Search Results (Display Type:"Article", Author ID:"Saito, Osamu", Journal Name:"Sustainability Science", isMemberOf:"UNU:1626")

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Ryu, Hyeonju, Basu, Mrittika and Saito, Osamu, (2018). What and how are we sharing? A systematic review of the sharing paradigm and practices. Sustainability Science, 14(2), 515-527  7.94 386 956
Saito, Osamu, Kamiyama, Chiho and Hori, Keiko, (2018). Exploring the relationship between ecosystems and human well-being by understanding the preferences for natural capital-based and produced capital-based ecosystem services. Sustainability Science, 13(43), 1-12  7.94 763 1870
Joseph Karanja and Saito, Osamu, (2017). Cost–benefit analysis of mangrove ecosystems in flood risk reduction: A case study of the Tana Delta, Kenya. Sustainability Science, 1-14  7.94 713 1050 0
Tatebayashi, Kana, Kamiyama, Chiho, Matsui, Takanori, Saito, Osamu and Machimura, Takashi, (2018). Accounting shadow benefits of non-market food through food-sharing networks on Hachijo Island, Japan. Sustainability Science, 1-18  7.94 932  
Goh, Chung Sheng, Aikawa, Takanobu, Ahl, Amanda, Ito, Kanae, Kayo, Chihiro, Kikuchi, Yasunori, Takahashi, Yasuo, Furubayashi, Takaaki, Nakata, Toshihiko, Kanematsu, Yuichiro, Saito, Osamu and Yamagata, Yoshiki, (2019). Rethinking sustainable bioenergy development in Japan: decentralised system supported by local forestry biomass. Sustainability Science, n/a-n/a  7.94 280  
Kajikawa, Yuya, Saito, Osamu and Takeuchi, Kazuhiko, (2017). Academic landscape of 10 years of sustainability science. Sustainability Science, 1-5  7.94 2889   0
Sahle, Mesfin, Saito, Osamu, Furst, Christine, Demissew, Sebsebe and Yeshitela, Kumelachew, (2018). Future land use management effects on ecosystem services under different scenarios in the Wabe River catchment of Gurage Mountain chain landscape, Ethiopia. Sustainability Science, 1-16  7.94 606  
Plieninger, Tobias, Kohsaka, Ryo, Bieling, Claudia, Hashimoto, Shizuka, Kamiyama, Chiho, Kizos, Thanasis, Penker, Marianne, Kieninger, Pia, Shaw, Brian J., Sioen, Giles B., Yoshida, Yuki and Saito, Osamu, (2017). Fostering biocultural diversity in landscapes through place-based food networks: a ‘‘solution scan’’ of European and Japanese models. Sustainability Science, 1-15  7.94 699 393 0
Chinangwa, Linda, Gasparatos, Alexandros and Saito, Osamu, (2017). Forest conservation and the private sector: stakeholder perceptions towards payment for ecosystem service schemes in the tobacco and sugarcane sectors in Malawi. Sustainability Science, 1-20  7.94 723   0
Saito, Osamu, Managi, Shunsuke, Kanie, Norichika, Kauffman, Joanne and Takeuchi, Kazuhiko, (2017). Sustainability science and implementing the sustainable development goals. Sustainability Science, Special Feature: Sustainability Science and Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals 1-4  7.94 796   0
Yonehara, Aki, Saito, Osamu, Hayashi, Kaoru, Nagao, Masafumi, Yanagisawa, Ryu and Matsuyama, Kanako, (2017). The role of evaluation in achieving the SDGs. Sustainability Science, (Special Feature: Sustainability Science and Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals), 1-5  7.94 628   0
Shoyama, Kikuko, Matsui, Shiro, Hashimoto, Shizuka, Kabaya, Kei, Oono, Akiko and Saito, Osamu, (2018). Development of land-use scenarios using vegetation inventories in Japan. Sustainability Science, 1-14  7.94 527  
Matsui, Takanori, Haga, Chihiro, Saito, Osamu and Hashimoto, Shizuka, (2018). Spatially explicit residential and working population assumptions for projecting and assessing natural capital and ecosystem services in Japan. Sustainability Science, 1-15  7.94 428  
Saito, Osamu, (2017). Future science-policy agendas and partnerships for building a sustainable society in harmony with nature. Sustainability Science, 1-5  7.94 557   0
Takeuchi, Kazuhiko, Saito, Osamu, Lahoti, Shruti and Gondor, Darek, (2017). Growing up: 10 years of publishing sustainability science research. Sustainability Science, 1-6  7.94 544   0
Saito, Osamu, Kamiyama, Chiho, Hashimoto, Shizuka, Matsui, Takanori, Shoyama, Kikuko, Kabaya, Kei, Uetake, Tomoko, Taki, Hisatomo, Ishikawa, Yoichi, Matsushita, Kohei, Yamane, Fumihiro, Hori, Juri, Ariga, Toshinori and Takeuchi, Kazuhiko, (2018). Co-design of national-scale future scenarios in Japan to predict and assess natural capital and ecosystem services. Sustainability Science, 13 1-17  7.94 644  
Hashimoto, Shizuka, Nakamura, Shogo, Saito, Osamu, Kohsaka, Ryo, Kamiyama, Chiho, Tomiyoshi, Mitsuyuki and Kishioka, Tomoya, (2015). Mapping and characterizing ecosystem services of social–ecological production landscapes: case study of Noto, Japan. Sustainability Science, 10(2), 257-273  7.94 660   0
Lam, Rodolfo Dam, Boafo, Yaw Agyeman, Defega, Silesha, Gasparatos, Alexandros and Saito, Osamu, (2017). Assessing the food security outcomes of industrial crop expansion in smallholder settings: insights from cotton production in Northern Ghana and sugarcane production in Central Ethiopia. Sustainability Science, 1-17  7.94 1166 1155 0
Franco, Isabel B., Saito, Osamu, Vaughter, Philip, Whereat, John, Kanie, Norichika and Takemoto, Kazuhiko, (2018). Higher education for sustainable development: actioning the global goals in policy, curriculum and practice. Sustainability Science, 1-22  7.94 962 6326