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Avanzini, Diego Bernardo (2009). Designing Composite Entrepreneurship Indicators : An Application Using Consensus PCA. UNU-WIDER. 552  
Lommelen, Tinne, den Hertog, Friso, Beck, Lien and Sluismans, Raf (2009). Designing plans for organizational development, lessons from three large-scale SME-initiatives. UNU-MERIT. 863 170
Teague, Paul (2009). Developing Ireland : Committing to Economic Openness and Building Domestic Institutional Capabilities. UNU-WIDER. 433  
Dupuy, Arnaud, Fouarge, Didier and Buligescu, Bianca (2009). Development of econometric methods to evaluate the gender pay gap using structure of earnings data. European Communities. 543 344
Tacsir, Ezequiel, "Diasporas of highly-skilled: institutionalization, experiences and opportunities" DEIP, Design and Evaluation of Innovation Policies, San Salvador, 2009/10/26-30. 512  
Belderbos, René, Leten, Bart and Suzuki, Shinya (2009). Does Excellence in Academic Research Attract Foreign R&D?. UNU-MERIT. 829 431
Molano Cruz, Giovanni (2009). Dynamique, Themes et Acteurs: Des Relations entre la Communauté Andine et l'Union Européenne. UNU Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies. 187 110
Naudé, Wim and Rossouw, Stephanie (2009). Early International Entrepreneurship in China : Extent and Determinants. UNU-WIDER. 632  
Sologon, Denisa Maria and O'Donoghue, Cathal (2009). Earnings Dynamics and Inequality among men across 14 EU countries, 1994 - 2001. Evidence from ECHP. Maastricht University. 575 240
Sologon, Denisa Maria (2009). Earnings dynamics and inequality amoung men in Luxembourg, 1988-2004: Evidence from administrative data. 519 145
Sologon, Denisa Maria and O'Donoghue, Cathal (2009). Earnings dynamics and inequality in EU, 1994-2001. n/a. 599 797
Chakraborty, Pinaki and Zhang, Yan (2009). Economic Reforms and Infrastructure Spending : Evidence from China and India. UNU-WIDER. 404  
Baghana, Rufin and Mohnen, Pierre (2009). Effectiveness of R&D Tax Incentives in Small and Large Enterprises in Québec. UNU-MERIT. 728  
Afifi, Tamer, "Egyptian water and soil : a cause for migration and security threats?" in Water scarcity, land degradation and desertification in the Mediterranean region ed. Rubio, Jose L., Safriel, Uriel N. and Daussa, Raul (Dordrecht: Springer, 2009), 131-143. 726  
Molano Cruz, Giovanni, (2009). El apoyo de la Unión Europea a los programas de desarrollo alternativo en Colombia. Cooperación para el combate contra el terrorismo y el tráfico ilícito de estupefacientes. Análisis Político, 22(66), 100-122 223  
El sistema nacional de innovación mexicano: estructuras, políticas, desempeño y desafíos, ed. Dutrenit, Gabriela, Capdeville, Mario, Corona, Juan Manuel, Puchet, Martin, Santiago-Rodriguez, Fernando and Vera Cruz, Alexandre (Mexico and Uruguay: UAM/Textual, 2009). 567  
Kimhi, Ayal (2009). Entrepreneurship and Income Inequality in Southern Ethiopia. UNU-WIDER. 482  
Amorós, José Ernesto (2009). Entrepreneurship and Quality of Institutions : A Developing-Country Approach. UNU-WIDER. 404  
Baliamoune-Lutz, Mina (2009). Entrepreneurship and Reforms in Developing Countries. UNU-WIDER. 454  
Tamvada, Jagannadha Pawan (2009). Entrepreneurship and Welfare. UNU-WIDER. 449  
Nijkamp, Peter (2009). Entrepreneurship, Development, and the Spatial Context : Retrospect and Prospect. UNU-WIDER. 401  
Thurik, A. Roy (2009). Entrepreneurship, Economic Growth and Policy in Emerging Economies. UNU-WIDER. 378  
Naudé, Wim (2009). Entrepreneurship is not a Binding Constraint on Growth and Development in the Poorest Countries. UNU-WIDER. 524  
Grote, Ulrike and Warner, Koko, (2009). Environmental change and forced migration : evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa. International Journal of Global Warming, 2(1), 17-47 577  
Kanerva, Minna, Arundel, Anthony and Kemp, René (2009). Environmental innovation: Using qualitative models to identify indicators for policy. UNU-MERIT. 876 399
Envisioning Reform: Enhancing UN Accountability in the Twenty-first Century, ed. Kuyama, Sumihiro and Fowler, Michael Ross (Tokyo: UNU Press, 2009). 1072 1445
Sologon, Denisa Maria and O'Donoghue, Cathal (2009). Equalizing or disequalizing lifetime earnings differntials? Earnings mobility in the EU: 1994 - 2001. Maastricht University. 531 97
Bogardi, Janos J., "Ethical aspects of unforeseen and extreme events management such as floods and droughts" in Water ethics ed. Llamas, Ramón M., Martinez-Cortina, Luis and Mukherji, Aditi (London: Taylor and Francis, 2009). 770 3534
European Science And Technology Policy - Towards Integration or Fragmentation?, ed. Delanghe, Henri, Muldur, Ugur and Soete, Luc (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2009). 515  
De Lombaerde, Philippe, Schulz, Michael and Pietrangeli, Giulia, "EU Support to Latin American Regionalism" in The European Union and the Rise of Regionalism: Source of Inspiration and Active Promoter / L’Union Européenne et la Montée du Régionalisme: Exemplarité et Partenariats (Brussels: Academia, Bruylant, 2009). 292  
Sindzingre, Alice and Gavin, Brigid, (2009). EU trade relations with Emerging Asia: identifying the issues. Asia Europe Journal, 7(1), 9-22 220  
Droste-Franke, Bert, Krüger, Jörg, Lingner, Stephan and Ziesemer, Thomas (2009). Explaining the lack of dynamics in the diffusion of small stationary fuel cells. UNU-MERIT. 777 634
Muñiz Castillo, Mirtha R. and Gasper, Des (2009). Exploring human autonomy effectiveness: Project logic and its effects on individual autonomy. Maastricht University. 563 291
Roelen, Keetie, Gassmann, Franziska and de Neubourg, Chris (2009). False positives or hidden dimensions - What can monetary and multidimensional measurement tell us about child poverty?. Maastricht University. 785 369
De Lombaerde, Philippe and Garay, Luis Jorge (2009). FDI Policies in Time of Conflict: The Case of Colombia. UNU Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies. 383 127
Chen, Fang and Mohnen, Pierre (2009). FDI, R&D and Innovation Output in the Chinese Automobile Industry. UNU-MERIT. 815 374
Amsden, Alice H. (2009). Firm Ownership, FOEs, and POEs. UNU-WIDER. 397  
Amsden, Alice H. (2009). Firm Ownership, FOEs, and POEs. UNU-MERIT. 466 116
Cowan, Robin, Jonard, Nicolas and Sanditov, Bulat (2009). Fits and Misfits: Technological Matching and R&D Networks. UNU-MERIT. 708 173
Filippov, Sergey and Kalotay, Kálmán (2009). Foreign Direct Investment in Times of Global Economic Crisis: Spotlight on New Europe. UNU-MERIT. 586 410
Haaland, Kirsten, Stamelos, Ioannis, Ghosh, Rishab Aiyer and Glott, Rüdiger ed. Fourth Balkan Conference in Informatics 2009/09/17-19 Thessaloniki. Thessaloniki: UNU-MERIT, 2009. 804  
Filippov, Sergey and Guimón, José (2009). From Quantity to Quality: Challenges for Investment Promotion Agencies. UNU-MERIT. 497 192
Lindert, Kathy, Shapiro, Joseph and Skoufias, Emmanuel (2009). Globalization and the Role of Public Transfers in Redistributing Income in Latin America and the Caribbean. UNU-WIDER. 403  
Shintaro Ito, Koichiro Matsuura, Hirokazu Matsuno, Konrad Osterwalder, Vigdís Finnbogadóttir, Olabiyi Yaï, Stephen May, Adama Samassékou, Hans D’Orville, Gregory Kamwendo, Yoshiki Mikami, Barbara Trudell and Hannah Vari-Bogiri (2009). Globalization & Languages: Building on Our Rich Heritage. UNESCO-UNU International Conference. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. 184 60
Mani, Sunil (2009). Growth of Knowledge-intensive Entrepreneurship in India, 1991–2007. UNU-WIDER. 386  
Ziesemer, Thomas (2009). Growth with imported resources: On the sustainability of U.S. growth and foreign debt. UNU-MERIT. 690 145
Deubzer, Otmar (2009). Guidelines and Standards for EoL Operations on e-Waste. United Nations University. 140 57
Garcia, Abraham (2009). Habit Formation, Demand and Growth through product innovation. UNU-MERIT. 492 93
Heads Up! Early Warning Systems for Climate-, Water- and Weather-Related Hazards, ed. Glantz, Michael H. (Tokyo: UNU Press, 2009). 466 296
De Lombaerde, Philippe and Vidal, Maarten, (2009). Het nieuwe Benelux-Verdrag: Wat zit erin voor Vlaanderen. EWI Review, 2(6), 42-44 257