Understanding global intercultural dialogue initiatives within the logic of state-based multiculturalism

Bloom, Tendayi (2013). Understanding global intercultural dialogue initiatives within the logic of state-based multiculturalism. Migration, Media and Intercultural Dialogue (Policy Reports Series 01). UNU-GCM.

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  • Sub-type Research report
    Author Bloom, Tendayi
    Title Understanding global intercultural dialogue initiatives within the logic of state-based multiculturalism
    Series Title Migration, Media and Intercultural Dialogue (Policy Reports Series 01)
    Volume/Issue No. 9
    Publication Date 2013
    Place of Publication Barcelona
    Publisher UNU-GCM
    Pages 11
    Language EN

    This report uses the lens of the state-based multiculturalism literature to provide an insight into global intercultural dialogue initiatives. It argues that the draw-backs within outdated forms of mosaic multiculturalism persist in global intercultural dialogue. It is proposed that these problems derive from a mentality of engagement that mirrors that of mosaic multiculturalism at a state level (which sees society as a mosaic of discrete cultural groups). Within the multiculturalism literature, there has already been a move away from mosaic-like forms of the theory, and it is proposed that a movement similar to that evident in the multiculturalism literature is necessary with regard to the development of further intercultural dialogue initiatives.

    Keyword Migration
    Media and intercultural dialogue
    Copyright Holder UNU-GCM
    Copyright Year 2013
    Copyright type Fair use permitted
    ISSN 23114690
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    Created: Tue, 30 Sep 2014, 17:48:24 JST