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Sepúlveda, Alejandra, Schluep, Mathias, Renaud, Fabrice G., Streicher, Martin, Kuehr, Ruediger, Hagelüken, Christian and Gerecke, Andreas C., (2010). A Review of the environmental fate and effects of hazardous substances released from electrical and electronic equipment during recycling : examples from China and India. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 30 8-41 6988   0
Parajuly, Keshav, Fitzpatrick, Colin, Muldoon, Orla and Kuehr, Ruediger, (2020). Behavioral change for the circular economy: A review with focus on electronic waste management in the EU. Resources, Conservation & Recycling: X, 6(100035), 1-9 793  
Parajuly, Keshav, Fitzpatrick, Colin, Muldoon, Orla and Kuehr, Ruediger, (2020). Behavioral change for the circular economy: A review with focus on electronic waste management in the EU. Resources, Conservation & Recycling: X, 6(100035), 1-9 45 2
Kuehr, Ruediger, (2013). Book review: what is sustainable technology? perceptions, paradoxes and possibilities, edited by Karel Mulder, Didac Ferrer and Harro van Lente. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 17 897  
Kuehr, Ruediger, (2007). Environmental technologies – from misleading interpretations to an operational categorisation & definition. Journal of Cleaner Production, 15(13-14), 1316-1320 159  
Wang, Feng, Kuehr, Ruediger, Ahlquist, Daniel and Li, Jinhui (2013). E-waste in China: a country report. StEP Green Paper Series. United Nations University. 1802 21136
Magalini, Federico, Kuehr, Ruediger and Balde, Cornelis P. (2015). eWaste in Latin America: Statistical analysis and policy recommendations. GSMA. 1383 1775
Balde, Cornelis P., Kuehr, Ruediger, Blumenthal, K., Fondeur Gill, S., Kern, M., Micheli, P., E. Magpantay and Huisman, Jaco, E-waste statistics - Guidelines on classification, reporting and indicators”, United Nations University, IAS - SCYCLE, Bonn (Germany) 2015, 51 pages (ISBN Print: 978-92-808-4553-2) (with C.P. Balde, K. Blumenthal, S. Fondeur Gill, M. Kern, P. Micheli, E, (Bonn: UNU, 2015). 3225  
Forti, Vanessa, Baldé, Kees and Kuehr, Ruediger, E-waste Statistics: Guidelines on Classifications, Reporting and Indicators, second edition, (Bonn: United Nations University, 2018). 7565 14850
Parajuly, Keshav, Kuehr, Ruediger, Awasthi, Abhishek Kumar, Fitzpatrick, Colin, Lepawsky, Josh, Smith, Elisabeth, Widmer, Rolf and Zeng, Xianlai (2019). Future E-waste Scenarios. StEP Initiative, UNU ViE-SCYCLE, UNEP IETC. 5479 8962
Kuehr, Ruediger, "Global perspectives on waste electronics" in Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) handbook ed. Goodship, Vanessa and Stevels, Ah (2012), 1-16. 926  
Balde, Cornelis P. and Kuehr, Ruediger (2021). Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on E-waste in the First Three Quarters of 2020. UNU/UNITAR. 183 73
Balde, Cornelis P., Wagner, Michelle, Iattoni, Giulia and Kuehr, Ruediger (2020). In-depth review of the WEEE Collection Rates and Targets in the EU-28, Norway, Switzerland, and Iceland. UNU/UNITAR. 196 59
Varga, Márton and Kuehr, Ruediger, (2007). Integrative approaches towards Zero Emissions regional planning: synergies of concepts. Journal of Cleaner Production, 15(13-14), 1373-1381 153  
Kuehr, Ruediger, Whitla, Oliver and Wäger, Patrick (2012). International policy response towards potential supply and demand distortions of scarce metals. United Nations University. 597 145
Kuehr, Ruediger, Japan’s Transnational Environmental Policies. The Case of Environmental Technology Transfer to Newly Industrializing Countries, (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang GmbH - International Academic Publishers, 2011). 723  
Khetriwal, Deepali S., Widmer, Rolf, Kuehr, Ruediger and Huisman, Jaco, (2012). One WEEE, many species: lessons from the European experience. Waste Management and Research, 29(9), 954-962 1217   0
Brink, Hester, Lucas, Paul L., Balde, Cornelis P. and Kuehr, Ruediger (2021). Potential effects of Dutch circular economy strategies on low- and middle-income countries: the case of electrical and electronic equipment. PBL Publishers. 161  
Honda, Shunichi, Khetriwal, Deepali S. and Kuehr, Ruediger, Regional E-waste Monitor: East and Southeast Asia, (Bonn: United Nations University and Japanese Ministry of the Environment, 2016). 990 5918
Wagner, Michelle, Balde, Cornelis P., Luda di Cortemiglia, Vittoria, Nnorom, Innocent, Kuehr, Ruediger and Iattoni, Giulia (2022). Regional E-waste Monitor for Latin America: Results for the 13 countries participating in project UNIDO-GEF 5554. UNU/UNITAR. 552 399
Iattoni, Giulia, Vermeersch, Elise, Balde, Cornelis P., Nnorom, Innocent and Kuehr, Ruediger (2021). Regional E-waste Monitor for the Arab States 2021. UNU/UNITAR, ITU. 211 77
Balde, Cornelis P., Iattoni, Giulia, Luda di Cortemiglia, Vittoria, Nnorom, Innocent, Pecheniuk, Oleg and Kuehr, Ruediger (2021). Regional E-waste Monitor for the CIS + Georgia – 2021. United Nations University (UNU) / United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). 298 515
Huisman, Jaco, Magalini, Federico, Kuehr, Ruediger, Maurer, Claudia, Ogilvie, Steve, Poll, Jim, Delgado, Clara, Artim, Eniko, Szlezak, Josef and Stevels, Ab (2007). 2008 Review of Directive 2002/96 on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). United Nations University. 854 417
Kuehr, Ruediger (2021). SCYCLE’s Origins and Milestones, 1994–2021. United Nations University (UNU) / United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). 153 41
Kuehr, Ruediger (2001). Strategic Sustainable Development: A Comparison of Current Approaches. Zero Emissions Forum. United Nations University. 165 44
Robért, Karl-Henrik, Aloisi de Larderel, Jacqueline, Basile, George, Jansen, J. Leo, Kuehr, Ruediger, Price Thomas, Peter, Suzuki, Motoyuki, Hawken, Paul, Schmidt-Bleek, Bio and Wackernagel, Mathis, (2002). Strategic sustainable development - selection, design and synergies of applied tools. Journal of Cleaner Production, 10(3), 197-214 1042  
Magalini, Federico, Wang, Feng, Huisman, Jaco, Kuehr, Ruediger, Baldé, Kees, van Straalen, Vincent, Hestin, Mathieu, Lecerf, Louise, Sayman, Unal and Akpulat, Onur (2014). Study on collection rates of waste electrical and electronic equipment equipment (WEEE). European Commission. 275 73
Seyring, Nicole, Kling, Maximilian, Weißenbacher, Jakob, Hestin, Mathieu, Lecerf, Louise, Magalini, Federico, Khetriwal, Deepali S. and Kuehr, Ruediger (2015). Study on WEEE recovery targets, preparation for re-use targets and on the method for calculation of the recovery targets. European Commission. 264 88
Forti, Vanessa, Balde, Cornelis P., Kuehr, Ruediger and Bel, Garam, Suivi des déchets d'équipements électriques et électroniques à l'échelle mondiale pour 2020 : Quantités, flux et possibilités offertes par l'économie circulaire, (Bonn, Genève et Rotterdam: Université des Nations Unies/Institut des Nations Unies pour la formation et la recherche, Union internationale des télécommunications et Association internationale des déchets solides, 2020). 755 6131
Parajuly, Keshav, Ternald, Daniel and Kuehr, Ruediger (2020). The Future of Electric Vehicles and Material Resources: A Foresight Brief. United Nations University/United Nations Institute for Training and Research and United Nations Environment Programme - International Environmental Technology Centre. 449 625
Balde, Cornelis P., Wang, Feng, Kuehr, Ruediger and Huisman, Jaco, The Global E-waste Monitor 2014: Quantities, flows and resources, (Tokyo & Bonn: United Nations University, 2015). 3911  
Balde, Cornelis P., Forti, Vanessa, Gray, Vanessa, Kuehr, Ruediger and Stegmann, Paul, The Global E-waste Monitor 2017: Quantities, Flows and Resources, (Bonn, Geneva, and Vienna: United Nations University, International Telecommunication Union, and International Solid Waste Association, 2017). 10035 114209
Forti, Vanessa, Balde, Cornelis P., Kuehr, Ruediger and Bel, Garam, The Global E-waste Monitor 2020: Quantities, flows and the circular economy potential, (Bonn, Geneva and Rotterdam: United Nations University/United Nations Institute for Training and Research, International Telecommunication Union, and International Solid Waste Association, 2020). 43238 15452
Kuehr, Ruediger, (2007). Towards a sustainable society: United Nations University's Zero Emissions Approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 15(13-14), 1198-1204 147  
Luepschen, Claudia, Kuehr, Ruediger and Magalini, Federico (2013). Towards zero waste in industrial networks – policy recommendations from the ZeroWIN project. UNU Policy Brief. United Nations University. 1148 880
Balde, Cornelis P., Wang, Feng and Kuehr, Ruediger (2016). Transboundary movements of used and waste electronic and electrical equipment. United Nations University. 213 77
Kuehr, Ruediger and Magalini, Federico (2013). UNU & WHO Survey on E-waste and its Health Impact on Children. United Nations University – Institute for Sustainability & Peace. 210 43
Baldé, Kees, D'Angelo, Elena, Forti, Vanessa, Kuehr, Ruediger and van den Brink, Susan (2018). Waste Mercury Perspective: 2010-2035 From global to regional. United Nations University and United Nations Industrial Development Organiszation. 675 1117
Luepschen, Claudia, Kuehr, Ruediger and Magalini, Federico (2014). ZeroWIN: final report on policy recommendations and implications. ZeroWIN project / European Commission. 990 387