Guidelines and Standards for EoL Operations on e-Waste

Deubzer, Otmar (2009). Guidelines and Standards for EoL Operations on e-Waste. United Nations University.

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  • Author Deubzer, Otmar
    Title Guidelines and Standards for EoL Operations on e-Waste
    Publication Date 2009
    Place of Publication Bonn
    Publisher United Nations University
    Pages 163
    Language eng
    Abstract This report comprises the following parts: • The description of legislation, standards and guidelines on general e-waste (section 2 on page 17) • The description of legislation, standards and guidelines on specific types of e-waste (chapter 3 and the following ones starting on page 98) • An analysis of specific topics addressed in legislation, standards and guidelines (chapter 10 on page 119) • The Annex lists specific definitions used in the analyzed documents, as well as the original regulation documents and additional information on the use of lead in leadfree soldered printed wiring boards.
    Keyword WEEE
    Copyright Holder United Nations University
    Copyright Year 2009
    Copyright type All rights reserved
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