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921 |
315 |
Ito, Mamoru (2015). 福島第1原子力発電所事故と放射線問題をめぐる情報環境 -科学技術コミュニケーションの視点から-. Fukushima Global Communication Programme Working Paper Series. United Nations University.
905 |
233 |
Herath, Srikantha, Tsusaka, Kenichi and Diwa, Johanna (2015). Assessment on the feasibility of REDD+ in Nagacadan Rice Terraces of Ifugao and its muyong forest. Rice Terrace Farming Systems Working Paper Series. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability.
838 |
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Kinsella, William J. (2015). Being “Post-Fukushima”: Divergent Understandings of Sociotechnical Risk. Fukushima Global Communication Programme Working Paper Series. United Nations University.
811 |
220 |
Meskens, Gaston (2015). Beyond Paternalism and Strategy: Understanding Radiological Risks as a Mutual Learning Experience. Fukushima Global Communication Programme Working Paper Series. United Nations University.
810 |
144 |
Herath, Srikantha, Soriano, Mario and Diwa, Johanna (2015). Bias-corrected Daily Precipitation Estimates in the Ifugao Rice Terraces under Climate Change Scenarios. Rice Terrace Farming Systems Working Paper Series. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability.
837 |
737 |
Vaughter, Philip (2016). Climate Change Education: From Critical Thinking to Critical Action. UNU-IAS Policy Brief Series. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability.
2059 |
5729 |
Yiu, Evonne, Nagata, Akira and Takeuchi, Kazuhiko, (2016). Comparative Study on Conservation of Agricultural Heritage Systems in China, Japan and Korea. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 7(3), 170-179
1276 |
1148 |
Regmi, Ram K. and Mishra, Binaya K. (2016). Current Water Quality Status of Rivers in the Kathmandu Valley. Water and Urban Initiative Working Papar Series. United Nations University.
917 |
2159 |
Herath, Srikantha, Jayaraman, Archana and Diwa, Johanna (2015). Ensuring Water Security for the sustainability of the Hani Rice Terraces, China against Climate and Land Use changes. Rice Terrace Farming Systems Working Paper Series. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability.
644 |
341 |
Azam, Monirul and Okitasari, Mahesti, (2015). Environmental Governance and National Preparedness towards 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development : A Tale of Two Countries. Global Environmental Research, 19(2), 217-224
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Kanie, Norichika, Naito, Aya, Kosaka, Mari, Motoki, Yuko, Iguchi, Masahiko and Takemoto, Kazuhiko, (2015). Evaluating Interlinkages between Human Well-being and Planetary Well-being in Proposals for the Sustainable Development Goals. Global Environmental Research, 19(2), 131-145
953 |
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Magalini, Federico, Kuehr, Ruediger and Balde, Cornelis P. (2015). eWaste in Latin America: Statistical analysis and policy recommendations. GSMA.
1425 |
1806 |
Shirabe, Masashi, Fassert, Christine and Hasegawa, Reiko (2015). From Risk Communication to Participatory Radiation Risk Assessment. Fukushima Global Communication Programme Working Paper Series. United Nations University.
617 |
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Morioka, Rika (2015). Gender Difference in Risk Perception following the Fukushima Nuclear Plant Disaster. Fukushima Global Communication Programme Working Paper Series. United Nations University.
843 |
621 |
Perko, Tanja (2015). How to Communicate about Radiological Risks? A European Perspective. Fukushima Global Communication Programme Working Paper Series. United Nations University.
707 |
270 |
Miyazaki, Makoto (2015). ICRP111と福島の現実 ―臨床医としての見解―. Fukushima Global Communication Programme Working Paper Series. United Nations University.
672 |
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Blasiak, Robert, Pacheco, Erich, Furuya, Ken, Golden, Christopher D., Jauharee, Ahmed R., Natori, Yoji, Saito, Hiroaki, Sinan, Hussein, Tanaka, Takehiro, Yagi, Nobuyuki and Yiu, Evonne, (2016). Local and regional experiences with assessing and fostering ocean health. Marine Policy, 71(September 2016), 54-59
983 |
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Hériard-Dubreuil, Gilles and Baudé, Stéphane (2015). Local Populations Facing Long-Term Consequences of Nuclear Accidents: Lessons learned from Chernobyl and Fukushima. Fukushima Global Communication Programme Working Paper Series. United Nations University.
631 |
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Blasiak, Robert, Rist, Stephan, Bonanomi, Elisabeth B. and Lannen, Anu (2016). Making the Commodity Sector Work for Developing Countries: Local Impacts, Global Links, and Knowledge Gaps. Swiss Academies Factsheets. Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences.
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Monitoring and Governance of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Asia, ed. Ito, Osamu, Ishikawa-Takashita, Eiko, Iino, Fukuya, Shibata, Yasuyuki and Morita, Masatoshi (Tokyo: United Nations University, 2016).
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Iida, Yoshihiko and Nakamura, Shinsuke (2016). Mount Hakusan Biosphere Reserve: Creating a new path for communities and nature. UNU-IAS OUIK Biocultural Diversity Series. United Nations University.
1063 |
1307 |
Sato, Akiko (2016). Nuclear Disasters and Risk Communication: Learning from Fukushima. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability.
1045 |
1261 |
Herath, Srikantha, Diwa, Johanna, Jiao, Yuanmei and Castro, Peter P. (2015). Overview of Rice Terrace Farming Systems in Hani and Ifugao: Water Management and Current Threats. Rice Terrace Farming Systems Working Paper Series. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability.
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Koyanagi, Tomoyo, Yamada, Susumu, Yonezawa, Ken-ichi, Kitagawa, Yoshiko and Ichikawa, Kaoru, (2014). Plant species richness and composition under different disturbance regimes in marginal grasslands of a Japanese terraced paddy field landscape. Applied Vegetation Science, 17(4), 636-644
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Mosneaga, Ana (2015). Restoring Livelihoods after Disasters: The Case of Fukushima’s Nuclear Evacuees. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability.
1027 |
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Kimura, Aya H. (2015). Risk Communication Programs after the Fukushima Nuclear Accident: A Comparison of Epistemic Cultures. Fukushima Global Communication Programme Working Paper Series. United Nations University.
730 |
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Oteng-Yeboah, Alfred A., Dunbar, William, Boafo, Yaw A. and Ichikawa, Kaoru, (2016). Securing biodiversity and ecosystem services in Africa: Notes from the 2015 Satoyama Initiative Regional Workshop in Accra, Ghana. Bothalia, 46(1), 1-2
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Saito, Osamu and Ichikawa, Kaoru, "Socio-ecological Systems in Paddy-Dominated Landscapes in Asian Monsoon" in Social-Ecological Restoration in Paddy-Dominated Landscapes ed. Nishikawa, Ushio and Miyashita, Tadashi (Tokyo: Springer Japan, 2014), 17-37.
893 |
Azam, Monirul, "Soil Contamination and Remediation Measures: Revisiting the Relevant Laws and Institutions" in Environmental Remediation Technologies for Metal-Contaminated Soils ed. Hasegawa, Hiroshi, Mofizur Rahman, Ismail M.D. and Rahman, Mohammad A. (Tokyo: Springer Japan, 2016), 99-124.
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Herath, Srikantha, Jayaraman, Archana and Diwa, Johanna (2015). Study of Institutional and Governance Arrangements for Achieving Water Security in the Hani Rice Terraces. Rice Terrace Farming Systems Working Paper Series. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability.
684 |
311 |
Herath, Srikantha, Soriano, Mario, Diwa, Johanna and Bucton, Bredith (2015). Surface and Groundwater Flow Response to Climatic Change in the Ifugao Rice Terraces. Rice Terrace Farming Systems Working Paper Series. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability.
745 |
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Andrade, Jose C.S. and Puppim de Oliveira, José A., (2015). The Role of the Private Sector in Global Climate and Energy Governance. Journal of Business Ethics, 130(2), 375-387
904 |
Gasparatos, Alexandros and Doll, Christopher, "Uncovering hidden trade-offs in the green economy: Biodiversity and the manufacturing, transport and renewable energy sectors" in Biodiversity in the Green Economy ed. Gasparatos, Alexandros and Willis, Katherine J. (Oxford: Taylor and Francis, 2015), 61-93.
817 |
Sato, Akiko (2015). Understanding Effective Risk Communication in the Context of a Radiological Accident. Fukushima Global Communication Programme Working Paper Series. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability.
831 |
865 |
Vaughter, Philip (2016). Unmaking Disasters: Education as a Tool for Disaster Response and Disaster Risk Reduction. UNU-IAS Policy Brief series. United Nations University.
1832 |
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Regmi, Ram K. and Mishra, Binaya K. (2016). Use of Water Quality Index in Water Quality Assessment: A Case Study in the Metro Manila. Water and Urban Initiative Working Paper Series. United Nations University.
2335 |
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