The role of urban infrastructures for sustainable development of Andean cities
Panchi Robles, Sofia and Sandholz, Simone, "The role of urban infrastructures for sustainable development of Andean cities" in Safeguarding Mountain Social-Ecological Systems, Vol. 2: Building Transformative Resilience in Mountain Regions Worldwide ed. Schneiderbauer, Stefan, Fontanella Pisa, Paola, Shroder, John and Szarzynski, Joerg (Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2024), 43-45.
Document type:
Book Chapter
Author Panchi Robles, Sofia
Sandholz, SimoneBook Editor Schneiderbauer, Stefan
Fontanella Pisa, Paola
Shroder, John
Szarzynski, JoergChapter Title The role of urban infrastructures for sustainable development of Andean cities Book Title Safeguarding Mountain Social-Ecological Systems, Vol. 2: Building Transformative Resilience in Mountain Regions Worldwide Publication Date 2024-08-30 Place of Publication Amsterdam Publisher Elsevier Start page 43 End page 45 Language eng Abstract 17 Abstract* Enter the abstract or summary of the work in this field. (preferably under 500 words). Entries without abstract will not get picked up by Google Scholar. The Andean mountain range is home to many urban dwellers who depend on services and infrastructure that are at risk from natural hazards and climate change impacts. Over the past decades, promising future-oriented urban development strategies have been developed and implemented, linking infrastructure development to environmental protection and social justice. Based on two case studies of water and transport infrastructures in Quito and Bogotá, the potential of mountain cities to inspire global agendas and strategies toward a sustainable urban future in the face of global change is described. UNBIS Thesaurus SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
SOCIAL JUSTICEKeyword Mountain
InfrastructureCopyright Holder Elsevier Copyright Year 2024 Copyright type All rights reserved ISBN 9780443328244 DOI 10.1016/B978-0-443-32824-4.00004-3 -
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