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Nehren, Udo, Arce-Mojica, Teresa, Cara Barrett, Alejandra, Cueto, Jorge, Doswald, Nathalie, Janzen, Sally, Lange, Wolfram, Ortiz-Vargas, Andrea, Pirazan-Palomar, Laura, Renaud, Fabrice G., Sandholz, Simone, Sebesvari, Zita, Sudmeier-Rieux, Karen and Walz, Yvonne, (2023). Towards a typology of nature-based solutions for disaster risk reduction. Nature-Based Solutions, 3(100057), 1-17
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Turmena, Lucas, Lusieux, Aline, Sandholz, Simone, Guerra, Flávia and Roll, Michael (2022). TUC City Profile: Recife, Brazil. Transformative Urban Coalitions City Profiles. UNU-EHS.
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Turmena, Lucas, Guerra, Flávia, Freitas, Altiere, Ramos-Galvez, Alejandra, Sandholz, Simone, Roll, Michael, Freire, Isadora and Oliveira, Millena (2024). TUC Urban Lab Profile: Alliance for the Centre of Recife, Brazil. TUC Profiles. United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security.
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Guerra, Flávia, Menezes, Monique, Turmena, Lucas, Ramos-Galvez, Alejandra, Sandholz, Simone, Roll, Michael, Alberti, Camila and Távora, Tátila (2024). TUC Urban Lab Profile: Alliance for the Residencial Edgar Gayoso, Teresina, Brazil. TUC Profiles. United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security.
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Guerra, Flávia, Nesprias, Julia, Ramos-Galvez, Alejandra, Turmena, Lucas, Sandholz, Simone, Roll, Michael, Hardoy, Jorgelina, Almansi, Florencia, Ochagavía, Macarena and Almansi, Fernando (2024). TUC Urban Lab Profile: Barrio 20, Buenos Aires, Argentina. TUC Profiles. United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security.
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Ramírez, Andrea, González Barbosa, Sabrina, Guerra, Flávia, Ramos-Galvez, Alejandra, Sandholz, Simone, Roll, Michael, Campos-Sánchez, Mariana, Enríquez-Alcaraz, Ana Iris, Villasís-Escobedo, Andrea and Pozos-Espinosa, Óscar Jair (2024). TUC Urban Lab Profile: León, Mexico. TUC Profiles. United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security.
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Roll, Michael, Romero Magallán, Marisol, Ramírez, Andrea, Guerra, Flávia, Ramos-Galvez, Alejandra, Sandholz, Simone, Campos-Sánchez, Mariana, Zubicaray, Gorka, Pozos-Espinosa, Óscar Jair, Villasís-Escobedo, Andrea and Enríquez-Alcaraz, Ana Iris (2024). TUC Urban Lab Profile: Naucalpan, Mexico. TUC Profiles. United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security.
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Fekete, Alexander, Asadzadeh, Asad, Contreras, Diana, Hamhaber, Johannes, Sandholz, Simone and Sett, Dominic, "Urban and rural interdependencies: infrastructure services" in Routledge Handbook of Environmental Hazards and Society ed. McGee, Tara K. and Penning-Rowsell, Edmund C. (Oxon & New York: Routledge, 2022), 214-229.
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Zirkl, Frank, Topfer, Tobias, Sandholz, Simone and Coy, Martin, (2017). Von Leuchttürmen und Hinterhöfen. Brasilianische Metropolen zwischen Konsolidierung und neuen Herausforderungen. Geographische Rundschau, 4/2017 16-21
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Krause, Steffen, Joel, Elena, Schaum, Christian, Baumer, Jan, Ruecker, Nadine, Wienand, Ina, Sturm, Christoph, Jahn-Muel, Bernhard, Geiger, Manuel, Fekete, Alexander, van der Heijden, Sophie, Heinzel, Christine and Sandholz, Simone, (2023). Water safety planning for healthcare facilities for extreme events. Journal Water Health, 1-20
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van der Heijden, Sophie, Cassivi, Alexandra, Mayer, Aljoscha and Sandholz, Simone, (2022). Water supply emergency preparedness and response in health care facilities: A systematic review on international evidence. Frontiers in Public Health, 1-17
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