in the south: coherence of rules and policies applied by the European Union Commission, (Brussels: Free University of Brussels Press, 2011). 729  
Achieving Global Sustainability: Policy Recommendations (Sustainability Science Series volume V), ed. Sawa, Takamitsu, Iai, Susumu and Ikkatai, Seiji (Tokyo: UNU Press, 2011). 2425 1268
Manahan, Kyle, Strzepek, Kenneth, Strzepek, Niko, Schlosser, C. Adam, Schweikert, Amy E. and Chinowsky, Paul S. (2011). Adaptation Advantage to Climate Change Impacts on Road Infra-structure in Africa through 2100. UNU-WIDER. 615  
Qadir, Manzoor, Noble, Andrew D. and Chartres, Colin, (2011). ADAPTING TO CLIMATE CHANGE BY IMPROVING WATER PRODUCTIVITY OF SOILS IN DRY AREAS. Land Degradation & Development, 24(1), 12-21 1022  
Renaud, Fabrice G., Dun, Olivia, Warner, Koko and Bogardi, Janos J., (2011). A decision framework for environmentally induced migration. International Migration, 49(s1), e5-e29 6653  
Renaud, Fabrice G., Dun, Olivia, Warner, Koko and Bogardi, Janos J., (2011). A decision framework for environmental migration. International Migration Journal, 49(1), 5-29 6493   0
Robinson, Sherman, Strzepek, Kenneth and Willenbockel, Dirk (2011). A Dynamic General Equilibrium Analysis of Adaptation to Climate Change in Ethiopia. UNU-WIDER. 706  
Hertel, Thomas W., Ahmed, Syud Amer, Diffenbaugh, Noah S. and Martin, William J. (2011). Agriculture and Trade Opportunities for Tanzania : Past Volatility and Future Climate Change. UNU-WIDER. 693  
Siegel, Melissa and de Neubourg, Chris (2011). A historical perspective on immigration and social protection in the Netherlands. UNU-MERIT. 1035 468
Tarp, Finn and Mekasha, Tseday Jemaneh (2011). Aid and Growth : What Meta-Analysis Reveals. UNU-WIDER. 700  
Roe, Alan (2011). Aid and the Fiscal and Monetary Responses to Dutch Disease. UNU-WIDER. 591  
Arndt, Channing, Jones, Sam and Tarp, Finn (2011). Aid Effectiveness : Opening the Black Box. UNU-WIDER. 745  
Jones, Sam (2011). Aid Supplies Over Time : Accounting for Heterogeneity, Trends and Dynamics. UNU-WIDER. 593  
Chen, Lurong, Cuyvers, Ludo, De Lombaerde, Philippe and Mukti, Wahyu, (2011). An ASEAN-EU FTA, Regional Production Sharing, and Regional Cohesion. Focus On Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar. South African Journal of Economics, 79(4), 411-427 445  
Cornia, Giovanni Andrea, Martorano, Bruno and Gómez-Sabaini, Juan Carlos (2011). A New Fiscal Pact, Tax Policy Changes and Income Inequality : Latin America During the Last Decade. UNU-WIDER. 586  
Lora, Eduardo and Powell, Andrew (2011). A New Way of Monitoring the Quality of Urban Life. UNU-WIDER. 642  
Szirmai, Adam (2011). Angus Maddison and Development Economics. UNU-MERIT. 1027 283
UNU-INWEH (2011). 2010 Annual Report. The United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health (UNU-INWEH). 44 8
Saito, Osamu, Kozaki, Kouji, Hirota, Takeru and Mizoguchi, Riichiro, "Application of ontology engineering to biofuel problems" in Sustainability science: a multidisciplinary approach (Tokyo: United Nations University Press, 2011), 69-86. 971  
Nour, Samia Satti O. M. (2011). Arab regional systems of innovation: characteristics and implications. UNU-MERIT. 719 301
Resnick, Danielle (2011). Are Electoral Coalitions Harmful for Democratic Consolidation in Africa?. UNU-WIDER. 614  
Balding, Christopher (2011). A Re-examination of the Relation between Democracy and International Trade : The Case of Africa. UNU-WIDER. 545  
Tomini, Sonila and Packard, Truman G. (2011). Are health care payments in Albania catastrophic? Evidence form ALSMS 2002, 2005 and 2008. UNU-MERIT. 783 358
Ritzen, Jo (2011). A renaissance for social mobility and its significance for the bridge towards postsecondary education. UNU-MERIT. 1092 279
Howard, Emma, Newman, Carol and Thijssen, Jacco J. J. (2011). Are Spatial Networks of Firms Random? : Evidence from Vietnam. UNU-WIDER. 598  
Nour, Samia Satti O. M. (2011). Assessment of effectiveness of China aid in financing development in Sudan. UNU-MERIT. 714  
Nour, Samia Satti O. M. (2011). Assessment of gender gap in Sudan. UNU-MERIT. 735  
Nour, Samia Satti O. M. (2011). Assessment of industrial performance and the relationship between skill, technology and input-output indicators in Sudan. UNU-MERIT. 696 253
Nour, Samia Satti O. M. (2011). Assessment of skill and technology indicators at the macro-micro levels in Sudan. UNU-MERIT. 688 258
Nour, Samia Satti O. M. (2011). Assessment of the impacts of oil: Opportunities and challenges for economic development in Sudan. UNU-MERIT. 763  
Thurlow, James, Yu, Winston H. and Dorosh, Paul A. (2011). A Stochastic Simulation Approach to Estimating the Economic Impacts of Climate Change in Bangladesh. UNU-WIDER. 633  
Automobility in Transition? A Socio-Technical Analysis of Sustainable Transport, ed. Geels, F., Kemp, René, Dudley, G. and Lyons, Glenn (London: Routledge, 2011). 1071  
Siegel, Melissa and Kuschminder, Katherine (2011). A Who's Who in Ethiopian Migration?. IS Academie Migration Policy Brief. 955 871
Burt, John A., Bartholomew, Aaron and Sale, Peter F., (2011). Benthic development on large-scale engineered reefs: A comparison of communities among breakwaters of different age and natural reefs. Ecological Engineering, 37(2), 191-198 722  
Kilelu, Catherine W., Klerkx, Laurens, Leeuwis, Cees and Hall, Andy (2011). Beyond knowledge brokerage: An exploratory study of innovation intermediaries in an evolving smallholder agricultural system in Kenya. UNU-MERIT. 993 681
Burt, John A., Feary, David A., Bauman, Andrew G., Usseglio, Paolo, Cavalcante, Georgenes H. and Sale, Peter F., (2011). Biogeographic patterns of reef fish community structure in the northeastern Arabian Peninsula. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 68(9), 1875-1883 747  
Blood and Borders: The Responsibility to Protect and the Problem of the Kin-state, ed. Kemp, Water, Popovski, Vesselin and Thakur, Ramesh (Tokyo: UNU Press, 2011). 1418 6355
Minohara, Akane, Blasiak, Robert, Furukawa, Takuya, Ichikawa, Kaoru, Mulongoy, Jo, Nakamura, Kurtis K., Nakao, Fumiko, Takahashi, Ayumi, Takatsuki, Aya and Takemoto, Kazuhiko, (2011). BOUNCING BACK FROM DISASTERS: REBUILDING SATOYAMA AND SATOUMI COMMUNITIES AFTER THE GREAT EAST JAPAN EARTHQUAKE AND TSUNAMI. CBD Technical Series No. 62 Contribution of Ecosystem Restoration to the Objectives of the CBD and a Healthy Planet for All People: Abstracts of Posters Presented at the 15th Meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice, 62 73-75 902  
Ojo, Adegboyega, Janowski, Tomasz and Estevez, Elsa, "Building theoretical foundations for electronic governance benchmarking" 10th IFIP Annual EGOV Conference, Delft, 2011/08-09/28-02. 1004   0
Beckers, Pascal and Kloosterman, Robert C. (2011). Business spaces between entrepreneurs and opportunities. The impact of the local built environment and zoning regulations on businesses in Dutch cities. UNU-MERIT. 626 171
de Janvry, Alain, Gonzalez-Navarro, Marco and Sadoulet, Elisabeth (2011). Can a Populist Political Party Bear the Risk of Granting Complete Property Rights? : Electoral outcomes of Mexico’s second land reform. UNU-WIDER. 587  
Altenburg, Tilman (2011). Can Industrial Policy Work under Neopatrimonial Rule?. UNU-WIDER. 649  
De Sherbinin, Alex, Warner, Koko and Erhart, Charles, (2011). Casualties of Climate Change. Scientific American, 50-57 6418  
Iizuka, Michiko and Soete, Luc (2011). Catching up in the 21st century: Globalization, knowledge & capabilities in Latin America, a case for natural resource based activities. UNU-MERIT. 1022 245
Causes, Costs and Responses, ed. Naudé, Wim, Santos-Paulino, Amelia U. and McGillivray, Mark (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011). 709  
Jirón, Paola (2011). Challenges for Latin American Cities Improving Diagnosis or the Need to Shift the Understanding Urban Inequality from Fixed Enclaves to Mobile Gradients. UNU-WIDER. 543  
Freire Junior, Clovis and Kumar, Nagesh, "Chapter 4: Building productive capacities of Least Developed Countries. ESCAP" in Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2011 (N/A: N/A, 2011), N/A-N/A. 653