Ahnert, Markus, Arndt, Mandy, Barth, Matthias, Beil, Stephan, Börnick, Hilmar, Braeckevelt, Mareike, Fauler, Joachim, Fritsche, Gerold, Guenther, Edeltraud, Helm, Björn, Jaeckel, Liv, Jungmann, Dirk, Koch, Christian, Krannich, Teresa, Lucke, Norbert, Matthies, Cathleen and Minor, Lisa (2021). MikroModell: Entwicklung eines Stoffflussmodells und Leitfadens zur Emissionsminderung von Mikroschadstoffen im Hinblick auf die Wasserqualität Schlußbericht. Qucosa.
441 |
Mandpe, Ashootosh, Lakshmikanthan, Periyaswamy, Kumar, Sunil and Hettiarachchi, Hiroshan, (2019). Mining for recovery as an option for dumpsite rehabilitation: case study from Nagpur, India. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science, 1-9
238 |
Wendt-Potthoff, Katrin, Avellán, Tamara, van Emmerik, Tim, Hamester, Meike, Kirschke, Sabrina, Kitover, Danielle and Schmidt, Christian (2020). Monitoring Plastics in Rivers and Lakes: Guidelines for the Harmonization of Methodologies. United Nations Environment Programme.
551 |
Wendt-Potthoff, Katrin, Avellán, Tamara, van Emmerik, Tim, Hamester, Meike, Kirschke, Sabrina, Kitover, Danielle and Schmidt, Christian (2020). Monitoring Plastics in Rivers and Lakes: Guidelines for the Harmonization of Methodologies. United Nations Environment Programme.
425 |
Guenther, Edeltraud, Greiling, Dorothea and Elert Soares, Thiago (2021). Nichtregierungsorganisationen als Träger der ehrenamtlichen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit in Sachsen. United Nations University Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources (UNU-FLORES).
610 |
151 |
Fekete, Balázs M., Andreu, Ana, Argent, Robert, Avellán, Tamara, Birkett, Charon, Caucci, Serena, Cohen, Sagy, Dube, Timothy, Kirschke, Sabrina and Looser, Ulrich, "Observations, Monitoring and Data Management" in Handbook of Water Resources Management: Discourses, Concepts and Examples ed. Bogardi, Janos J., Gupta, Joyeeta, Nandalal, K.D.W., Salamé, Léna, van Nooijen, Ronald R. P., Kumar, Navneet, Tingsanchali, Tawatchai, Bhaduri, Anik and Kolechkina, Alla G. (Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2021), 385-442.
622 |
Reetsch, Anika, Schwärzel, Kai, Dornack, Christina, Stephene, Shadrack and Feger, Karl-Heinz, (2020). Optimising Nutrient Cycles to Improve Food Security in Smallholder Farming Families—A Case Study from Banana-Coffee-Based Farming in the Kagera Region, NW Tanzania. Sustainability, 12(21), 1-34
421 |
Reetsch, Anika, Feger, Karl-Heinz, Schwärzel, Kai, Dornack, Christina and Kapp, Gerald, (2020). Organic farm waste management in degraded banana-coffee-based farming systems in NW Tanzania. Agricultural Systems, 185 1-15
408 |
Hettiarachchi, Hiroshan, Bouma, Johan, Caucci, Serena and Zhang, Lulu, "Organic Waste Composting Through Nexus Thinking: Linking Soil and Waste as a Substantial Contribution to Sustainable Development" in Organic Waste Composting through Nexus Thinking: Practices, Policies, and Trends ed. Hettiarachchi, Hiroshan, Caucci, Serena and Schwärzel, Kai (Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2020), 1-15.
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Organic Waste Composting through Nexus Thinking: Practices, Policies, and Trends, ed. Hettiarachchi, Hiroshan, Caucci, Serena and Schwärzel, Kai (Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2020).
589 |
Hillmann, Julia and Guenther, Edeltraud, (2020). Organizational Resilience: A Valuable Construct for Management Research?. International Journal of Management Reviews, 00 1-38
965 |
Zhang, Lulu, (2020). Planting trees must be done with care – it can create more problems than it addresses. The Conversation, n/a-n/a
573 |
Nguyen, Thuy, Helm, Björn, Hettiarachchi, Hiroshan, Caucci, Serena and Krebs, Peter, (2020). Quantifying the Information Content of a Water Quality Monitoring Network Using Principal Component Analysis: A Case Study of the Freiberger Mulde River Basin, Germany. Water, 12(2), 1-20
683 |
Petrova, Tatyana A., Rudzisha, Edelina, Alekseenko, Alexey, Bech, Jaume and Pashkevich, Mariya A., (2022). Rehabilitation of Disturbed Lands with Industrial Wastewater Sludge. Minerals, 12(3), 1-19
297 |
Zhang, Lulu and Schwärzel, Kai, "Reinforce Water and Climate Co-benefits in Actions to Control Soil Erosion" in Proceedings of the Global Symposium on Soil Erosion 2019 (Rome: FAO, 2019), 458-460.
567 |
Anyaoha, Kelechi E. and Zhang, Lulu, (2021). Renewable energy for environmental protection: Life cycle inventory of Nigeria's palm oil production. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 174 1-11
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423 |
Kirschke, Sabrina, Avellán, Tamara, Benavides, Lucía, Caucci, Serena, Hahn, Angela, Müller, Andrea and Giraldo, Claudia Beatriz Rubio, (2022). Results-based management of wicked problems? Indicators and comparative evidence from Latin America. Environmental Policy and Governance, 1-14
396 |
Müller, Andrea, Avellán, Tamara and Schanze, Jochen, (2020). Risk and sustainability assessment framework for decision support in 'water scarcity – water reuse' situations. Journal of Hydrology, 591 1-15
612 |
Salleh, Atiqah F. and Hettiarachchi, Hiroshan (2022). Safe Use of Wastewater in Agriculture (SUWA): Reflecting on the Journey of Supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals since 2015. United Nations University Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources (UNU-FLORES).
404 |
Seidel, Andres, May, Nadine, Guenther, Edeltraud and Ellinger, Frank, (2021). Scenario-based Analysis of the Carbon Mitigation Potential of 6G-enabled 3D Videoconferencing in 2030. Telematics and Informatics, 64 1-15
398 |
Kosow, Hannah, Kirschke, Sabrina, Borchardt, Dietrich, Cullmann, Johannes, Guillaume, Joseph H. A., Hannah, David M., Schaub, Simon and Tosun, Jale, (2022). Scenarios of water extremes: Framing ways forward for wicked problems. Hydrological Processes, 36(2), n/a-n/a
346 |
Twisa, Sekela and Buchroithner, Manfred F., (2019). Seasonal and Annual Rainfall Variability and Their Impact on Rural Water Supply Services in the Wami River Basin, Tanzania. Water, 11(10), 1-18
261 |
Ferráns, Laura, Avellán, Tamara, Müller, Andrea, Hettiarachchi, Hiroshan, Dornack, Christina and Caucci, Serena, (2019). Selecting Sustainable Sewage Sludge Reuse Options through a Systematic Assessment Framework: Methodology and Case Study in Latin America. Journal of Cleaner Production, 242 1-12
692 |
May, Nadine and Guenther, Edeltraud, (2019). Shared benefit by Material Flow Cost Accounting in the food supply chain – The case of berry pomace as upcycled by-product of a black currant juice production. Journal of Cleaner Production, 245 1-17
628 |
Balachandran, Sanjana, Charamba, Livia V.C., Manoli, Kyriakos, Karaolia, Popi, Caucci, Serena and Fatta-Kassinos, Despo, (2021). Simultaneous inactivation of multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli and enterococci by peracetic acid in urban wastewater: Exposure-based kinetics and comparison with chlorine. Water Research, 202 1-9
547 |
Chandrasekhar, Parvathy, Kreiselmeier, Janis, Schwen, Andreas, Weninger, Thomas, Julich, Stefan, Feger, Karl-Heinz and Schwärzel, Kai, (2019). SPorDyn: A Python code for modeling the evolution of soil pore size distribution after tillage. MethodsX, 6 2118-2126
288 |
Damert, Matthias, Koep, Lisa, Guenther, Edeltraud and Morris, Jonathan, (2020). Stakeholders and socially responsible supply chain management: the moderating role of internationalization. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, n/a-n/a
613 |
San Llorente Capdevila, Anna, Kokimova, Ainur, Sinha Ray, Saunak, Avellán, Tamara, Kim, Jiwon and Kirschke, Sabrina, (2020). Success factors for citizen science projects in water quality monitoring. Science of the Total Environment, 728 1-17
648 |
Caucci, Serena, Zhang, Lulu, Locher-Krause, Karla and Hülsmann, Stephan, "Sustainable development as the ultimate target of adopting a nexus approach to resources management" in Sustainable Development and Resource Productivity. The Nexus Approaches ed. Lehmann, Harry (London: Routledge, 2020), 67-79.
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414 |
Karthe, Daniel, Reeh, Tobias, Kempf, Felix, Lee, Halim and Guenther, Edeltraud, (2021). Sustainable recovery of tourism in the post-COVID-19 world: Advocacy for a Resource Nexus perspective. Zeitschrift für Tourismuswissenschaft, 13(3), 324-332
423 |
Anyaoha, Kelechi E. and Zhang, Lulu, (2022). Technology-based comparative life cycle assessment for palm oil industry: the case of Nigeria. Environment, Development and Sustainability, n/a-n/a
554 |
Lueddeckens, Stefan, Saling, Peter and Guenther, Edeltraud, (2020). Temporal issues in life cycle assessment - a systematic review. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 25 1385-1401
780 |
Kreiselmeier, Janis, Chandrasekhar, Parvathy, Weninger, Thomas, Schwen, Andreas, Julich, Stefan, Feger, Karl-Heinz and Schwärzel, Kai, (2019). Temporal variations of the hydraulic conductivity characteristic under conventional and conservation tillage. Geoderma, 362 1-12
278 |
Loghmani, Taha, Kirschke, Sabrina, Yousefi, Ali and Liedl, Rudolf, (2022). The effect of policy incoherence on the emergence of groundwater-related subsidence phenomena: a case study from Iran. Water International, 47(2), 181-204
251 |
Roos, Nicolas, Heinicke, Xaver, Guenther, Edeltraud and Guenther, Thomas W., (2020). The Role of Environmental Management Performance in Higher Education Institutions. Sustainability, 12(2), 1-17
722 |
May, Nadine, Guenther, Edeltraud and Haller, Peer, (2020). The sustainable use of wood as a regional resource—an ecological assessment of common and new processing technologies for wood poles. Sustainability Management Forum, 27 177-201
557 |
Plewnia, Frederik and Guenther, Edeltraud, (2020). The Transition Value of Business Models for a Sustainable Energy System: The Case of Virtual Peer-to-Peer Energy Communities. Organization & Environment, 34(3), 479-503
476 |
Reetsch, Anika, Kimaro, Didas, Feger, Karl-Heinz and Schwärzel, Kai, "Traditional and Adapted Composting Practices Applied in Smallholder Banana-Coffee-Based Farming Systems: Case Studies from Kagera and Morogoro Regions, Tanzania" in Organic Waste Composting through Nexus Thinking: Practices, Policies, and Trends ed. Hettiarachchi, Hiroshan, Caucci, Serena and Schwärzel, Kai (Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2020), 165-184.
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Anyaoha, Kelechi E. and Zhang, Lulu, (2022). Transition from fossil-fuel to renewable-energy-based smallholder bioeconomy: Techno-economic analyses of two oil palm production systems. Chemical Engineering Journal Advances, 10 1-8
453 |
Müller, Andrea, Avellán, Tamara and Schanze, Jochen, (2021). Translating the ‘water scarcity – water reuse’ situation into an information system for decision-making. Sustainability Science, n/a-n/a
326 |
Kumar, Sunil, Singh, Ekta, Mishra, Rahul, Kumar, Aman and Caucci, Serena, (2021). Utilization of Plastic Wastes for Sustainable Environmental Management: A Review. ChemSusChem, 14(19), 3985-4006
389 |
Karthe, Daniel, Bogardi, Janos J. and Borchardt, Dietrich, "Water Resources Management: Integrated and Adaptive Decision Making" in Handbook of Water Resources Management: Discourses, Concepts and Examples ed. Bogardi, Janos J., Gupta, Joyeeta, Nandalal, K.D.W., Salamé, Léna, van Nooijen, Ronald R. P., Kumar, Navneet, Tingsanchali, Tawatchai, Bhaduri, Anik and Kolechkina, Alla G. (Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2021), 365-381.
507 |
Kolli, Meena Kumari, Opp, Christian, Karthe, Daniel and Kumar, Nallapaneni Manoj, (2022). Web-Based Decision Support System for Managing the Food–Water–Soil–Ecosystem Nexus in the Kolleru Freshwater Lake of Andhra Pradesh in South India. Sustainability, 14(4), 1-13
394 |
Walz, Matthias and Guenther, Edeltraud, (2020). What effects does material flow cost accounting have for companies?: Evidence from a case studies analysis. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 1-21
588 |