Perko, Tanja (2015). How to Communicate about Radiological Risks? A European Perspective. Fukushima Global Communication Programme Working Paper Series. United Nations University.
707 |
270 |
Apip, Sagala, Saut A.H. and Luo, Pingping (2015). Overview of Jakarta Water-Related Environmental Challenges. Water and Urban Initiative Working Paper Series. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability.
2093 |
15564 |
Herath, Srikantha, Jayaraman, Archana and Diwa, Johanna (2015). Ensuring Water Security for the sustainability of the Hani Rice Terraces, China against Climate and Land Use changes. Rice Terrace Farming Systems Working Paper Series. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability.
644 |
341 |
Phan, Thi Thuy Hoan, Ngo, Thi Van Anh, Cao, Hoang Hai, Le, Ngoc Cau, Ha, Thi Lien and Le, Cong Binh (2015). The Current Status and Solutions for Urban Water Environment in Hanoi City. Water and Urban Initiative Working Paper Series. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability.
1067 |
2735 |
Herath, Srikantha, Tsusaka, Kenichi and Diwa, Johanna (2015). Assessment on the feasibility of REDD+ in Nagacadan Rice Terraces of Ifugao and its muyong forest. Rice Terrace Farming Systems Working Paper Series. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability.
838 |
575 |
Mutisya, Emmanuel and Yarime, Masaru (2014). Working Paper 199 - Microcredit for the Development of the Bottom of the Pyramid Segment: Impact of Access to Financial Services on Microcredit Clients, Institutions and Urban Sustainability. African Development Bank Group Working Paper Series. African Development Bank.
793 |
Shrestha, Niranjan, Lamsal, Alaka, Regmi, Ram K. and Mishra, Binaya K. (2015). Current Status of Water Environment in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. Water and Urban Initiative Working Paper Series. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability.
1473 |
7815 |
Kinsella, William J. (2015). Being “Post-Fukushima”: Divergent Understandings of Sociotechnical Risk. Fukushima Global Communication Programme Working Paper Series. United Nations University.
811 |
220 |
Hobson, Christopher (2015). Rebuilding Trust after Fukushima. Fukushima Global Communication Programme Working Paper Series. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability.
1145 |
1421 |
Tsujiuchi, Takuya (2015). Mental Health Impact of the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: Post-Traumatic Stress and Psycho-Socio-Economic Factors. Fukushima Global Communication Programme Working Paper Series. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability.
739 |
648 |
Polprasert, Chongrak, Pussayanavin, Tatchai and Kottatep, Thammarat (2015). Urban Development and Water Sustainability. Water and Urban Initiative Working Paper Series. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability.
782 |
2618 |
Nagamatsu, Shingo (2015). Did Cash for Work Programs Promote Recovery from the March 2011 Disasters?. Fukushima Global Communication Programme Working Paper Series. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability.
766 |
541 |
Ishikawa, Eiko (2015). 国際防災の視点でみた東日本大震災の復興プロセスの過渡期における課題. Fukushima Global Communication Programme Working Paper Series. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability.
1065 |
554 |
Akitomi, Shinji (2015). 東日本大震災と災害医療: 岩手県の対応と教訓. Fukushima Global Communication Programme Working Paper Series. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability.
1215 |
1327 |
Luepschen, Claudia, Kuehr, Ruediger and Magalini, Federico (2014). ZeroWIN: final report on policy recommendations and implications. ZeroWIN project / European Commission.
1021 |
399 |
Regmi, Ram K. and Mishra, Binaya K. (2016). Current Water Quality Status of Rivers in the Kathmandu Valley. Water and Urban Initiative Working Papar Series. United Nations University.
917 |
2159 |
Herath, Srikantha, Soriano, Mario, Diwa, Johanna and Bucton, Bredith (2015). Surface and Groundwater Flow Response to Climatic Change in the Ifugao Rice Terraces. Rice Terrace Farming Systems Working Paper Series. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability.
745 |
615 |
Matsushita, Kazuo, Snower, Dennis, Yamaguchi, Shinobu Yume, Elder, Mark, Tsudaka, Masashi, Takemoto, Akio, Korwatanasakul, Upalat and Okitasari, Mahesti (2023). Integrated Approach for Well-Being, Environmental Sustainability, and Just Transition. T7 Japan Policy Brief. Asian Development Bank Institute.
464 |
402 |
Regmi, Ram K. and Mishra, Binaya K. (2016). Use of Water Quality Index in Water Quality Assessment: A Case Study in the Metro Manila. Water and Urban Initiative Working Paper Series. United Nations University.
2335 |
3832 |
Shirabe, Masashi, Fassert, Christine and Hasegawa, Reiko (2015). From Risk Communication to Participatory Radiation Risk Assessment. Fukushima Global Communication Programme Working Paper Series. United Nations University.
617 |
255 |
Herath, Srikantha, Diwa, Johanna, Jiao, Yuanmei and Castro, Peter P. (2015). Overview of Rice Terrace Farming Systems in Hani and Ifugao: Water Management and Current Threats. Rice Terrace Farming Systems Working Paper Series. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability.
747 |
3941 |
Shimizu, Nanako (2015). 意思決定とジェンダー不平等 -福島原発事故後の「再建」過程における課題-. Fukushima Global Communication Programme Working Paper Series. United Nations University.
921 |
315 |
Hobson, Christopher (2014). Rethinking Human Security after the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake, Tsunami and Nuclear Accident. Fukushima Global Communication Programme Working Paper Series. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability.
1035 |
1344 |
Subramanian, Suneetha M. and Nishi, Maiko (2023). Nature as Culture: Conceptualizing What It Implies and Potential Ways to Capture the Paradigm in Scenario Building Exercises. UNU-IAS Working Paper series. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability.
200 |
166 |
Williams, Eric and Matthias Troyer (1998). A Framework for Computer Aided Modeling, Design, and Optimization of Integrated Industrial Systems. United Nations University.
327 |
56 |
Ito, Mamoru (2015). 福島第1原子力発電所事故と放射線問題をめぐる情報環境 -科学技術コミュニケーションの視点から-. Fukushima Global Communication Programme Working Paper Series. United Nations University.
905 |
233 |
Herath, Srikantha, Jayaraman, Archana and Diwa, Johanna (2015). Study of Institutional and Governance Arrangements for Achieving Water Security in the Hani Rice Terraces. Rice Terrace Farming Systems Working Paper Series. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability.
684 |
311 |
Miyazaki, Makoto (2015). ICRP111と福島の現実 ―臨床医としての見解―. Fukushima Global Communication Programme Working Paper Series. United Nations University.
672 |
94 |
Herath, Srikantha, Soriano, Mario and Diwa, Johanna (2015). Bias-corrected Daily Precipitation Estimates in the Ifugao Rice Terraces under Climate Change Scenarios. Rice Terrace Farming Systems Working Paper Series. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability.
837 |
737 |
Hériard-Dubreuil, Gilles and Baudé, Stéphane (2015). Local Populations Facing Long-Term Consequences of Nuclear Accidents: Lessons learned from Chernobyl and Fukushima. Fukushima Global Communication Programme Working Paper Series. United Nations University.
631 |
177 |
Kimura, Aya H. (2015). Risk Communication Programs after the Fukushima Nuclear Accident: A Comparison of Epistemic Cultures. Fukushima Global Communication Programme Working Paper Series. United Nations University.
730 |
139 |
Meskens, Gaston (2015). Beyond Paternalism and Strategy: Understanding Radiological Risks as a Mutual Learning Experience. Fukushima Global Communication Programme Working Paper Series. United Nations University.
810 |
144 |
Sato, Akiko (2015). Understanding Effective Risk Communication in the Context of a Radiological Accident. Fukushima Global Communication Programme Working Paper Series. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability.
831 |
865 |
Tatsuki, Shigeo (2015). The Experiences of People with Functional Needs in Times of Disasters: Results from the 2013 Sendai Grass-roots Assessment Workshop. Fukushima Global Communication Programme Working Paper Series. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability.
1430 |
950 |
Morioka, Rika (2015). Gender Difference in Risk Perception following the Fukushima Nuclear Plant Disaster. Fukushima Global Communication Programme Working Paper Series. United Nations University.
843 |
621 |
Raflores, Lilia S.D. and Regmi, Ram K. (2015). Understanding the Water and Urban Environment of a Megacity: The Case of Metro Manila, Philippines. Water and Urban Initiative Working Paper Series. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability.
2476 |
11391 |