Collaborative Governance in Extractive Industries in Africa

Collaborative Governance in Extractive Industries in Africa, ed. Afful-Koomson, Timothy and Asubonteng, Kwabena O. (Accra: UNU-INRA, 2014).

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  • Editor Afful-Koomson, Timothy
    Asubonteng, Kwabena O.
    Title Collaborative Governance in Extractive Industries in Africa
    Publication Date 2014
    Place of Publication Accra
    Publisher UNU-INRA
    Pages 244 pages
    Language eng
    Abstract The potential for using revenues from extractive resources for inclusive growth in Africa is tremendous. However, the realisation of the transformative role that extractive industries could play in sustainable development has been elusive in most African countries. Extractive industries in most of these countries are plagued with numerous conflicts, some with serious casualties over the control, distribution, management and utilisation of the resources and revenues from extractive operations. Collaborative Governance in Extractive Industries in Africa presents the critical challenges facing extractive industries from different contexts, countries, sectors and settings. It features chapters with diverse angle of interest and analytical tools applied in examining the critical issues related particularly to mining and petroleum development in Africa. The contributors to this book have extensive academic and professional experience in policy research in the mining, oil and gas sectors in Africa and other regions. The book addresses the current gap in knowledge about appropriate governance regimes that could create the forum where the divergent interests and positions of various stakeholders of extractive resources and revenues could be handled - without any of them resorting to deadly conflicts. It presents the functionality of collaborative governance in enhancing for example, transparency, accountability, and equitable distribution of extractive revenues. Governance practitioners, policy- and decision makers could use the structures, components and procedures discussed in this book to develop training manuals, governance criteria and indicators for measuring and managing collaborative governance regime at the national and local levels. They will also find useful information about some of the critical elements that should guide the strategic implementation of the collaborative process.
    Keyword Collaborative governance
    Extractives industries
    Economics and development
    Policy and development
    Copyright Holder UNU-INRA
    Copyright Year 2014
    Copyright type All rights reserved
    ISBN 9789988633134
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    Created: Tue, 18 Feb 2014, 12:29:14 JST by Conor McTernan on behalf of UNU INRA