Bloom, Tendayi (2013). A historical overview of the relationship between ‘intercultural dialogue’ and associated terminology in UN-level documents in the mid to late Twentieth Century. Migration, Media and Intercultural Dialogue (Policy Reports Series 01). UNU-GCM.
768 |
295 |
Bloom, Tendayi (2013). A historical overview of the relationship between ‘intercultural dialogue’ and associated terminology in UN-level documents in the Twenty-First Century. Migration, Media and Intercultural Dialogue (Policy Reports Series 01). UNU-GCM.
736 |
248 |
Bloom, Tendayi (2013). Analyzing the phrase 'intercultural dialogue' in the six UN official languages in the UNGA Resolution 62/90 and its relation to the 'Dialogue Among Civilizations'. Migration, Media and Intercultural Dialogue (Policy Reports Series 01). UNU-GCM.
713 |
318 |
Bloom, Tendayi (2013). An analysis of the UNAOC Media Program: the ‘Global Experts’ project and the ‘Multimedia Projects and Videos on cross-cultural issues’ initiative. Migration, Media and Intercultural Dialogue (Policy Reports Series 01). UNU-GCM.
721 |
282 |
Bloom, Tendayi, (2014). Are the Swiss Really Against EU Immigration Policy?. ourworld.unu.edu, n/a-n/a
622 |
Bloom, Tendayi, (2016). Cleaning Dirty Hands? Some Thoughts on Private Companies, Migration and CSR in the European Union. Human Rights and International Legal Discourse, 8(1), n/a-n/a
575 |
Bloom, Tendayi, "Composing Theories of Justice in an Unjust World: Using a Methodology of Interdisciplinary Iterative Analysis to Examine the UK Policy of Destitution of Refused Asylum Seekers" in Migration Across Boundaries : Linking Research to Practice and Experience ed. Nair, Parvati and Bloom, Tendayi (London: Ashgate, 2015), 49-68.
558 |
Bloom, Tendayi, (2014). Coordinating the Future of International Migration Policy. ourworld.unu.edu, n/a-n/a
462 |
Bloom, Tendayi and Tonkiss, Katherine, (2013). European Union and Commonwealth Free Movement : A Historical-Comparative Perspective. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 39(7), 1067-1085
647 |
Bloom, Tendayi and Risse, Verena, (2014). Examining Hidden Coercion at State Borders: Why Carrier Sanctions Cannot be Justified. Ethics and Global Politics, 7(2), 65-82
513 |
123 |
Bloom, Tendayi (2014). Extended report: Global Migration Governance Performance - A Decade of Change. Statelessness and Transcontinental Migration (Policy Reports Series 02). UNU-GCM.
482 |
Bloom, Tendayi (2013). Extended Report: Statelessness and the delegation of migrant function to private actors. Statelessness and Transcontinental Migration (Policy Reports Series 02). UNU-GCM.
543 |
360 |
Bloom, Tendayi (2013). Immigration detention and stateless persons. Statelessness and Transcontinental Migration (Policy Reports Series 02). UNU-GCM.
539 |
392 |
Interculturalism in Times of Crisis.. New York: Wiley; 2017
743 |
Bello, Valeria and Bloom, Tendayi, (2017). Interculturalism in Times of Crisis: An Introduction. International Migration, 52(2), 5-9
684 |
Bloom, Tendayi (2015). Is the Domestic Workers Convention a Triumph for Female Migrant Agency?. Female Agency, Mobility and Sociocultural Change (Policy Report Series 3). UNU-GCM.
490 |
199 |
Bloom, Tendayi (2014). Making Migration Research Work for Migrants: The Role of the United Nations University. UNU-GCM.
468 |
102 |
Nair, Parvati and Bloom, Tendayi, Migration Across Boundaries: Linking Research to Practice and Experience, (London: Routledge, 2015).
701 |
Bloom, Tendayi (2013). Problematizing the Conventions on Statelessness. Statelessness and Transcontinental Migration (Policy Reports Series 02). UNU-GCM.
712 |
3502 |
Bloom, Tendayi, (2015). Should we be worried about the global migration arms race?. The Migrationist, n/a-n/a
423 |
Bloom, Tendayi (2013). Statement on the use of private actors in migration enforcement and the effects of this on vulnerable migrants. UN High Level Dialogue on International Migration and Development. UNU-GCM.
512 |
145 |
Bloom, Tendayi, (2015). The Business of Migration Control: Delegating Migration Control Functions to Private Actors. Global Policy, 6(2), 151-157
501 |
Bloom, Tendayi, (2016). The business of noncitizenship. Citizenship Studies, 19(8), 892-906
515 |
Bloom, Tendayi (2017). The Critical Role of Civil Society in the Development of Global Migration Governance Frameworks. United Nations University Institute on Globalization, Culture and Mobility.
469 |
McGovern, Claire, Clor, Zaid and Bloom, Tendayi, (2014). ’The Dream Lottery’ Tells the Stories of the Mediterranean Displaced’. ourworld.unu.edu, n/a-n/a
438 |
Theorising Noncitizenship.. London and New York: Taylor & Francis; 2016
567 |
Tonkiss, Katherine and Bloom, Tendayi, (2016). Theorising noncitizenship: concepts, debates and challenges. Citizenship Studies, 19(8), 837-852
526 |
Bloom, Tendayi, (2015). The Road to Dignity Beyond Status: Responding to the Secretary-General’s Synthesis Report on the Post-2015 Agenda. European Network on Statelessness Blog, n/a-n/a
424 |
Bloom, Tendayi (2013). Understanding global intercultural dialogue initiatives within the logic of state-based multiculturalism. Migration, Media and Intercultural Dialogue (Policy Reports Series 01). UNU-GCM.
446 |
293 |
Bloom, Tendayi, Understanding Migrant Decisions From Sub-Saharan Africa to the Mediterranean Region, ed. Gebrewold, Belachew and Bloom, Tendayi (London: Routledge, 2016).
467 |
Bloom, Tendayi, Tonkiss, Katherine and Cole, Phillip, Understanding Statelessness, (London and New York: Routledge, 2017).
608 |
Bloom, Tendayi, (2014). What Would it Mean to End Statelessness by 2024?. ourworld.unu.edu, n/a-n/a
412 |