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Martins, João, (2022). Bond Yields Movement Similarities and Synchronization in the G7: A Time–Frequency Analysis. Journal of Business Cycle Research, 18 189-214 291  
Martins, João and Veiga, Linda, (2022). Digital government as a business facilitator. Information Economics and Policy, 60 n/a-n/a 257  
Martins, João and Meyerhoff Nielsen, Morten, "Digital Transformation of the Public Sector in the Americas: An Empirical Analysis to Identify Leapfroggers and Trends since 2003" 9th International Conference on eDemocracy & eGovernment (ICEDEG 2023), Quito, 2023/04/03-05. 128  
Martins, João and Veiga, Linda, "Electronic Government and the Ease of Doing Business" 11th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV2018), Galway, 2018/04/04-06. 636  
Tavares, António, Martins, João and Lameiras, Mariana, "Electronic Participation in a Comparative Perspective: Institutional Determinants of Performance" in Digital Government and Achieving E-Public Participation: Emerging Research and Opportunities ed. Manuel Pedro Rodríguez Bolívar and María Elicia Cortés Cediel (Pennsylvania: IGI Global, 2020), 87-123. 339  
Martins, João and Meyerhoff Nielsen, Morten, "ICT Development in the Public Sector and the Small Island States Context - Evidence from across the World" 7th International Conference on eDemocracy & eGovernment (ICEDEG 2020), Buenos Aires, 2020/04/22-24. 566  
Martins, João and Veiga, Linda, (2018). Innovations in digital government as business facilitators: implications for Portugal. Gabinete de Estratégia e Estudos: GEE (Office for Strategy and Studies), (97), 1-35 708 279
Martins, João and Al-Shekaili, Hamed, (2019). Internet and Online Governmental Services Use Divide: Evidence From Oman. Social Science Computer Review, 39(3), 469-480 614  
Tavares, António, J. Camões, Pedro and Martins, João, (2023). Joining the open government partnership initiative: An empirical analysis of diffusion effects. Government Information Quarterly, 40(2), 1-12 141  
Martins, João, Fernandes, Bruno, Rohman, Ibrahim and Veiga, Linda, "The War on Corruption: The Role of Electronic Government" EGOV-CeDEM-ePart 2018, Krems, 2018/09/03-05. 620