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Kuruppu, Natasha and Capon, Anthony G., (2016). Climate change and health. The Lancet, 387(10017), 430-430 666   0
Vaughter, Philip (2016). Climate Change Education: From Critical Thinking to Critical Action. UNU-IAS Policy Brief Series. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability. 1980 5510
Hashim, Jamal H. and Hashim, Zailina, (2016). Climate Change, Extreme Weather Events, and Human Health Implications in the Asia Pacific Region. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, 28(2), 8-14 793   0
Saraswat, Chitresh and Kumar, Pankaj, (2016). Climate justice in lieu of climate change: a sustainable approach to respond to the climate change injustice and an awakening of the environmental movement. Energy, Ecology and Environment, 1(2), 67-74 901  
Schaefer, Laura and Waters, Eleanor (2016). CLIMATE RISK INSURANCE FOR THE POOR & VULNERABLE: HOW TO EFFECTIVELY IMPLEMENT THE PRO-POOR FOCUS OF INSURESILIENCE. United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security. 6307 4173
Surtiari, Gusti Ayu Ketut, Setiadi, Neysa J., Garschagen, Matthias, Birkmann, Joern, Djalante, Riyanti and Maunati, Yekti, "Coastal resilience in Indonesia: from planning to implementation" in Spatial planning and resilience following disasters : International and comparative perspectives ed. Greiving, Stefan, Ubaura, Michio and Tesliar, Jaroslav (Bristol: Policy Press, 2016), 99-116. 1175  
Doll, Christopher, Yoshikawa, Kazumi, Taira, Sachio, Toyama, Toru, Feng, Xinling, Farzaneh, Hooman and Puppim de Oliveira, José A., "Co-benefits in the Energy and Industrial Sectors" in Asian Co-benefits Partnership White Paper 2016 Putting Co-benefits into Practice: Case Studies from Asia ed. IGES (Tokyo and Hayama: Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, 2016), 39-49. 475  
Murakami, Michio, Sato, Akiko, Matsui, Shiro, Goto, Aya, Kumagai, Atsushi, Tsubokura, Masahara, Orita, Makiko, Takamura, Noboru, Kuroda, Yujiro and Ochi, Sae, (2016). Communicating With Residents About Risks Following the Fukushima Nuclear Accident. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, 29(2S), 74S-89S 580 344 0
Yiu, Evonne, Nagata, Akira and Takeuchi, Kazuhiko, (2016). Comparative Study on Conservation of Agricultural Heritage Systems in China, Japan and Korea. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 7(3), 170-179 1210 1105
Van Langenhove, Luk, Zwartjes, Marieke and Papanagnou, Georgios, "Conceptualising Regional Leadership: The Positioning Theory Angle" in Global and Regional Leadership of BRICS Countries (Dordrecht: Springer, 2016). 300  
de Boer, John, Muggah, Robert and Patel, Ronak (2016). Conceptualizing City Fragility and Resilience. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research. 498 1260
Van Langenhove, Luk and Kingah, Stephen, "Conditions for Effective Regional Social (Health) Policies: The EU and Unasur Compared" in Regional Organizations and Social Policy in Europe and Latin America A Space for Social Citizenship? ed. Bianculli, Andrea and Ribeiro Hoffmann, Andrea (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016), 231-250. 327  
Soltani, Anoosh, (2016). Confronting Prejudice Against Muslim Women in the West., n/a-n/a 511  
Ichikawa, Kaoru and Yiu, Evonne, (2016). Conserving Resilient and Multifunctional Sustainable Landscapes., n/a-n/a 768  
Dunbar, William, (2016). Consider the Water Buffalo: Landscape Management Around Angkor Wat., n/a-n/a 444  
Qadir, Manzoor and Drechsel, Pay, "Contaminant Management in Water Reuse Systems" in Urban Water Reuse Handbook (Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2016), 525-532. 847  
Rhodes, Edward R., Atewamba, Calvin and Kouamé, Euphrasie B.H. (2016). Country Profile on Climate Change, Agricultural Trade and Food Security in ECOWAS - Sierra Leone Report. UNU-INRA Working Paper. United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa. 678 860
Bosetti, Louise, Cockayne, James and de Boer, John (2016). Crime-Proofing Conflict Prevention, Management, and Peacebuilding: A Review of Emerging Good Practice. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research. 688 1260
Tomaszewski, Brian, Schwartz, David and Szarzynski, Joerg ed. Crisis Response Serious Spatial Thinking Games: Spatial Think Aloud Study Results 2016/05/22-25 Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro: Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, 2016. 784  
Peprah, James A., Afoakwah, Clifford and Koomson, Isaac (2016). Crop Yield Volatility among Smallholder Farmers in Ghana. United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa. 1348 727
Crossings: Journal of Migration and Culture.. London: Intellect; 2016 725  
Regmi, Ram K. and Mishra, Binaya K. (2016). Current Water Quality Status of Rivers in the Kathmandu Valley. Water and Urban Initiative Working Papar Series. United Nations University. 870 2100
Barmania, Sima, (2016). Deadly denim: sandblasting-induced silicosis in the jeans industry. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, 1-1 588  
Bai, Xuemei, Elmqvist, Thomas, Gatzweiler, Franz W., Guneralp, Burak, Parnell, Susan, Prieur-Richard, Anne-Helene, Shrivastava, Paul, Siri, José G., Stafford-Smith, Mark, Toussaint, Jean-Patrick and Webb, Robert, (2016). Defining and advancing a systems approach for sustainable cities. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 23 69-78 614 196 0
Patel, Ronak and Nosal, Leah (2016). Defining the Resilient City. United Nations University. 366 2687
Schuster-Wallace, Corinne J., Cave, Kate and Metcalfe, Chris D. (2016). Dehcho - Great River: The State and Science in the Mackenzie Basin (1960-1985). UNU-INWEH. 648 352
Anaemene, Benjamin U., (2016). Democratic Governance and Health Care Delivery in Nigeria, 1999-2007. the quint : An interdisciplinary quarterly from the north, 8(4), 147-178 398  
Elgin-Cossart, Molly and Chandran, Rahul (2016). Designing Better Accountability Mechanisms for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Center for American Progress. 379 479
Ahmad, Sohail and Puppim de Oliveira, José A., (2016). Determinants of urban mobility in India: Lessons for promoting sustainable and inclusive urban transportation in developing countries. Transport Policy, 50 106-114 565   0
Wannewitz, Sabrina, Hagenlocher, Michael and Garschagen, Matthias, (2016). Development and Validation of a Sub-national Multi-hazard Risk Index for the Philippines. GI_Forum 2016, 1 133-140 1389  
Corendea, Cosmin, (2016). Development Implications of Climate Change Migration in the Pacific. Climate Law and Governance, (3), 1-20 827 331
Cheng, Zhang, Li, Han-Han, Wang, Hong-Sheng, Zhu, Xue-Mei, Sthiannopkao, Suthipong, Kim, Kyoung-Woong, Mohamed Yasin, Mohamed S., Hashim, Jamal H. and Wong, Ming-Hung, (2016). Dietary exposure and human risk assessment of phthalate esters based on total diet study in Cambodia. Environmental Research, 150 423-430 565   0
Gonçalves Veiga, Linda, Janowski, Tomasz and Barbosa, Luís, "Digital Government and Administrative Burden Reduction" 9th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV2016), Montevideo, 2016/03/01-03. 1214   0
Bertot, John, Estevez, Elsa and Janowski, Tomasz, "Digital Public Service Innovation: Framework Proposal" 9th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV2016), Montevideo, 2016/03/01-03. 487   0
Nielsen, Morten M., "Digitising a Small Island State: a Lesson in Faroese" 9th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV2016), Montevideo, 2016/03/01-03. 681   0
von Einsiedel, Sebastian and Yazaki, Anthony (2016). East Asian perceptions of the UN and its role in peace and security. Norwegian Peacebuilding Resource Centre. 409 827
Sušnik, Janez (2016). Economic Growth and Resource Use: Exploring the Links. DNC Policy Brief. United Nations University Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources (UNU-FLORES). 1295 564
Souvignet, Maxime, Wieneke, Florian, Mueller, Lea and Bresch, David N., Economics of Climate Adaptation (ECA): Guidebook for Practitioners, (Frankfurt am Main: KfW Group, KfW Development Bank, 2016). 7170 544
Cornell, Akima, Spurgeon, James, Favretto, Nicola and van Beek, Christy (2016). Economics of Land Degradation Initiative: Report for the Private Sector. ELD Initiative. 398  
Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction and Adaptation in Practice, ed. Renaud, Fabrice G., Sudmeier-Rieux, Karen, Estrella, Marisol and Nehren, Udo (Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2016). 6747  
Fitzpatrick, Colin and Milovantseva, Natalia (2016). Effect of Waste Legislation on TBM of EEE Destined for Reuse: Impact of E-waste Regulations on Reuse Organizations and Possible Future Direction. United Nations University. 542 206
Meyerhoff Nielsen, Morten, "eGovernment and Governance: The Danish-Japanese models and timelines compared" Conference for E-Democracy & Open Government (CeDEM Asia 2016), Daegu, 2016/12/7-9. 475  
Tavares, António, Soares, Delfina S. and Estevez, Elsa, "Electronic Governance for Context-Specific Public Service: a Survey of the Literature" 9th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV2016), Montevideo, 2016/03/01-03. 1068   0
Fernandes, Sara and Barbosa, Luís Soares, "Electronic Governance in Portugal: A Silent Pioneer" 3rd International Conference on Electronic Governance and Open Society: Challenges in Eurasia (EGOSE '16), Saint Petersburg, 2016/11/22-23. 867   0
Alarabiat, Ayman and Soares, Delfina S., "Electronic Participation through Social Media" 9th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV2016), Montevideo, 2016/03/01-03. 775   0
Alarabiat, Ayman, Soares, Delfina S. and Estevez, Elsa, "Electronic Participation with a Special Reference to Social Media - A Literature Review" IFIP EGOV-ePart 2016, Guimarães, 2016/09/05-08. 863   0
Odeh, Maya, (2016). 'Elmar the Elephant' in Arabic, and other experiences of integration in Berlin. openDemocracy, n/a-n/a 406  
Pelling, Mark, Abeling, Thomas and Garschagen, Matthias, (2016). Emergence and Transition in London’s Climate Change Adaptation Pathways. Journal of Extreme Events, 03(03), 1-25 457  
Pelling, Mark, Abeling, Thomas and Garschagen, Matthias, (2016). Emergence and Transition in London’s Climate Change Adaptation Pathways. Journal of Extreme Events, 3(3), 1-25 570 228
Sveinsson, Oli G. B. (2016). Energy in Iceland: Adaptation to Climate Change. DNC Policy Brief. United Nations University Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources (UNU-FLORES). 988 1758