Europe’s Southern Gas Corridor: Central Asia and the EU’s Drive Towards Energy Diversification
De Jong, Sijbren (2012). Europe’s Southern Gas Corridor: Central Asia and the EU’s Drive Towards Energy Diversification. EU-GRASP. United Nations University.
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Author De Jong, Sijbren Title Europe’s Southern Gas Corridor: Central Asia and the EU’s Drive Towards Energy Diversification Series Title EU-GRASP Volume/Issue No. 8 Publication Date 2012-03-01 Place of Publication Bruges Publisher United Nations University Pages 11 Language eng Abstract On 7 September 2011, the European Commission issued its Communication on security of supply and international cooperation. Included were a set of proposals with the aim of improving Brussels’ oversight on international energy deals between EU Member States and energy-rich third countries. The rationale for the new proposals lies in the difficulties the EU has in diversifying its gas suppliers and transit routes. Europe’s increasing anxiety over its dependence on Russian natural gas imports led to the idea for the creation of a ‘Southern gas Corridor’ to tap into Central Asia’s vast reserves back in late 2008. Now, 3 years later there are no clear indications however that Central Asian gas will flow to Europe anytime soon, resulting in growing criticism over the way in which the EU has tried to secure alternative supplies. Some claim the myriad of individual Member State actions on external energy policy blurs the view of third countries on what the Union really wants and hampers its diversification efforts.1 Renowned human Rights NGOs also criticised the Union’s ‘courting’ of Central Asian leaders and for not standing up against their notorious regimes. Democratisation and human rights promotion were seen to be at odds with the Union’s energy policy in the region.2 This Policy Brief argues that the solution to some of these issues potentially lie in the making of strategic choices in ongoing supply contract negotiations, and a change in the way in which human rights promotion is seen to be related to the Union’s diversification efforts given the fierce competition over energy resources in the region. Copyright Holder United Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies Copyright Year 2012 Copyright type All rights reserved -
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