Narratives for Water, Gender, and Human Development

Singh, Pratibha, Nagabhatla, Nidhi and Naeem, Neha, "Narratives for Water, Gender, and Human Development" in Clean Water and Sanitation - Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals ed. Leal Filho, Walter, Azul, Anabela, Brandli, Luciana, Salvia, Amanda and Wall, Tony (Cham: Springer, 2021), 1-13.

Document type:
Book Chapter

  • Author Singh, Pratibha
    Nagabhatla, Nidhi
    Naeem, Neha
    Book Editor Leal Filho, Walter
    Azul, Anabela
    Brandli, Luciana
    Salvia, Amanda
    Wall, Tony
    Chapter Title Narratives for Water, Gender, and Human Development
    Book Title Clean Water and Sanitation - Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals
    Publication Date 2021
    Place of Publication Cham
    Publisher Springer
    Start page 1
    End page 13
    Language eng
    Abstract Water stress occurs when availability is restricted due to quantity and quality issues associated with water. The demand, in this case, exceeds the capacity of water available at a given point in time. The causes for water-related stress can be man-made (pollution, agriculture, overexploitation) or natural (dry spells, etc.) (Batstone et al. 2011). Gender is a social construct that outlines the various responsibilities and roles associated with women and men, and are rooted in cultural norms, familial values, as well as society at large. Sex refers to the biological characteristics associated with males and females and is different from gender. The behavior and values attached to each gender are what constructs a gender identity (UNESCO 2003). Human development is about expanding people’s choices for them to lead a fulfilling, healthy, and long life. It gives importance to human life over economic growth.
    Copyright Holder Springer
    Copyright Year 2021
    Copyright type All rights reserved
    ISBN 978331970061
    DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-70061-8_177-1
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