Collaborative Governance in Extractive Industries in Africa, ed. Afful-Koomson, Timothy and Asubonteng, Kwabena O. (Accra: UNU-INRA, 2014).
1239 |
138 |
Wadjamsse B. Djezou (2013). Community based forest management:mitigating farmers’encroachment in protected forests in Côte d'Ivoire. UNU-INRA Working Paper. UNU-INRA.
732 |
277 |
Crossings: Journal of Migration and Culture.. London: Intellect; 2013
634 |
Crossings: Journal of Migration and Culture.. London: Intellect; 2015
578 |
Crossings: Journal of Migration and Culture.. London: Intellect; 2014
597 |
Crossings: Journal of Migration and Culture.. London: Intellect; 2014
576 |
Crossings: Journal of Migration and Culture.. London: Intellect; 2012
853 |
Crossings: Journal of Migration and Culture.. London: Intellect; 2010
703 |
Crossings: Journal of Migration and Culture.. London: Intellect; 2011
723 |
Crossings: Journal of Migration and Culture.. London: Intellect; 2012
753 |
Afful-Koomson, Timothy, Fonta, William, Frimpong, Stephen and Amoh, Nathaniel, Economic and financial analyses of small and medium food crops agro-processing firms in Ghana, ed. Nutakor, Praise (Accra: United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa, 2014).
1035 |
166 |
Kongkea, Phan, Kim, Kyoung-Woong and Hashim, Jamal H., (2014). Environmental arsenic epidemiology in the Mekong River basin of Cambodia. Environmental Research, 135 37-41
887 |
482 |
Haile, Wassie and Abay, Abebe (2014). Feeding the Soil with Local Plant Genetic Resources. Policy Brief UNU-INRA. UNU-INRA.
593 |
424 |
Government information networks - mapping electronic governance cases through public administration concepts.. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 2012
948 |
Harnessing land and water resources for improved food security and ecosystem services in Africa, ed. Oku, Effiom, Asubonteng, Kwabena O. and Nutakor, Praise (Accra: UNU-INRA, 2014).
1325 |
451 |
Nair, Parvati, Hispanic and Lusophone Women Filmmakers : Critical Discourses and Cinematic Practices, ed. Nair, Parvati and Gutiérrez-Albilla, Julien (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2012).
756 |
Baert, Francis and Zwartjes, Marieke (2014). How the European Union Can Develop its Approach towards Global Policy Networks. UNU-CRIS.
664 |
162 |
UNU in Macau
UNU-IAS Yokohama
UNU-ONY, "25 Keys to Unlock the Financial Chains of Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery" Breaking the Financial Chains Disrupting Financial Flows associated with Slavery, Human Trafficking, Forced Labour and Child Labour, New Canaan, 2017/03/30-31.
2948 |
5012 |
Lean government and platform-based governance - doing more with less.. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 2013
799 |
Nair, Parvati and Bloom, Tendayi, Migration Across Boundaries: Linking Research to Practice and Experience, (London: Routledge, 2015).
701 |
UNU-GCM ed. Migration, Literature and Intercultural Dialogue 2013/11/14 Barcelona. Barcelona: UNU-GCM, 2013.
837 |
Fosu-Mensah, Benedicta (2013). Modelling the impact of climate change on maize yield under rainfed conditions in sub-humid Ghana. UNU-INRA Working Paper. UNU-INRA.
1143 |
731 |
Nnamani, Catherine V. (2014). Nourishing the Malnourished. UNU-INRA Policy Brief. United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa.
833 |
454 |
UNU-GCM and CIDOB ed. Organising information, regulating communication / Organiser l’information, regular la communication 2012/12/12 Rabat. Barcelona: CIDOB/UNU-GCM, 2012.
970 |
269 |
UNU-GCM and CIDOB ed. Políticas de conocimiento y dinámicas interculturales: acciones, innovaciones, transformaciones / Knowledge Politics and Intercultural Dynamics: Actions, Innovations, Transformations 2012/09/14 Barcelona. Barcelona: CIDOB/UNU-GCM, 2012.
979 |
1281 |
Isikhuemen, Ekeoba Matthew (2014). Salvaging Nigeria’s Vanishing Forests. Policy Brief UNU-INRA. UNU-INRA.
681 |
222 |
Bello, Muibat O. (2014). Tackling Hidden Hunger: The Potential of Underutilised Plant Species. Policy Brief UNU-INRA. UNU-INRA.
791 |
195 |
Haque, Syed E., Rahman, Mosiur, Kawashima, Itsuko, Mutahara, Mahmuda and Sakisaka, Kayako, (2014). The effect of a school-based educational intervention on menstrual health: an intervention study among adolescent girls in Bangladesh.. BMJ Open, 4(e004607), 1-9
725 |
Pushpalal, Dinil, Rhyner, Jakob and Hossini, Vilma ed. The great eastern Japan earthquake 11 March 2011: lessons learned and research questions 11 March 2012 Bonn. Bonn: UNU-EHS, 2013.
822 |
1369 |
The Nexus of Soil, Water and Waste.. Dresden, Germany: United Nations University Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources (UNU-FLORES); 2013
1077 |
845 |
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