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Nielsen, Morten, Rohman, Ibrahim and Lopes, Nuno, "Empirical analysis of the current digital divides since 2010" 11th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV2018), Galway, 2018/04/04-06. 606  
Pawluczuk, Alicja and Lee, JeongHyun (2021). Girls' Digital Inclusion Design and Delivery: Insights from the Field. United Nations University in Macau. 762 180
Martins, João and Al-Shekaili, Hamed, (2019). Internet and Online Governmental Services Use Divide: Evidence From Oman. Social Science Computer Review, 39(3), 469-480 534  
UNU-EGOV (2019). Measuring the margins: A global framework for digital inclusion. Digital Future Society. 1216 1910
Nielsen, Morten, Rohman, Ibrahim and Lopes, Nuno, "The Digital Divide: The Impact of Internet Price-Quality on Online Service Use in Europe since 2008" EGOV-CeDEM-ePart 2018, Krems, 2018/09/03-05. 447