Examining Hidden Coercion at State Borders: Why Carrier Sanctions Cannot be Justified
Bloom, Tendayi and Risse, Verena, (2014). Examining Hidden Coercion at State Borders: Why Carrier Sanctions Cannot be Justified. Ethics and Global Politics, 7(2), 65-82
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Sub-type Journal article Author Bloom, Tendayi
Risse, VerenaTitle Examining Hidden Coercion at State Borders: Why Carrier Sanctions Cannot be Justified Appearing in Ethics and Global Politics Volume 7 Issue No. 2 Publication Date 2014-05-28 Place of Publication Järfälla Publisher Co-Actioon Publishing Start page 65 End page 82 Language EN Abstract Sanctions placed upon airlines and other operators transporting persons without the required paperwork are called ‘carrier sanctions’. They constitute a key example of how border control mechanisms are currently being outsourced, privatized, delegated, and moved from the border itself to new physical locations. These practices can lead to a phenomenon referred to in this paper as ‘hidden coercion’. This paper argues that, while hidden coercion is commonplace in the reality of migration policy in most states, it is so far neglected in theoretical discussions of state coercion. Moreover, the discussion of carrier sanctions demonstrates that this neglect is problematic, since hidden coercion is not justifiable even within a framework that legitimizes state border coercion. UNBIS Thesaurus UNILATERAL COERCIVE MEASURES
MIGRATIONCopyright Holder The Authors Copyright Year 2014 Copyright type All rights reserved DOI 10.3402/egp.v7.24736 -
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