Digital Transformation of the Public Sector in the Americas: An Empirical Analysis to Identify Leapfroggers and Trends since 2003
Martins, João and Meyerhoff Nielsen, Morten, "Digital Transformation of the Public Sector in the Americas: An Empirical Analysis to Identify Leapfroggers and Trends since 2003" 9th International Conference on eDemocracy & eGovernment (ICEDEG 2023), Quito, 2023/04/03-05.
Document type:
Conference Publication
Sub-type Conference paper Author Martins, João
Meyerhoff Nielsen, MortenTitle Digital Transformation of the Public Sector in the Americas: An Empirical Analysis to Identify Leapfroggers and Trends since 2003 Event Series International Conference on eDemocracy & eGovernment (ICEDEG) Publication Date 2023-05 Place of Publication New York Publisher IEEE Pages 1-8 Title of Event 9th International Conference on eDemocracy & eGovernment (ICEDEG 2023) Date of Event 2023/04/03-05 Place of Event Quito Language eng Abstract Several factors influence the success of the public sector’s digital transformation. Case studies are often used in literature to study them. However, case studies usually focus on a single country or a small sample of countries, selected by convenience, geographical proximity, or even specified by the funding sources. Using data from the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, this study conducts an empirical assessment and overview of the digital transformation of the public sector in the American continent over the last two decades. The aim is two-folded: first, to use an empirical approach to identify the best practice cases within the Americas; second, to identify trends, potential improvement areas and potential success. Our analysis finds that an empirical approach to identifying and classifying countries is possible. We find that South America and the Caribbean had a more favourable evolution than Central America and North America over the last two decades. Uruguay, Costa Rica, Peru, and Argentina are the cases with the most relative progress and success in the digital transformation of their public sectors and thus warrant further analysis. Income levels, governance approaches and strategies, and stability are key explanatory factors for a thriving public sector digital transformation. UNBIS Thesaurus AMERICAS
PUBLIC SECTORKeyword digital transformation
leapfroggersCopyright Holder IEEE Copyright Year 2023 Copyright type All rights reserved ISBN 9798350324501 DOI 10.1109/ICEDEG58167.2023.10121923 -
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