Gender-Based Explosions: The Nexus between Muslim Masculinities, Jihadist Islamism and Terrorism
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Author Aslam, Maleeha Title Gender-Based Explosions: The Nexus between Muslim Masculinities, Jihadist Islamism and Terrorism Publication Date 2012 Place of Publication Tokyo Publisher UNU Press Pages 316 pages Language eng Abstract First colonized and now living under political oppression, experiencing marginalization,and feeling dejection and humiliation, many Muslim men in and outside Muslim countries have no opportunities to prove themselves as "honorable" or practice "masculinity" inculturally prescribed ways. Troubled and troublesome, many turn to militant jihadistnetworks to achieve self-actualization and heroism. Terrorist networks, acting assurrogates to national liberation and antiauthoritarian movements, further complicatethese dynamics. Maleeha Aslam argues that gender is a fundamental battleground on which al Qaeda, the Taliban, and their types must be defeated. Issues of regressive radicalism, literalism, militancy, and terrorism can only be solved through people-centered interventions. Therefore, governments and civil society should promote an alternative culture of growth, self-expression, and actualization for Muslim men. To achieve sustainable counterterrorism results, Aslam recommends emphasizingmasculine behaviour within the context of Muslim tradition and expanding the scopeof required interventions beyond those confined to Islam. The book also includesempirical data from a pilot study conducted on Pakistani Muslim masculinities.
Copyright Holder UNU Copyright Year 2012 Copyright type Creative commons ISBN 9789280812084 -
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