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Breakey, Hugh, Francis, Angus, Popovski, Vesselin, Sampford, Charles, Smith, Michael G. and Thakur, Ramesh (2012). Enhancing protection capacity: policy guide to the responsibility to protect and the protection of civilians in armed conflicts. Griffith University. 688 1260
Breakey, Hugh, Francis, Angus, Popovski, Vesselin, Sampford, Charles, Smith, Michael G. and Thakur, Ramesh (2012). Enhancing protection capacity: policy guide to the responsibility to protect and the protection of civilians (overview document). Griffith University. 655 647
Bigsten, Arne, Gebreeyesus, Mulu, Siba, Eyerusalem and Soderbom, Måns (2012). Enterprise Agglomeration, Output Prices, and Physical Productivity : Firm-Level Evidence from Ethiopia. UNU-WIDER. 910  
Naudé, Wim (2012). Entrepreneurship and economic development: Theory, evidence and policy. UNU-MERIT. 759 1654
Stel, Nora and Naudé, Wim (2012). Entrepreneurship and innovation in a hybrid political order: The case of Lebanon. UNU-MERIT. 989 472
Ács, Zoltan J. and Naudé, Wim (2012). Entrepreneurship, stages of development, and industrialization. UNU-MERIT. 718 670
Casado, Jose Maria, Alvarez-Cuadrado, Francisco, Labeaga Azcona, José M. and Sutthiphisal, Dhanoos (2012). Envy and habits: Panel data estimates of interdependent preferences. UNU-MERIT. 555 346
Andrews, Matt, Pritchett, Lant and Woolcock, Michael (2012). Escaping Capability Traps Through Problem Driven Iterative Adaptation (PDIA). UNU-WIDER. 554  
Huang, Can (2012). Estimates of the value of patent rights in China. UNU-MERIT. 584  
Mideros Mora, Andres, Gassmann, Franziska and Mohnen, Pierre (2012). Estimation of rates of return of social protection instruments in Cambodia: a case for non-contributory social transfers. 875  
Mideros Mora, Andres, Gassmann, Franziska and Mohnen, Pierre (2012). Estimation of Rates of Return on Social Protection Instruments: Making the Investment case for Non-Contributory Social Transfers in Cambodia. UNU-MERIT. 1009  
Nielson, Poul (2012). EU Aid : What Works and Why. UNU-WIDER. 469  
Oğuz, Gönül, EU Enlargement and Turkish Labour Migration, (Tokyo: UNU Press, 2012). 958 784
Reslow, Natasja (2012). EU Migration cooperation with Cape Verde. Migration Policy Brief. 569 239
Delputte, Sarah and Söderbaum, Fredrik, "European Aid Coordination in Africa: Is the Commission Calling the Tune?" in The European Union and Global Development: An ‘Enlightened Superpower’ in the Making? (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012), 37-56. 656  
De Jong, Sijbren (2012). European Energy Security Governance: Key-Challenges in EURussia Energy Relations. EU-GRASP. United Nations University. 609 270
Filippov, Sergey (2012). European investment promotion agencies vis-à-vis multinational companies from emerging economies: Comparative analysis of BRIC investor targeting. UNU-MERIT. 609 180
Reslow, Natasja (2012). European policy debate: the Mobility Partnerships. Migration Policy Brief. 534 103
De Jong, Sijbren (2012). Europe’s Southern Gas Corridor: Central Asia and the EU’s Drive Towards Energy Diversification. EU-GRASP. United Nations University. 653 203
Kingah, Stephen and Cofelice, Andrea (2012). EU's Engagement with African (Sub)Regional Parliaments of ECOWAS, SADC, the EAC and the AU. UNU-CRIS Working Papers. United Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies. 722 217
Li, Jinjing and O'Donoghue, Cathal (2012). Evaluating binary alignment methods in microsimulation models. UNU-MERIT. 575  
Lee, Lisa Y., Ancev, Tihomir and Vervoort, Willem, (2012). Evaluation of environmental policies targeting irrigated agriculture: the case of the Mooki catchment, Australia. Agricultural Water Management, 109 107-116 658   0
Siegel, Melissa and van der Vorst, Vivianne (2012). Evaluation of the 'Blue Birds' Circular Migration Pilot in The Netherlands. n/a. 816  
Evidence-based Development Economics: Essays in Honour of Sanjaya Lall, ed. Pietrobelli, Carlo and Rasiah, Rajah (Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press, 2012). 554  
Warner, Koko, van der Geest, Kees, Kreft, Soenke, Huq, Saleemul, Harmeling, Sven, Kusters, Koen and De Sherbinin, Alex (2012). Evidence from the frontlines of climate change: loss and damage to communities despite coping and adapation. UNU-EHS Report. UNU- EHS. 8211 963
Cavalcante, Geórgenes H., Kjerfve, Björn and Feary, David A., (2012). Examination of residence time and its relevance to water quality within a coastal mega-structure: The Palm Jumeirah Lagoon. Journal of Hydrology, 469 111-119 653  
Shaxson, Louise, Bielak, Alex T., Ahmed, Ibrahim, Brien, Derek, Conant, Bernadette, Fisher, Catherine, Gwyn, Elin, Klerkx, Laurens, Middleton, Anne, Morton, Sarah, Pant, Laxmi Prasad and Phipps, David (2012). Expanding our understanding of K* (KT, KE, KTT, KMb, KB, KM, etc.). UNU-INWEH. 643 100
Bluhm, Richard, De Crombrugghe, Denis and Szirmai, Adam (2012). Explaining the dynamics of stagnation: An empirical examination of the North, Wallis and Weingast approach. UNU-MERIT. 843 184
Cingolani, Luciana and De Crombrugghe, Denis (2012). Exploring the panel components of the Institutional Profiles Database (IPD). UNU-MERIT. 577 113
Feary, David A., Burt, John A., Cavalcante, Georgenes H. and Bauman, Andrew G., (2012). Extreme Physical Factors and the Structure of Gulf Fish and Reef Communities. Coral Reefs of the World, 3 163-170 646  
Adenle, Ademola A., (2012). Failure to achieve 2010 biodiversity’s target in developing countries: how can conservation help?. Biodiversity and Conservation, 21(10), 2435-2442 629   0
Mosley, Paul (2012). Fiscal Composition and Aid Effectiveness : A Political-Economy Model. UNU-WIDER. 476  
De Silva, M. M. G. T., Weerakoon, S. B., Herath, Srikantha, Ratnayake, Uditha and Mahanama, Sarith, (2012). Flood Inundation Mapping along the Lower Reach of Kelani River Basin under the Impact of Climate Change. Journal of the Institution of Engineers, XXXXV(2), 23-30 673  
Rakner, Lise (2012). Foreign Aid and Democratic Consolidation in Zambia. UNU-WIDER. 499  
Dietrich, Simone and Wright, Joseph (2012). Foreign Aid and Democratic Development in Africa. UNU-WIDER. 504  
Resnick, Danielle (2012). Foreign Aid in Africa : Tracing Channels of Influence on Democratic Transitions and Consolidation. UNU-WIDER. 488  
van de Walle, Nicolas (2012). Foreign Aid in Dangerous Places : The Donors and Mali’s Democracy. UNU-WIDER. 520  
Vandeninden, Frieda (2012). Foreign aid transaction costs. UNU-MERIT. 486  
Abbott, Philip (2012). Foreign Assistance and the Food Crisis of 2007–08. UNU-WIDER. 496  
Foresight is 20/20: Scenario Building for Policy Analysis and Strategy Development, ed. Iglesias, Sol and Van Langenhove, Luk (Singapore: Asia Europe Foundation, 2012). 547  
Takeuchi, Kazuhiko (2012). Forest carbon stocks in shifting cultivation of Thailand and Lao PDR, APN Science Bulletin. Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research. 835 704
Birkmann, Joern, Cardona, Omar D., Carreno, Martha Liliana, Barbat, Alex H., Pelling, Mark, Schneiderbauer, Stefan, Kienberger, Stefan, Kelier, Margreth, Alexander, David, Zeil, Peter and Welle, Torsten, (2012). Framing vulnerability, risk and societal responses: the MOVE framework. Natural Hazards, 67(2), 193-211 1214  
Dreyfus, Magali, "France" in Encyclopedia of global warming & climate change, second edition (Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, 2012), 596-599. 589  
Free and Open Source Software and Technology for Sustainable Development, ed. Sowe, Sulayman K., Parayil, Govindan and Sunami, Atsushi (Tokyo: UNU Press, 2012). 2643 5512
Cuyvers, Ludo, De Lombaerde, Philippe and Verherstraeten, Stijn, "From AFTA Towards an ASEAN Economic Community... and Beyond" in The World Economy Today: Major Trends and Developments (Yerevan, Armenia: Alternative, 2012), 248-287. 729  
Duda, Al, Dansie, Andrew, Hume, Andrew, Hillers, Astrid, Severin, Christian, Zavadsky, Ivan and Hamid, Mish, From Community to Cabinet: Two Decades of GEF Action to Secure Transboundary River Basins and Aquifers, ed. Menzies, Stephen (Canada: GEF, 2012). 612  
Cai, Gui-Hong, Hashim, Jamal H., Hashim, Zailina, Ali, Faridah, Bloom, Erica, Larsson, Lennart, Lampa, Erik and Norbäck, Dan, (2012). Fungal DNA, Allergens, Mycotoxins and Associations with Asthmatic Symptoms Among Pupils in Schools from Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Pediatr Allergy Immunol, 290-297 780   0
Leiderer, Stefan (2012). Fungibility and the Choice of Aid Modalities. UNU-WIDER. 477  
Bauchmüller, Robert (2012). Gains from child-centred Early Childhood Education: Evidence from a Dutch pilot programme. UNU-MERIT. 545 112
Aslam, Maleeha, Gender-Based Explosions: The Nexus between Muslim Masculinities, Jihadist Islamism and Terrorism, (Tokyo: UNU Press, 2012). 2381 4588