UNU-WIDER Working Papers

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Ghosh, Nilabja (2003). Impact of Trade Liberalization on Returns from Land : A Regional Study of Indian Agriculture. UNU-WIDER. 434  
Salih, Siddig A. (1994). Impacts of Africa's Growing Debt on its Growth. UNU-WIDER. 610  
Paltsev, Sergey (2012). Implications of Alternative Mitigation Policies on World Prices for Fossil Fuels and Agricultural Products. UNU-WIDER. 477  
Arndt, Channing, Asante, Felix and Thurlow, James (2014). Implications of Climate Change for Ghana’s Economy. UNU-WIDER. 443  
Mathirajan, M., Bala Subrahmanya, Mungila Hillemane and Krishnaswamy, K. N. (2010). Importance of Technological Innovation for SME Growth : Evidence from India. UNU-WIDER. 463  
Paniccià, Renato (1996). Impoverishment, Food Consumption and Health in Central and Eastern Europe during the Transition. UNU-WIDER. 580  
Banks, Nicola (2011). Improving Donor Support for Urban Poverty Reduction : A focus on South Asia. UNU-WIDER. 360  
Manda, Damiano Kulundu (2001). Incentive Structure and Efficiency in the Kenyan Civil Service. UNU-WIDER. 389  
Salisu, Mohammed (2001). Incentive Structure, Civil Service Efficiency and the Hidden Economy in Nigeria. UNU-WIDER. 351  
Singhal, Saurabh and Pan, Yao (2015). Income and Malaria : Evidence from an agricultural intervention in Uganda. UNU-WIDER. 484  
Rankin, Neil, Burger, Rulof, Coetzee, Wicus and Kreuser, Friedrich (2015). Income and price elasticities of demand in South Africa : An application of the linear expenditure system. UNU-WIDER. 373  
Dowrick, Steve (2004). Income-based Measures of Average Well-being. UNU-WIDER. 372  
Fosu, Augustin Kwasi (2010). Income Distribution and Growth's Ability to Reduce Poverty : Evidence from Rural and Urban African Economies. UNU-WIDER. 431  
Wan, Guanghua, Wang, Jiao and Mayes, David G. (2005). Income Distribution and Labour Movement in China After WTO Membership : a CGE Analysis. UNU-WIDER. 452  
Chu, Ke-Young, Davoodi, Hamid and Gupta, Sanjeev (2000). Income Distribution and Tax, and Government Social Spending Policies in Developing Countries. UNU-WIDER. 597  
Cornia, Giovanni Andrea, Addison, Tony and Kiiski, Sampsa (2003). Income Distribution Changes and their Impact in the Post-World War II Period. UNU-WIDER. 588  
Zhang, Ping (1997). Income Distribution during the Transition in China. UNU-WIDER. 644  
Cornia, Giovanni Andrea and Addison, Tony (2001). Income Distribution Policies for Faster Poverty Reduction. UNU-WIDER. 519  
Li, Hongbin and Zhu, Yi (2006). Income, Income Inequality, and Health : Evidence from China. UNU-WIDER. 476  
Wan, Guanghua (2002). Income Inequality and Growth in Transition Economies : Are Nonlinear Models Needed?. UNU-WIDER. 368  
Wang, Xiaolu (2006). Income Inequality in China and its Influencing Factors. UNU-WIDER. 466  
Cornia, Giovanni Andrea (2015). Income Inequality in Latin America : Recent Decline and Prospects for Its Further Reduction. UNU-WIDER. 419  
Wan, Guanghua and Zhou, Zhangyue (2004). Income Inequality in Rural China : Regression-based Decomposition Using Household Data. UNU-WIDER. 528  
Lübker, Malte (2012). Income Inequality, Redistribution and Poverty : Contrasting Rational Choice and Behavioural Perspectives. UNU-WIDER. 463  
Kakwani, Nanak (1986). Income Inequality, Welfare and Poverty in a Developing Economy with Applications to Sri Lanka. UNU-WIDER. 262  
Cano, Liliana (2015). Income Mobility in Ecuador : New Evidence from Individual Income Tax Returns. UNU-WIDER. 356  
Cano, Liliana (2015). Income Mobility in Ecuador : New Evidence from Individual Income Tax Returns. UNU-WIDER. 400  
Oluwatayo, Isaac B. (2004). Income Risk and Welfare Status of Rural Households in Nigeria : Ekiti State as a Test Case. UNU-WIDER. 352  
Dercon, Stefan (2002). Income Risk, Coping Strategies and Safety Nets. UNU-WIDER. 426  
Bigsten, Arne, Mwabu, Germano, Manda, Damiano Kulundu and Wambugu, Anthony (2014). Incomes, Inequality, and Poverty in Kenya : A Long-Term Perspective. UNU-WIDER. 444  
Verbina, Inna (2003). Inconsistency in Savings Pattern : Is there an Endogeneity Bias?. UNU-WIDER. 382  
Sadoulet, Loic (2002). Incorporating Insurance Provisions in Microfinance Contracts : Learning from Visa®?. UNU-WIDER. 348  
Atkinson, Anthony Barnes (2000). Increased Income Inequality in OECD Countries and the Redistributive Impact of the Government Budget. UNU-WIDER. 523  
Akçomak, Semih (2009). Incubators as Tools for Entrepreneurship Promotion in Developing Countries. UNU-WIDER. 398  
Chakraborty, Suparna (2008). Indian Economic Growth : Lessons for the Emerging Economies. UNU-WIDER. 402  
Singh, Nirvikar (2009). India's Development Strategy : Accidents, Design and Replicability. UNU-WIDER. 370  
Subramanian, Sreenivasan (2004). Indicators of Inequality and Poverty. UNU-WIDER. 452  
de Haan, Arjan and Foa, Roberto (2014). Indices of Social Development and their Application to Africa. UNU-WIDER. 407  
Martin, Marie-Claude (2008). Individual and Collective Resources and Health in Morocco. UNU-WIDER. 432  
Alkire, Sabina and Deneulin, Séverine (2000). Individual Motivation, Its Nature, Determinants and Consequences for within group Behaviour. UNU-WIDER. 483  
Murshed, S. Mansoob (2006). Indivisibility, Fairness, Farsightedness and their Implications for Security. UNU-WIDER. 476  
Aswicahyono, Haryo, Hill, Hal and Narjoko, Dionisius (2011). Indonesian Industrialization : A Latecomer Adjusting to Crises. UNU-WIDER. 488  
Panchamukhi, V. R., Rao, V. L. and Kumar, Nagesh (1993). Indo-Sri Lanka Economic Cooperation : An Operational Programme. UNU-WIDER. 688  
Jayawardena, Lal, Ali, Liaqat and Hulugalle, Lakdasa (1993). Indo-Sri Lanka Economic Cooperation : Facilitating Trade Expansion through a Reciprocal Preference Scheme. UNU-WIDER. 683  
Ogundele, Olorunfemi O., Chete, Louis N., Adeoti, John Olatunji and Adeyinka, F. M. (2014). Industrial Development and Growth in Nigeria : Lessons and Challenges. UNU-WIDER. 489  
Chakravorty, Sanjoy and Lall, Somik V. (2004). Industrial Location and Spatial Inequality : Theory and Evidence from India. UNU-WIDER. 588  
Peres, Wilson (2011). Industrial Policies in Latin America. UNU-WIDER. 412  
Gebreeyesus, Mulu (2013). Industrial Policy and Development in Ethiopia : Evolution and Present Experimentation. UNU-WIDER. 877  
Page, John (2014). Industrial Policy in Practice : Africa’s Presidential Investors’ Advisory Councils. UNU-WIDER. 354  
Weiss, John (2011). Industrial Policy in the Twenty-First Century : Challenges for the Future. UNU-WIDER. 461