Community based forest management:mitigating farmers’encroachment in protected forests in Côte d'Ivoire
Wadjamsse B. Djezou (2013). Community based forest management:mitigating farmers’encroachment in protected forests in Côte d'Ivoire. UNU-INRA Working Paper. UNU-INRA.
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Sub-type Working Paper Author Wadjamsse B. Djezou Title Community based forest management:mitigating farmers’encroachment in protected forests in Côte d'Ivoire Series Title UNU-INRA Working Paper Volume/Issue No. 3 Publication Date 2013-12-31 Place of Publication Accra Publisher UNU-INRA Pages vii,24 pages Language eng Abstract Protected forests are being encroached upon by farmers, negating the efforts by forest authorities to reach an ecological equilibrium. This situation is accelerating the pace of global warming and also threatening agricultural production, on which the economy of Côte d'Ivoire depends. To address this problem, the paper investigates the factors that lead to a sustainable management of protected forests by analysing the Joint Management Policy implemented by SODEFOR, using a bio-economic model. Dynamic optimisation techniques in continuous time were used to explore the policy responses that could stimulate forest conservation and poverty reduction. The study shows that the joint management approach improved the level of forest conservation compared to the state management approach implemented so far. To achieve these, some conditions needed to be fulfilled.Firstly, the results suggest that the share of income from the exploitation of secondary products going to the local community should at least be equal to that derived from timber exploitation, since it was found that the higher the share of revenue from secondary activity, the higher the level of anti-encroachment efforts. In particular, optimal anti-encroachment efforts are obtained when ß is close to unity while α is close to zero, as this provides incentives for forest conservation, for both the local community and SODEFOR. Secondly, the paper posits that the marginal revenue from logging activities should be relatively higher than is obtained from the exploitation of secondary products; however, an absolute increase in marginal revenue from secondary activities improves the level of conservation. Finally, the study demonstrates the necessity of external financing to secure the cooperation of local communities for forest conservation, to counterbalance the effect of the forest being regarded as a public good that benefits the international community. Keyword Protected forest
Anti-encroachment efforts
Sustainable management
External financial support
Local community
Poverty reductionCopyright Holder UNU-INRA Copyright Year 2013 Copyright type All rights reserved ISBN 9789988633967 -
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