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Brubaker, Rebecca and Druet, Dirk (2020). Back from the Brink: A Comparative Study of UN Preventive Diplomacy in West and Central Africa. United Nations University. 806 905
Day, Adam and Caus, Jessica (2020). Conflict Prevention in the Sahel: Emerging Practice Across the UN. United Nations University. 1062 980
Seymour, Claudia (2018). Cradled by Conflict: Implications for Programming. Cradled by Conflict. United Nations University. 492 3497
Day, Adam, Vanda Felbab-Brown and Haddad, Fanar, Hybrid Conflict, Hybrid Peace: How Militias and Paramilitary Groups Shape Post-Conflict Transitions, ed. Day, Adam (New York: United Nations University, 2020). 1024 2018
Passarelli, David and Day, Adam (2022). Models for Prevention: Lessons from the Sahel, Horn, and Latin America. United Nations University. 469 470
Ginkel, Hans van and Ove Jørgensen (2001). Partners in Humanitarian Crises: Conflict Prevention, Management and Resolution – Towards a Comprehensive Approach. United Nations University. 194 53
Eduardo Albrecht (2023). Predictive Technologies in Conflict Prevention: Practical and Policy Considerations for the Multilateral System. United Nations University. 241 330
Huvé, Sophie, O'Neil, Siobhan, Van Broeckhoven, Kato, Bukar, Mohammed, Badu, Fatima Yetcha Ajimi and Caus, Jessica (2022). Preventing Recruitment and Ensuring Effective Reintegration Efforts: Evidence from the Across the Lake Chad Basin to Inform Policy and Practice. MEAC Lake Chad Basin Case Study Report. United Nations University. 335 1590
Graham, Kennedy and Felício, Tânia (2005). Regional Security and Global Governance: A Proposal for a 'Regional-Global Security Mechanism' in the Light of the UN High-Level Panel's Report. Egmont Royal Institute for International Relations. 262 384
Passarelli, David and Day, Adam (2022). Stress Testing the UN’s Regional Prevention Approaches. United Nations University. 436 1023
Gowan, Richard (2021). The Security Council and Conflict Prevention. United Nations University. 419 4206