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 Browse by UNU Topics of Focus -> Global Health, Population and Sustainable Livelihoods -> Migration :

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Siegel, Melissa and de Neubourg, Chris (2011). A historical perspective on immigration and social protection in the Netherlands. UNU-MERIT. 1035 468
Nair, Parvati, (2013). Beirut : City of Lines. Wasafiri, 28(1), 10-12 683   0
Knight, John (2007). China, South Africa, and the Lewis Model. UNU-WIDER. 660  
Onyeiwu, Steve, Polimeni, John and Polimeni, Raluca (2007). Distributional Impact of Globalization-Induced Migration : Evidence from a Nigerian Village. UNU-WIDER. 625  
Christiaensen, Luc, Pan, Lei and Wang, Sangui (2010). Drivers of Poverty Reduction in Lagging Regions Evidence from Rural Western China. UNU-WIDER. 462  
Bloom, Tendayi and Tonkiss, Katherine, (2013). European Union and Commonwealth Free Movement : A Historical-Comparative Perspective. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 39(7), 1067-1085 637   0
Nair, Parvati, (2014). Europe Facing Cultural and Religious Diversity: The Challenges of Pluralism. IEMed Mediterranean Yearbook, 2014 n/a-n/a 691  
Bloom, Tendayi (2014). Extended report: Global Migration Governance Performance - A Decade of Change. Statelessness and Transcontinental Migration (Policy Reports Series 02). UNU-GCM. 480  
Comola, Margherita and de Mello, Luiz (2010). Fiscal Decentralization and Urbanization in Indonesia. UNU-WIDER. 424  
Naudé, Wim (2007). Geography and Development in Africa : Overview and Implications for Regional Cooperation. UNU-WIDER. 524  
Kundu, Amitabh and Kundu, Debolina (2010). Globalization and Exclusionary Urban Growth in Asian Countries. UNU-WIDER. 440  
Aguayo-Tellez, Ernesto, Muendler, Marc-Andreas and Poole, Jennifer Pamela (2008). Globalization and Formal Sector Migration in Brazil. UNU-WIDER. 523  
Shen, Wei (2010). Globalizing Shanghai : International Migration and the Global City. UNU-WIDER. 434  
Dunnewijk, Theo (2008). Global Migration of the Highly Skilled: A Tentative and Quantitative Approach. UNU-MERIT. 910 459
Leighton, Michelle, Shen, Xiaomeng and Warner, Koko (2011). Governments need to consider additional migration management policies and strategies. UNU-EHS SOURCE. UNU- EHS. 6872 557
Siegel, Melissa and Kuschminder, Katherine (2012). Highly skilled temporary return, technological change and Innovation: The Case of the TRQN Project in Afghanistan. UNU-MERIT. 938 265
Nair, Parvati, (2013). Homeward Bound? Questions on Promoting the Reintegration of Returning Migrants. UN Chronicle, L(3), n/a-n/a 740  
Iossifova, Deljana (2010). Identity and Space on the Borderland between Old and New in Shanghai : a Case Study. UNU-WIDER. 441  
Thomas-Hope, Elizabeth M. (2003). Irregular Migration and Asylum Seekers in the Caribbean. UNU-WIDER. 394  
Ferré, Céline (2011). Is Internal Migration Bad for Receiving Urban Centres? : Evidence from Brazil, 1995-2000. UNU-WIDER. 375  
Narciso, Gaia (2015). Labour and migration in rural Vietnam. UNU-WIDER. 372  
Milan, Andrea and Ho, Raul, (2013). Livelihood and migration patterns at different altitudes in the central highlands of Peru. Climate and Development, 6(1), 69-76 593  
Parthasarathy, Devanathan, Bantilan, Cynthia Serquina and Gandhi, B. Valentine Joseph (2008). Livelihood Risk from HIV in Semi-Arid Tropics of Rural Andhra Pradesh. UNU-WIDER. 460  
Michels, Anne (2011). Migration and Inheritance Practices in the Bolivian Altiplano. UNU-WIDER. 348  
Siegel, Melissa and Waidler, Jennifer (2012). Migration and multi-dimensional poverty in Moldovan communities. UNU-MERIT. 856 195
de Haan, Arjan (2006). Migration in the Development Studies Literature : Has It Come Out of Its Marginality?. UNU-WIDER. 410  
Ziesemer, Thomas (2010). Net-immigration of developing countries: The role of economic determinants, disasters, conflicts, and political instability. UNU-MERIT. 722  
UNU-GCM and CIDOB ed. Organising information, regulating communication / Organiser l’information, regular la communication 2012/12/12 Rabat. Barcelona: CIDOB/UNU-GCM, 2012. 962 264
Perlman, Janice E. (2010). Parsing the Urban Poverty Puzzle : A Multi-generational Panel Study in Rio de Janeiro’s Favelas, 1968–2008. UNU-WIDER. 390  
Landau, Loren B. (2010). Passage, Profit, Protection and the Challenge of Participation : Building and Belonging in African Cities. UNU-WIDER. 413  
Warner, Koko (2007). Perspectives on social vulnerability. UNU-EHS SOURCE. UNU- EHS. 6654 1833
UNU-GCM and CIDOB ed. Políticas de conocimiento y dinámicas interculturales: acciones, innovaciones, transformaciones / Knowledge Politics and Intercultural Dynamics: Actions, Innovations, Transformations 2012/09/14 Barcelona. Barcelona: CIDOB/UNU-GCM, 2012. 979 1259
Gradin, Carlos (2014). Poverty and Ethnicity Among Black South Africans. UNU-WIDER. 444  
Hercog, Metka and Siegel, Melissa (2011). Promoting return and circular migration of the highly skilled. UNU-MERIT. 782 352
Heston, Alan W. and Aten, Bettina (2003). Regional Output Differences in International Perspective. UNU-WIDER. 350  
Deacon, Bob and Nita, Sonja, (2013). Regional social integration and free movement across borders: the role of social policy in enabling and preventing access to social entitlements by cross-border movers. Europe and Southern Africa compared. Regions and Cohesion, 3(1), 32-61 529  
Ziesemer, Thomas (2009). Remittances, lagged dependent variables and migration stocks as determinants of migration from developing countries. UNU-MERIT. 702  
Naudé, Wim and Bezuidenhout, Henri (2012). Remittances provide resilience against disasters in Africa. UNU-MERIT. 592 176
Oliver-Smith, Anthony (2009). Sea level rise and the vulnerability of coastal peoples: responding to the local challenges of global climate change in the 21st century. UNU-EHS InterSecTions. UNU- EHS. 7283 2180
Macours, Karen and Vakis, Renos (2008). Seasonal Migration and Early Childhood Development. UNU-WIDER. 493  
Acevedo, Carlos Gerardo and Cabrera, Maynor (2012). Social Policies or Private Solidarity? : The Equalizing Role of Migration and Remittances in El Salvador. UNU-WIDER. 519  
Clor, Zaid (2014). Targeting Undocumented Migrants: Examining HB56 and the Challenges that Arise. UNU-GCM. 470 267
Bloom, Tendayi, (2015). The Business of Migration Control: Delegating Migration Control Functions to Private Actors. Global Policy, 6(2), 151-157 487   0
Pescinski, Janina (2015). The Discriminatory Effect of Restrictive Emigration Policies on Female Migrants. Female Agency, Mobility and Sociocultural Change (Policy Report Series 3). UNU-GCM. 687 211
Talha, Jalal (2014). The Displacement of Minorities in Syria and Iraq: Implications for Human Security. Statelessness and Transcontinental Migration (Policy Reports Series 02). UNU-GCM. 526 838
Gassmann, Franziska, Siegel, Melissa, Vanore, Michaella and Waidler, Jennifer (2013). The impact of migration on children left behind in Moldova. UNU-MERIT. 974 1260
Gassmann, Franziska, Siegel, Melissa, Vanore, Michaella and Waidler, Jennifer (2012). The impact of migration on elderly left behind in Moldova. UNU-MERIT. 824  
Ziesemer, Thomas (2010). The Impact of the Credit Crisis on Poor Developing Countries and the Role of China in Pulling and Crowding Us Out. UNU-MERIT. 719  
Ziesemer, Thomas (2009). The Impact of the Credit Crisis on Poor Developing Countries: Growth, worker remittances, accumulation and migration. UNU-MERIT. 780 330
Danilova, Victoria (2014). The Inclusion of Migrants in Cities: The Case of St. Petersburg. UNU-GCM. 491 709