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Sassetti, Francisca and Thinyane, Hannah, (2021). Apprise: inclusive innovation for enhancing the agency of vulnerable populations in the context of anti-trafficking responses. Innovation and Development, n/a-n/a  4.74 498  
Gallo, Michael, Konrad, Renata and Thinyane, Hannah, (2020). Applying Epidemiological Thinking to Assess Anti-Trafficking Interventions in the Thai Garment Industry. Zenodo, 1-6  4.74 619  
Ju, Bei, Sandel, Todd L. and Thinyane, Hannah, (2019). WeChat use of mainland Chinese dual migrants in daily border crossing. Chinese Journal of Communication, 12(4), 377-394  4.74 429  
Ju, Bei and Sandel, Todd L., (2019). Adaptation of Mainland Chinese Labour Migrants in Macao. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 48(3) 257-273  4.74 494  
Thinyane, Mamello, Bhat, Karthik, Goldkind, Lauri and Cannanure, Vikram K., (2020). The messy complexities of democratic engagement and empowerment in participatory design – an illustrative case with a community-based organisation. CoDesign, 16(1), 29-44  4.74 498  
Liao, Han-Teng, (2015). Harnessing the power of collaborative filtering: Comparing the network gatekeeping of Baidu Baike and Chinese Wikipedia. China Perspectives, (4), 35-49  4.74 435  
Poveda, Sammia C., Gill, Melinda, Junio, Don Rodney, Thinyane, Hannah and Catan, Vanessa, (2019). Should social enterprises complement or supplement public health provision?. Social Enterprise Journal, n/a-n/a  4.74 533  
Thinyane, Mamello and Christine, Debora, (2021). Dimensioning Data Marginalization: Social Indicators Monitoring. Springer Nature, n/a-n/a  4.74 453  
Thinyane, Mamello, (2020). Standardizing Social Justice in Digital Health: An HDI-Informed Health Informatics Architecture. International Journal of Standardization Research (IJSR), 18(1), 24-43  4.74 372  
Kang, Juhee, Ling, Richard and Chib, Arul, (2018). The Flip: Mobile Communication of North Korean Migrant Women During Their Journey to South Korea. International Journal of Communication, 12 3533-3552  4.74 368 493
Kasadha, Juma, (2020). Digitizing Community Building and Reconciliation in Post-Conflict Communities: A Case of #Let’sTalkUganda in Northern Uganda. Social Media + Society, 1-13  4.74 215  
Poveda, Sammia C., (2016). PAR and Digital Inclusion, An Analysis Using the Capabilities Approach and Critical Pedagogy. International Journal of E-Politics (IJEP), 7(4), 1-15  4.74 454  
Ju, Bei and Sandel, Todd L., (2018). Who am I? A Case Study of a Foreigner’s Identity in China as Presented via WeChat Moments. China Media Research, 14(2), 62-74  4.74 612 585
Combemale, Benoit, Kienzle, Jorg, Mussbacher, Gunter, Ali, Hyacinth, Amyot, Daniel, Bagherzadeh, Mojtaba, Batot, Edouard, Bencomo, Nelly, Benni, Benjamin, Bruel, Jean-Michel, Cabot, Jordi, Cheng, Betty, Collet, Philippe, Engels, Gregor, Heinrich, Robert, Jezequel, Jean-Marc, Koziolek, Anne, Mosser, Sebastien, Reussner, Ralf, Sahraoui, Houari, (2021). A Hitchhiker's Guide to Model-Driven Engineering for Data-Centric Systems. IEEE Software, 38(4), 71-84  4.74 521  
Thinyane, Hannah and Gallo, Michael, (2021). Pivoting technology: understanding working conditions in the time of COVID-19. Journal of Modern Slavery: A Multidisciplinary Exploration of Human Trafficking Solutions, 6(2), 195-215  4.74 329  
Kim, Minjin, Zoo, Hanah, Lee, Heejin and Kang, Juhee, (2018). Mobile financial services, financial inclusion, and development: A systematic review of academic literature. The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, 84(4), 1-17  4.74 423  
Alicja Pawluczuk, JeongHyun Lee and Attlee Gamundani, (2021). Bridging the gender digital divide: an analysis of existing guidance for gender digital inclusion programmes’ evaluations. Emerald Publishing Limited, n/a-n/a  4.74 632  
Kasadha, Juma, (2019). Does social media matter in developing democracies? Examining its impact on citizen political participation and expression in Uganda. Journal of Public Affairs, 1-10  4.74 329  
Marcovecchio, Ignacio, Thinyane, Mamello, Estevez, Elsa and Fillottrani, Pablo, (2018). Capability Maturity Models as a Means to Standardize Sustainable Development Goals Indicators Data Production. Journal of ICT Standardization, 6(3), 217-244  4.74 779 1374
Gallo, Michael and Thinyane, Hannah, (2020). Sentinel Surveillance and Centring Prevention in Anti-Trafficking Policy and Response. Journal of Modern Slavery: A Multidisciplinary Exploration of Human Trafficking Solutions, 1-24  4.74 541  
JeongHyun Lee, (2020). Algorithmic Uses of Cybernetic Memory: Google Photos and a Genealogy of Algorithmically Generated “Memory”. Social Media + Society, 6(4), 1-12  4.74 555  
Thinyane, Hannah and Sophie Zinser, (2021). A Step Forward for Palermo’s Trafficking Protocol, This Time Integrating Frontier Technology. Yale Journal of International Affairs, 16(1), 140-151  4.74 491 137
Christine, Debora and Thinyane, Mamello, (2021). Citizen science as a data-based practice: A consideration of data justice. Patterns 2, 1-13  4.74 633  
Alicja Pawluczuk, Simeon Yates, Elinor Carmi, Eleanor Lockley and Bridgette Wessels, (2020). Data citizenship framework: exploring citizens’ data literacy through data thinking, data doing and data participation. Digital Skills Insights, 60-70  4.74 609  
Thinyane, Mamello, (2018). Towards Informing Human-centric ICT Standardization for Data-driven Societies. Journal of ICT Standardization, 6(3), 179-202  4.74 793 419
Thinyane, Mamello, Goldkind, Lauri and Tam, Hoi Iam, (2018). Data Collaboration and Participation for Sustainable Development Goals—a Case for Engaging Community-Based Organizations. Journal of Human Rights and Social Work, 2(7), 1-8  4.74 774  
Kasadha, Juma, Zhang, Nan, Mpoza, Abdulhamid and Alli, Adam A., (2019). The 2020 U.S. presidential election: A litmus test. Journal of Public Affairs, n/a-n/a  4.74 208  
Thinyane, Mamello, Goldkind, Lauri and Choi, Moon, (2019). Small Data, Big Justice: The Intersection of Data Science, Social Good, and Social Services. Journal of Technology in Human Services, 36(4), 175-178  4.74 702  
Poveda, Sammia C. and Roberts, Tony, (2017). Critical agency and development: applying Freire and Sen to ICT4D in Zambia and Brazil. Information Technology for Development, 1-19  4.74 811   0
Ilavarasan, Vigneswara P., (2017). Bridging ICTD research and policy-making: notes from a systematic review on MSMEs in the low- and middle-income countries. Information Technology for Development, 23(1), 1-11  4.74 828 235 0
Best, Michael L., (2016). Mobile Computing and Political Transformation. Communications of the ACM, 59(10), 21-23  4.74 574 381 0
Rowsell, Jennifer, Burke, Anne, Flewitt, Rosie, Liao, Han-Teng, Lin, Angel, Marsh, Jackie, Mills, Kathy A. G., Prinsloo, Mastin, Rowe, Deborah W. and Wohlwend, Karen E., (2016). Humanizing Digital Literacies: A Road Trip in Search of Wisdom and Insight. The Reading Teacher, 70(1), 121-129  4.74 549   0
Thinyane, Hannah, (2017). MobiSAM: Reflections from a four year case study using technology to increase public participation in local government in South Africa. The Journal of Community Informatics, 13(1), 25-49  4.74 616 351
Gallo, Michael, Konrad, Renata and Thinyane, Hannah, (2020). An Epidemiological Perspective on Labor Trafficking. Journal of Human Trafficking, 1-22  4.74 711 941