UNU-WIDER Working Papers

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Zhang, Jun (2008). China’s Economic Growth : Trajectories and Evolving Institutions. UNU-WIDER. 642  
Xing, Yuqing (2008). China’s Exports in ICT and its Impact on Asian Countries. UNU-WIDER. 607  
Jenkins, Rhys (2008). China’s Global Growth and Latin American Exports. UNU-WIDER. 604  
Knight, John (2007). China, South Africa, and the Lewis Model. UNU-WIDER. 666  
Fan, Peilei and Wan, Guanghua (2006). China's Regional Inequality in Innovation Capability, 1995-2004. UNU-WIDER. 703  
Wan, Guanghua and Wang, Yongqing (2008). China’s Trade Imbalances : The Role of FDI. UNU-WIDER. 647  
Meng, Xin, Wan, Guanghua and Gregory, Robert G. (2006). China Urban Poverty and its Contributing Factors, 1986-2000. UNU-WIDER. 597  
Hansen, Karen Tranberg (2014). Cities of Youth : Post-Millennial Cases of Mobility and Sociality. UNU-WIDER. 322  
Pieterse, Edgar (2010). Cityness and African Urban Development. UNU-WIDER. 562  
Repucci, Sarah (2012). Civil Service Reform : a Review. UNU-WIDER. 476  
Bruszt, László, Fidrmuc, Jan, Roland, Gerard and Campos, Nauro F. (2010). Civil Society, Institutional Change and the Politics of Reform : The Great Transition. UNU-WIDER. 716  
Wedel, Janine R. (2001). Clans, Cliques, and Captured States : Rethinking “Transition” in Central and Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union. UNU-WIDER. 542  
Jones, Sam (2013). Class Size Versus Class Composition : What Matters for Learning in East Africa?. UNU-WIDER. 452  
Gries, Thomas (2011). Climate and Industrial Policy in an Asymmetric World. UNU-WIDER. 395  
Arndt, Channing, Farmer, William, Strzepek, Kenneth and Thurlow, James (2011). Climate Change, Agriculture, and Food Security in Tanzania. UNU-WIDER. 568  
Arndt, Channing, Strzepek, Kenneth and Schlosser, C. Adam (2014). Climate Change and Economic Growth Prospects for Malawi : an Uncertainty Approach. UNU-WIDER. 514  
Naudé, Wim (2011). Climate Change and Industrial Policy. UNU-WIDER. 532  
Arndt, Channing, Strzepek, Kenneth, Thurlow, James and Chinowsky, Paul S. (2011). Climate Change and Infrastructure Investment in Developing Countries : the Case of Mozambique. UNU-WIDER. 552  
Drine, Imed (2011). Climate Change Compounding Risks in North Africa. UNU-WIDER. 451  
Tyner, Wallace E. and Ouraich, Ismail (2014). Climate Change Impacts on Moroccan Agriculture and the Whole Economy : An Analysis of the Impacts of the Plan Maroc Vert in Morocco. UNU-WIDER. 405  
Arndt, Channing and Thurlow, James (2013). Climate Uncertainty and Economic Development : Evaluating the Case of Mozambique to 2050. UNU-WIDER. 554  
Drine, Imed (2011). Climate Variability and Agricultural Productivity in MENA region. UNU-WIDER. 458  
Kuunibe, Naasegnibe and Nkegbe, Paul Kwame (2014). Climate Variability and Household Welfare in Northern Ghana. UNU-WIDER. 357  
Chhair, Sokty and Newman, Carol (2014). Clustering, Competition, and Spillover Effects : Evidence from Cambodia. UNU-WIDER. 394  
Navarro, Ignacio A. (2011). Cocaine Cities : Exploring the Relationship between Urban Processes and the Drug Trade in South America. UNU-WIDER. 424  
Barr, Abigail (2000). Collective Action and Bilateral Interaction in Ghanaian Entrepreneurial Networks. UNU-WIDER. 494  
Chu, Ke-Young (2001). Collective Values, Behavioural Norms, and Rules : Building Institutions for Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction. UNU-WIDER. 570  
McKay, Andrew, Cazzufi, Chiara and Perge, Emelie (2015). Commercialization in agriculture in rural Viet Nam, 2006-14. UNU-WIDER. 445  
Maizels, Alfred (1988). Commodity Instability and Developing Countries : The Debate. UNU-WIDER. 178  
Maizels, Alfred and Labys, Walter C. (1990). Commodity Price Fluctuations and Macro-economic Adjustments in the Developed Countries. UNU-WIDER. 197  
Fujii, Tomoki (2004). Commune-Level Estimation of Poverty Measures and its Application in Cambodia. UNU-WIDER. 618  
Vecernik, Jiri (1999). Communist and Transitory Income Distribution and Social Structure in the Czech Republic. UNU-WIDER. 556  
Swantz, Marja-Liisa (1997). Community and Village-Based Provision of Key Social Services : A Case Study of Tanzania. UNU-WIDER. 615  
Marconi, Daniela and Rolli, Valeria (2008). Comparative Advantage Patterns and Domestic Determinants in Emerging Countries : An Analysis with a Focus on Technology. UNU-WIDER. 673  
Gibbon, Peter and Schulpen, Lau (2002). Comparative Appraisal of Multilateral and Bilateral Approaches to Financing Private Sector Development in Developing Countries. UNU-WIDER. 515  
Wu, Yanrui (2008). Comparing Regional Development in China and India. UNU-WIDER. 659  
Kaila, Heidi (2015). Comparing the development of agricultural technology and information technology in rural Vietnam. UNU-WIDER. 421  
Moodley, Sagren (2002). Competing in the Digital Economy? : The Dynamics and Impacts of B2B E-commerce on the South African Manufacturing Sector. UNU-WIDER. 564  
Li, Kunwang, Song, Ligang and Zhao, Xingjun (2008). Component Trade and China’s Global Economic Integration. UNU-WIDER. 512  
McGillivray, Mark and Noorbakhsh, Farhad (2004). Composite Indices of Human Well-being : Past, Present, and Future. UNU-WIDER. 560  
Niininen, Petri (1998). Computers and Economic Growth in Finland. UNU-WIDER. 550  
Kramarz, Francis (1998). Computers and Labour Markets : International Evidence. UNU-WIDER. 528  
Atkinson, Anthony Barnes (2006). Concentration among the Rich. UNU-WIDER. 647  
Negre, Mario (2010). Concepts and Operationalization of Pro-Poor Growth. UNU-WIDER. 443  
Thorbecke, Erik (2004). Conceptual and Measurement Issues in Poverty Analysis. UNU-WIDER. 569  
Murshed, S. Mansoob (2001). Conditionality and Endogenous Policy Formation in a Political Setting. UNU-WIDER. 539  
Avramović, Dragoslav (1989). Conditionality : Facts, Theory and Policy. UNU-WIDER. 169  
Avramović, Dragoslav (1988). Conditionality: Facts, Theory and Policy : Contribution to the Reconstruction of the International Financial System. UNU-WIDER. 181  
Ciarli, Tommaso, Parto, Saeed and Savona, Maria (2010). Conflict and Entrepreneurial Activity in Afghanistan : Findings from the National Risk Vulnerability Assessment Data. UNU-WIDER. 477  
Shaw, Timothy (2003). Conflict and Peace-building in Africa : The Regional Dimensions. UNU-WIDER. 555