TUC City Profile: Recife, Brazil

Turmena, Lucas, Lusieux, Aline, Sandholz, Simone, Guerra, Flávia and Roll, Michael (2022). TUC City Profile: Recife, Brazil. Transformative Urban Coalitions City Profiles. UNU-EHS.

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  • Author Turmena, Lucas
    Lusieux, Aline
    Sandholz, Simone
    Guerra, Flávia
    Roll, Michael
    Title TUC City Profile: Recife, Brazil
    Series Title Transformative Urban Coalitions City Profiles
    Volume/Issue No. 4
    Publication Date 2022-11
    Place of Publication Bonn
    Publisher UNU-EHS
    Pages 20
    Language eng
    Abstract Recife is a prominent front-runner for climate policymaking in Brazil, having formulated robust plans and strategies at the city scale. The next step is to overcome the gap between strategic planning and local action at the neighbourhood scale. Historically, urban development in Recife has been marked by social inequalities. To ensure social inclusion and justice in climate action, it is critical to open up governance structures to include bottom-up, community-based approaches and incentivize co-production of urban space between governmental and non-governmental actors. Climate action can build on opportunities to also tackle inequalities in Recife, prioritizing the most vulnerable communities. To support this goal, social indicators can be used next to traditional emissions data to assess how transformative climate action is in the city. The climate agenda should be mainstreamed into urban development in Recife, particularly in the context of upgrading informal and low-income settlements. Capacity development and awareness raising activities drawing on local expertise, knowledge and practices can facilitate that.
    Copyright Holder United Nations University
    Copyright Year 2022
    Copyright type Creative commons
    DOI 10.53324/RREP9173
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    Created: Fri, 18 Nov 2022, 17:25:37 JST by Aarti Basnyat on behalf of UNU EHS