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67 |
De Lombaerde, Philippe and Lakshmi, Puri, "Introduction" in Aid for Trade, Global and Regional Perspectives, 2nd World Report on Regional Integration (Dordrecht, New York: Springer, 2009).
213 |
Christiansen, Thomas, Kirchner, Emil and Murray, Philomena, "Introduction" in The Palgrave Handbook of EU-Asia relations ed. Christiansen, Thomas, Kirchner, Emil and Murray, Philomena (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013), 1-11.
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518 |
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587 |
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301 |
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79 |
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275 |
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53 |
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186 |
De Lombaerde, Philippe, "La economía política del ingreso de Canadá al Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte (NAFTA)" in Integración asimétrica y convergencia económica en las Américas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Bogota: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2002).
191 |
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85 |
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199 |
Van Langenhove, Luk and Gharbaoui, Dalila, "Looking at the Atlantic and the Pacific from Europe" in Global governance: Crossed perceptions (Brasilia: FUNAG, 2015).
205 |
De Lombaerde, Philippe, "Los choques asimétricos y la teoría de las áreas monetarias óptimas" in Integración asimétrica y convergencia económica en las Américas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Bogota: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2002).
193 |
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277 |
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336 |
Lapadre, Lelio, De Lombaerde, Philippe and Mastronardi, Giovanni, "Medição da regionalização do comércio em África: o caso da CEDEAO" in Comércio regional e integração monetária na África Ocidentale e na Europa ed. Sohn, Rike and Oppong, Ama K. (Online: University of Bonn and West Africa Institute, 2013), 61-94.
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44 |
De Lombaerde, Philippe, Mattheis, Frank and Vanfraechem, Charlotte, "Mercosur Compared" in The Law of Mercosur (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2010).
231 |
Felício, Taniâ, "Multiregionalism and the United Nations: Implications for EU-Asia Cooperation" in Multiregionalism and Multilateralism: Asian-European Relations in a Global Context (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2006).
182 |
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59 |
Pupphavesa, Wisarn, Cuyvers, Ludo, Chaisrisawatsuk, Santi and De Lombaerde, Philippe, "Negotiating the Thailand-US Free Trade Agreement" in Asymmetric Trade Negotiations ed. Sanoussi, Bilal and De Lombaerde, Philippe (Farnham: Ashgate, 2011), n/a-n/a.
275 |
Vranckx, An, "Opgave te Colombia" in Langs de vuurlijn. De Verenigde Naties en gewapende conflicten (Leuven: Acco, 2010).
216 |
De Lombaerde, Philippe, "Optimum Currency Area Theory and Monetary Integration as a Gradual Process" in Convergence Issues in the European Union ed. Meeusen, Wim and Villaverde, José (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2002), 83-100.
237 |
54 |
Van Langenhove, Luk and Harré, Rom, "Positioning and Autobiography: Telling your Life" in Biographical Research Methods. Volume four: Disputes and Concerns in Biographical Research. (London: Sage, 2005).
237 |
Harré, Rom and Slocum-Bradley, Nikki, "Positioning and Neighborhood Groups" in The Self and Others: Positioning Individuals and Groups in Personal, Political, and Cultural Contexts ed. Harré, Rom and Moghaddam, Fathali (Westport: Praeger Publishers, 2003), n/a-n/a.
259 |
Shaw, Timothy, "Postscript: Asymmetric Trade Negotiations After the Turn-of-the-decade ‘Global’ Financial Crisis?" in Asymmetric Trade Negotiations ed. Sanoussi, Bilal and De Lombaerde, Philippe (Farnham: Ashgate, 2011), n/a-n/a.
234 |
Fioramonti, Lorenzo, "Promoting Human Rights and Democracy: A New Paradigm for the European Union" in The European Union and the Arab Spring: Promoting Democracy in the Middle East (Lanham: Lexington Books, 2012), 17-32.
717 |
De Lombaerde, Philippe, Dorrucci, Ettore, Genna, Gaspare and Mongeli, Franceso P., "Quantitative Monitoring and Comparison of Regional Integration Processes: Steps Toward Good Practise" in Elements of Regional Integration: A Multidimensional Approach (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2008), 149-179.
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306 |
Baert, Francis, "Ralph Bunch" in Verenigde Naties: Mensenwerk, 25 markante leiders (Tielt: Lannoo, 2015), n/a-n/a.
246 |
De Lombaerde, Philippe and Söderbaum, Fredrik, "Reading the Intellectual History of Regionalism" in Regionalism ed. De Lombaerde, Philippe and Söderbaum, Fredrik (London: Sage Publications, 2013), 17-48.
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83 |
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216 |
Tavares, Rodrigo and Tang, Vanessa, "Regional Economic Integration in Africa: Impediments to Progress?" in Comparative Regionalisms for Development in the 21st Century: Insights from the Global South ed. Fanta, Emmanuel, Shaw, Timothy and Tang, Vanessa (Farnham: Ashgate, 2013), 209-232.
625 |
Zwartjes, Marieke, "Regional Financing Arrangements Post-Crisis: An Emerging Role in the Global Financial Architecture?" in Regionalizing Global Crises: The Financial Crisis and New Frontiers in Regional Governance ed. Haastrup, Toni and Eun, Yong-Soo (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014), 95-110.
297 |
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528 |
Rayp, Glenn and Ronsse, Stijn, "Regional Industrialization: Determinants of Industrial Location" in An Economic History of Regional Industrialization (London and New York: Routledge, 2020), 209-228.
79 |
Iapadre, Lelio, "Regional integration agreements and the geography of world trade: Statistical indicators and empirical evidence" in Assessment and Measurement of Regional Integration ed. De Lombaerde, Philippe (London: Routledge, 2006), n/a-n/a.
251 |
Gavin, Brigid, "Regional Integration and Governance : How will the Wider Europe be Governed?" in Beyond Enlargement : Trade, Business and Investment in a Changing Europe (New York and Geneva: United Nations, 2003).
199 |
Van Langenhove, Luk and Scaramagli, Tiziana, "Regional Integration as a Response to Globalisation" in The Dark Side of Globalization (Tokyo: UNU Press, 2011).
237 |
Slocum-Bradley, Nikki, "Regional Integration, Identity and Culture" in Elements of Regional Integration (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2008).
289 |
De Lombaerde, Philippe, Costea, Ana-Cristina, Fühne, Birger and Mordonu, Aurora, "Regional Integration in the European Union: Enlargement without Constitution" in Multilateralism, Regionalism and Bilateralism in Trade and Investment. 2006 World Report on Regional Integration (Dordrecht: Springer, 2007).
296 |
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238 |
Mattheis, Frank, "Regionalism and Interregionalism in EU-Africa Relations" in The Routledge Handbook on EU-Africa Relations ed. Haastrup, Toni, Mah, Luis and Duggan, Niall (London: Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2021), 26-37.
51 |
Van Langenhove, Luk and Gatev, Ivaylo, "Regionalization and Transregional Policies" in The Oxford Handbook of Global Policy and Transnational Administration ed. Stone, Diane and Moloney, Kim (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019), 274-292.
51 |
Van Langenhove, Luk, "Regional Organisations and UN Reform: Towards a Flexible Interaction Mechanism" in Reforming Multilateralism in Post-COVID Times. For a More Regionalised Binding and Legitimate United Nations ed. Telò, Mario (Brussels: Foundation for European Progressive Studies, 2021), 118-126.
60 |