Water reuse in Arid Zones

Qadir, Manzoor and Sato, Toshio, "Water reuse in Arid Zones" in Urban Water Reuse Handbook (Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2016), 867-874.

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Book Chapter

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  • Author Qadir, Manzoor
    Sato, Toshio
    Chapter Title Water reuse in Arid Zones
    Book Title Urban Water Reuse Handbook
    Publication Date 2016-01
    Place of Publication Boca Raton
    Publisher CRC Press
    Start page 867
    End page 874
    Language eng
    Abstract Water scarcity is the main driver for water recycling and reuse in countries located in arid zones. Despite multiple benefits from water recycling and reuse for the farmers and communities, there are several constraints to the collection, treatment, and safe and productive use of wastewater in agriculture. Apart from lack of supportive policies, unclear institutional arrangements, critical shortage of skilled human resources, and the public budgets in most countries for water recycling and reuse are inadequate. In addition, limited economic analysis, lack of reuse cost-recovery mechanisms, no or little value for treated wastewater, lack of awareness about the potential of water recycling and reuse, and inefficient irrigation and water management schemes are constraints to water recycling and reuse. Despite these constraints, some countries in arid zones have employed a range of conventional and nonconventional systems and have national standards and regulations in place for water recycling and reuse. Salient features of water recycling and reuse in Tunisia, Jordan, Israel, and Cyprus reveal that although each country has taken a slightly different path, policymakers in these countries consider reuse of reclaimed water an essential aspect of strategic planning and management of water and wastewater. Other countries in arid zones with similar situations can benefit from Tunisia, Jordan, Israel, and Cyprus by transforming wastewater from an environmental burden into an economic asset through aggressive implementation of water recycling and reuse programs.
    Copyright Holder Taylor & Francis
    Copyright Year 2016
    Copyright type All rights reserved
    ISBN 9781482229158
    DOI 10.1201/b19646-82
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