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Tonkiss, Katherine and Bloom, Tendayi, (2016). Theorising noncitizenship: concepts, debates and challenges. Citizenship Studies, 19(8), 837-852 526  
Wieben, Emilie (2016). The Post-2015 Development Agenda: How Food Loss and Waste (FLW) Reduction Can Contribute Towards Environmental Sustainability and the Achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. DNC Working Paper. United Nations University Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources (UNU-FLORES). 1554 1295
Cockayne, James, (2016). There are 45.8 million people in slavery today. Where is the ICC?. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, n/a-n/a 640  
Wan, Wilfred, (2016). The Role of Civil Society in Combating WMD Proliferation. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, n/a-n/a 409  
IGES (2016). The Satoyama Development Mechanism (SDM) 2015. Institute for Global Environmental Strategies. 432  
Bello, Valeria, (2016). The securitisation of migration in the EU: Debates since 9/11. Global Affairs, Online First 1-2 776  
von Einsiedel, Sebastian and Salih, Cale, (2016). The UN in the Era of Trump. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, n/a-n/a 416  
Depietri, Yaella, Kallis, Giorgos, Baró, Francesc and Cattaneo, Claudio, (2016). The urban political ecology of ecosystem services: The case of Barcelona. Ecological Economics, 125 83-100 571   0
The Volta River Basin: Water for Food, Economic Growth and Environment, ed. Williams, Timothy O., Mul, Marloes, Biney, Charles A, and Smakhtin, Vladimir (London: Routledge, 2016). 320  
Schuster-Wallace, Corinne J., Elliott, Susan J. and Bisung, Elijah, "The Water-Health Nexus" in Geographies of Health and Development ed. Rachel Kerr and Isaac Luginaah (New York: Routledge, 2016), 197-208. 451  
UNU-IIGH, Thrive Global :People, Planet and Participation - A Folio of Art and Text 2016 Kuching Urban Thinkers Campus / The Kuching Statement, ed. Dietrich, Uta (Kuala Lumpur: United Nations University International Institute for Global Health, 2016). 437  
Williams, Matthew, THRIVE: Health and Wellbeing in the City We Need. A Folio of Art and Text, ed. Dietrich, Uta (Kuala Lumpur: United Nations University International Institute for Global Health,, 2016). 445 107
Yazaki, Anthony and Mukherjee, Rohan, (2016). Time to follow through on India and Japan’s promises. Online, n/a-n/a 355  
von Einsiedel, Sebastian, (2016). To Bring about Security Council Reform, Aspirants for Permanent Seats will Need to Compromise. Asahi Shimbun, n/a-n/a 439  
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2016). Towards an EU Strategy for Cultural and Science Diplomacy that is integrated in the Wider Foreign and Security Policy. EL-CSID Blog, 1-1 157  
Higgott, Richard and Van Langenhove, Luk (2016). Towards an EU Strategy for International Cultural Relations: An Initial, Critical but Constructive Analysis. European Leadership in Culture, Science and Innovation Diplomacy (EL-CSID). Institute for European Studies. 239  
Balde, Cornelis P., Wang, Feng and Kuehr, Ruediger (2016). Transboundary movements of used and waste electronic and electrical equipment. United Nations University. 280 101
Kuruppu, Natasha, (2016). Turning the Tide on Urbanisation Policy in the Pacific Islands. Our World, 1-1 382  
Milan, Andrea, Oakes, Robert and Campbell, Jillian (2016). Tuvalu: Climate Change and Migration: Relationships Between Household Vulnerability, Human Mobility and Climate Change. United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security. 8479 10372
Rhyner, Jakob, "Umweltrisiken und menschliche Sicherheit im Kontext des globalen Wandels" in Internationale Sicherheit im 21. Jahrhundert. Deutschlands Internationale Verantwortung ed. Herdegen, Matthias, Kaiser, Karl and Bindenagel, James (Göttingen: V&R Academic, 2016), 169-176. 502 280
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2016). UN and EU: Partners in Security Governance?. RSIS Commentary, 3-3 171  
Bloom, Tendayi, Understanding Migrant Decisions From Sub-Saharan Africa to the Mediterranean Region, ed. Gebrewold, Belachew and Bloom, Tendayi (London: Routledge, 2016). 467  
United Nations University (2016). United Nations University Annual Report 2015. United Nations University. 82 129
UNU-IAS (2016). United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability 2015 Annual Report. United Nations University. 470 253
Vaughter, Philip (2016). Unmaking Disasters: Education as a Tool for Disaster Response and Disaster Risk Reduction. UNU-IAS Policy Brief series. United Nations University. 1832 2176
Afionis, Stavros, Stringer, Lindsay C., Favretto, Nicola, Tomei, Julia and Buckeridge, Marcos S., (2016). Unpacking Brazil’s Leadership in the Global Biofuels Arena: Brazilian Ethanol Diplomacy in Africa. Global Environmental Politics, 16(3), 127-150 409   0
Wan, Wilfred (2016). UNSCR 1540 Civil Society Forum: A Dialogue with Academia and Civil Society. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research. 411  
Lu, Xin, Wrathall, David, Sundsøy, Pål, R., Nadiruzzaman, Md, Wetter, Erik, Iqbal , Asif, Qureshi, Taimur, Tatem, Andrew, Canright, Geoffrey, Engø-Monsen, Kenth and Bengtsson, Linus, (2016). Unveiling hidden migration and mobility patterns in climate stressed regions: A longitudinal study of six million anonymous mobile phone users in Bangladesh. Global Environmental Change, 38 1-7 578  
Amrith, Megha, (2016). Urban Marginality and the Affective Lives of Migrants: Representations in Film. Third Text, 29(6), 459-472 457  
Regmi, Ram K. and Mishra, Binaya K. (2016). Use of Water Quality Index in Water Quality Assessment: A Case Study in the Metro Manila. Water and Urban Initiative Working Paper Series. United Nations University. 2335 3832
Vulnerabilidad y violencia en América Latina y el Caribe, ed. Gottsbacher, Markus and de Boer, John (Mexico: Siglo XXI, 2016). 500  
Gremillion, Paul and Avellán, Tamara (2016). Wastewater As a Resource: The Water-Waste-Energy Nexus in Sub-Saharan Africa. Policy Brief. United Nations University Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources (UNU-FLORES). 1184 1608
Effiom Oku, Nnamani, Catherine V. and Otam, Michael O. (2016). Wastewater Management: An African Vetiver Technology. United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa. 735 257
Qadir, Manzoor and Sato, Toshio, "Water reuse in Arid Zones" in Urban Water Reuse Handbook (Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2016), 867-874. 1022 842
Muggah, Robert, (2016). Where are the world’s most fragile cities?. Thomson Reuters Foundation, n/a-n/a 336  
Buskens, Ineke, "Who is it that participates?: exploring an intentional and dialogical self-concept for emancipatory participatory design" 14th Participatory Design Conference: Short Papers, Interactive Exhibitions, Workshops - Volume 2, Aarhus, 2016/08/15-19. 445   0
Hendra, John and FitzGerald, Ingrid (2016). Who Wants (To) Change? A “Theory of Change” for the UN Development System to function as a system for Relevance, Strategic Positioning and Results. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research. 407 649
Hendra, John and FitzGerald, Ingrid, (2016). Who Wants (To) Change? Making the UN Development System Fit to Support the 2030 Agenda. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, n/a-n/a 358  
Ardakanian, Reza, (2016). Why a New Water Decade is Key to Meeting the World’s Development Needs., n/a-n/a 616  
Cockayne, James, (2016). Women are Being Traded as Slaves on WhatsApp – Here’s How the UN Can Act. The Conversation, n/a-n/a 638  
Fleury, Anjali (2016). Women Migrating to Mexico for Economic Opportunities: The Need for Improved Protections and Rights. Female Agency, Mobility and Sociocultural Change (Policy Report Series 3). UNU-GCM. 396  
Fleury, Anjali (2016). Women Migrating to Mexico for Safety: The Need for Improved Protections and Rights. Female Agency, Mobility and Sociocultural Change (Policy Report Series 3). UNU-GCM. 430  
Roberts, Tony, "Women's Use of Participatory Video Technology to Tackle Gender Inequality in Zambia's ICT Sector" 8th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development, ICTD 2016, Ann Arbor, 2016/06/03-06. 627   0
Maluleke, Gavaza (2016). Women’s Voices in South-South Migration: Exposing Salient Forms of Xenophobia and Negotiated Ways of Belonging in South Africa. United Nations University. 369  
Garschagen, Matthias, Hagenlocher, Michael, Comes, Martina, Dubbert, Mirjam, Sabelfeld, Robert, Lee, Yew Jin, Grunewald, Ludwig, Lanzendörfer, Matthias, Mucke, Peter, Neuschäfer, Oliver, Pott, Simone, Post, Joachim, Schramm, Stephanie, Schumann-Bölsche, Dorit, Vandemeulebroecke, Bruno, Welle, Torsten and Birkmann, Joern (2016). World Risk Report 2016. World Risk Report. Bündnis Entwicklung Hilft and UNU-EHS. 34430 33185