Search Results (Keywords:"Economic development", Subject:"Education")

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Zamora, Bernarda and Bhalotra, Sonia R. (2006). Primary Education in India : Prospects of Meeting the MDG Target. UNU-WIDER.  5.88 380  
Masino, Serena and Niño-Zarazúa, Miguel (2015). What Works to Improve the Quality of Student Learning in Developing Countries?. UNU-WIDER.  5.88 594  
Warr, Peter (2011). Thailand’s Development Strategy and Growth Performance. UNU-WIDER.  5.73 308  
Jones, Sam (2013). Class Size Versus Class Composition : What Matters for Learning in East Africa?. UNU-WIDER.  5.72 400  
Dendir, Seife (2013). Children’s Endowment, Schooling, and Work in Ethiopia. UNU-WIDER.  5.57 385  
Moghadam, Valentine M. (1992). Development and Patriarchy : the Middle East and North Africa in Economic and Demographic Transition. UNU-WIDER.  5.57 686  
Agbor, Julius A. (2011). How Does Colonial Origin Matter for Economic Performance in Sub-Saharan Africa?. UNU-WIDER.  5.56 403  
Maurel, Mathilde and Seghir, Majda (2014). The Main Obstacles to Firms’ Growth in Senegal : Implications for the Long Run. UNU-WIDER.  5.56 333  
Reuter, Ulrich (2006). What Kind of Education Does China Need? : The Impact of Educational Attainment on Local Growth and Disparities. UNU-WIDER.  5.56 265  
Kronlid, Karin (2001). Household Welfare and Education in Urban Ethiopia. UNU-WIDER.  5.56 341  
Addison, Tony, Niño-Zarazúa, Miguel, Singhal, Saurabh and Gisselquist, Rachel M. (2015). Needs vs expediency : Poverty reduction and social development in post-conflict countries. UNU-WIDER.  5.56 670  
Asiedu, Elizabeth and Nandwa, Boaz (2007). The Impact of Foreign Aid in Education Growth : How Relevant is the Heterogeneity of Aid Flows and the Heterogeneity of Aid Recipients?. UNU-WIDER.  5.56 398  
Jäntti, Markus, Saari, Juho and Vartiainen, Juhana (2006). Growth and Equity in Finland. UNU-WIDER.  5.56 397  
Rehme, Gunther (2002). (Re)Distribution of Personal Incomes, Education and Economic Performance Across Countries. UNU-WIDER.  5.41 336  
Gundlach, Erich, Navarro de Pablo, Jose and Weisert, Natascha (2001). Education Is Good for the Poor : a Note on Dollar and Kraay (2001). UNU-WIDER.  5.41 383  
Dreher, Axel, Nunnenkamp, Peter and Thiele, Rainer (2007). Do Donors Target Aid in Line with the Millennium Development Goals? : A Sector Perspective of Aid Allocation. UNU-WIDER.  5.41 582  
Haile, Daniel T. (2005). Wealth Distribution, Lobbying and Economic Growth : Theory and Evidence. UNU-WIDER.  5.41 307  
Appleton, Simon (1997). User Fees, Expenditure Restructuring and Voucher Systems in Education. UNU-WIDER.  5.41 602  
Bhargava, Alok (2008). Globalization, Literacy Levels, and Economic Development. UNU-WIDER.  5.41 443  
Reinikka, Ritva and Svensson, Jakob (2001). Explaining Leakage of Public Funds. UNU-WIDER.  5.41 381  
Checchi, Daniele (2000). Does Educational Achievement Help to Explain Income Inequality?. UNU-WIDER.  5.41 539  
Checchi, Daniele (1999). Inequality in Income and Access to Education : A Cross-Country Analysis. UNU-WIDER.  5.41 454  
Addison, Tony and Rahman, Aminur (2001). Why is so Little Spent on Educating the Poor?. UNU-WIDER.  5.41 416  
Becchetti, Leonardo, Hasan, Iftekhar and Mavrotas, George (2005). Education, Financial Institutions, Inflation and Growth. UNU-WIDER.  5.41 548  
Baliamoune-Lutz, Mina (2002). The New Economy and Developing Countries : Assessing the Role of ICT Diffusion. UNU-WIDER.  5.41 301  
Wolf, Alison (2010). Two for the Price of One? The Contribution to Development of the New Female Elites. UNU-WIDER.  5.41 375  
Leite, Phillippe and Ferreira, Francisco H.G. (2001). The Effects of Expanding Education on the Distribution of Income in Ceará : A Microsimulation. UNU-WIDER.  5.41 297  
Blackden, Mark, Canagarajah, Sudharshan, Klasen, Stephan and Lawson, David (2006). Gender and Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa : Issues and Evidence. UNU-WIDER.  5.37 433  
Birchler, Kassandra and Michaelowa, Katharina (2013). Making Aid Work for Education in Developing Countries : an Analysis of Aid Effectiveness for Primary Education Coverage and Quality. UNU-WIDER.  5.37 478  
Williams, James and Cummings, William K. (2013). Education from the Bottom Up UNICEF’s Education Programme in Somalia. UNU-WIDER.  5.36 358